Title: The Hunt
Author: Fyre (Email)
Website: no site
Rating: G
Pairing/main characters: Wolverine/?
Series/Sequel: complete
Summary: Logan is on the hunt for some delicious prey.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters in this story but if I did, I'd invite you all over to watch the shows. *chuckles*
Date: Jan 2001
Archive/distribution: At the Fyre Pit. Anywhere else, just ask.
Notes: This is my own offering for that challenge and it's also my first X-Men fic, so please be kind. :)
The Hunt
By Fyre
Logan stalked down the hall of the mansion, every now and then pausing to sniff the air. Bobby and Warren looked at the feral man and then decided it would be for the best if they followed him and found out just what he was doing. When they finally caught up to him he was standing in the middle of the hallway, his ears almost twitching as he listened to the sounds around him.
"Hey Logan! Whatcha doin' man?" Bobby asked, laying a hand on his shoulder.
"Huntin'," the wild man answered, cocking his head to the side to listen to a sound that caught his interest.
"Oh. Well, hunting what? What could be hunting indoors?" Warren asked, leaning against the wall and looking around for an enemy that Logan might be after.
"My own special kind o' prey," Logan said, practically growling the word prey.
Bobby and Warren back away, knowing better then to interrupt their friend when he was on the hunt. They turned and walked down the hall, leaving Logan alone to his scents and sounds. He sniffed the air again, smiling as he once again caught his prey's unique scent. He closed his eyes and let the spicey, sweet smell waft over him. He tilted his head and strained his ears to catch any sound that they might be making, finally locating them in the Danger Room. He quickly made his way in that direction, dogding everyone he ran into and ignoring their 'good morning's and 'how are you's.
His sensitive ears caught the sound of the Danger Room door opening and he hurried towards the sound. He heard his prey's footfall on the floor as they made their way to the showers. Ah yes, there was the scent now, spicey, sweet, and sweaty. Logan nearly salivated as he quickened his pace to meet them at the shower room. He heard the communal shower room door open and close and smiled as he detected no other thing in it but his prey.
He slowed himself and made his silent way into the room, letting the door slip quietly shut. He could afford no chance that his hunt was unsuccessful. He would never hear the end of it. Finally, his prey came into view. He grinned at the lovely view of his prey's long lean back and tight compact ass, inching closer as he took in the long legs and supple waist. He had to stifle a chuckle as his prey started soaping itself up, completely oblivious to it's adversary.
Logan couldn't wait any longer as he watched his prey rinse the soap from that sinful body. He let out a growl and lunged, pinning the man to the side of the shower stall, not really caring that his own clothes were now soaked.
"Gotcha," grinned a very pleased with himself Logan.
His prey chuckled.
"So you did mon ami. When will I ever learn not to let my gaurd down around you," replied a very happily surprised Remy. "So, now that you 'ave me, what are you goin' to do with me?"
It was Logan's turn to chuckle.
"I eat my prey," the feral man said, lowering his head to crush his lips to the very willing Cajun in his arms.