Title: It was a dark and stormy night

Author: RabidX (rabid_x@yahoo.com)




It was a dark and stormy night 7

By RabidX


Jono played his guitar. He was angry and didn't really trust himself to be around even Remy. His best friend had left
after a day, one fucking day. All because Bobby couldn't keep it in his pants. He'd seen the hurt and humiliation in
Angelo's eyes. It wasn't due to the act of sex, but the why of it. And he wouldn't even let Jono help him.
<Because, you moron, he wanted it to be you.> Now why did that voice sound suspiciously like Monet?
Well, it hadn't been, had it? It had been Bobby and that wanker had been sorry they'd done it. Sorry he had slept
with Angelo. Sorry he'd slept with someone who had put up with Jono on his worst I-wanna-die-nothing-matters days. Who put up with him throwing everything he could get his hands on. Who held him when little pieces of himself burnt away, pain splitting his head. Who refused to let him give up and die when his powers were fading. Someone who, even thought his heart may have been breaking, told Jono he was happy for him and Remy.
Remy wanted him to see it from both sides. To understand that both Bobby and Angelo had messed up. He could see that, but dammit! Bobby was older, he should have been the one to put a stop to it before it happened!
<Oh yeah, Angelo would *love* being thought of as a kid!> Jubes this time. When did his entire mind get taken over by old teammates?
<Well you all can stuff it up yer collective arses!> Jono put his guitar down. Time to confront Bobby.
Bobby watched Angelo go from his bedroom window. Watched him just climb into an Academy car and go. He
had wanted to stop him, to try and take it all back, to say the right things. Pointless with Angelo still tight-lipped and angry.
Remy had tried to talk to him. Tried to calm him down and admonish him. Not a good combination. He'd thrown Remy back out of his room, determined not to break down in front of him. Remy was just trying to be a friend, but Bobby didn't want one right now.
The worst, absolute worst, thing about it all, was that he liked Angelo. Would have liked to have asked him out. To
have given it time to develop into something, anything, just not this sorrid mess it had become. Just one more stupid thing he'd done with his life.
*pound pound*
Bobby ignored the noise at the door. Remy would go away if he did that long enough.
~Open the bloody damn door, Drake, or I will blow it open.~ Jono snarled in Bobby's head.
"Oh goody! The Big, Bad Goth is here." Bobby said, as he opened the door.
Jono shoved him back into the room and slammed the door shut behind him.
"Watch it, Junior. You do not want to be pushing me around." Bobby said, eyes slit with anger.
~Shut it. You an' me are gonner talk about wot 'appened now.~ Jono said, pointing at Bobby.
"If I shut it how can I talk about it?" Bobby groused. "What is there to talk about?"
~There's you 'urting my friend.~ Jono said, anger making him shake a bit.
"You think I ment to?" Bobby asked, incredulous. "Shit, Jono, that was the last thing on my mind!"
~Yeah, obvious what the first was.~ Jono rolled his eyes.
"Oh nice! You didn't come to talk about it, you came to bust my chops over it!" Bobby yelled. "Go ahead! Nothing I
haven't been in here saying to myself, I'm sure! Matter of fact, lemme help you!" Bobby stalked around Jono. "I'm a
piece of shit for the way I treated him! He deserves better than some fucked up asshole like me!"
Jono blinked, totally caught off guard. This was not going the way he expected.
"I should've known better. He's a good kid and I've made him feel like a piece of crap. I am a total bastard." Bobby
wasn't shouting now. "Did I miss anything?" He faced Jono, his eyes red and wet.
~Yeah. You missed that I will smash your face in if 'e doesn't get some kind of apology from you.~ Jono said.
"Yeah. Ok. I can do that. If he will accept it." Bobby turned back to his chair. "You done?"
~Yeah.~ Jono opened the door.
"Jono, for what it's worth, I *didn't* mean it the way he thought." Bobby said to Jono's back.
Jono nodded sharply and left.
Remy peeled himself off the wall where he'd been listening to the entire thing, even Jono's part, the boy had been
projecting quite loudly. He had been on his way to talk to Jono when he'd seen him go into Bobby's room. He'd let
them have their little one-sided argument, one of many to come, he was sure. Now Jono was slouching back to the
room they shared. Remy followed.
"Jono." He said as Jono was shutting the door.
~Yah! Christ, Remy!~ Jono jumped around. He could move pretty quick, despite the clumpy boots.
Remy didn't say a word, just pulled Jono to him and held him close to his chest. Jono relaxed, a mental sigh drifting
>from him. He was beat. It took alot of energy to be angry. He'd spent most of the past few years that way, and he was so tired of it. This was just one more day that way. He couldn't stand it. Hot tears began to run down his face and soaked Remy's shirt.
Remy felt Jono's knees starting to give and helped him over to the bed. He held that fragile body to him and rocked.
Murmuring soothing sounds, he stroked the shaggy head on his chest. Jono had hurt so much, for so long, that Remy wasn't sure he would ever stop. His own tears fell on Jono's hair. He was afraid he'd have to hurt him as well, before he would stop.
<Jono, cher. Please let me help.>
<I... I don't know how.>
Remy held him tighter. There was too much confusion from Jono.
<Love you, mon petit couer. You're my world now, Jono. Not ever letting you go. No matter what.>
Jono clung to Remy, letting the soft, warm thoughts soothe him.
<Love you too, Remy.>
<I know, Jono, I know.>
Jono raised his head and looked into Remy's eyes. ~Wot's wrong with me, Remy?~
Remy wiped the remaining tears from Jono's pale face. "You're scared, hurt an' angry. It's been wearin' you down
for years, Jono. Caught up to you today."
~I... I'm so fuckin' mad at Bobby, Remy. Mad enough to want to knock 'is head off. Think I was gonna do that back
there.~ Jono looked down at his clenched hands.
"But you didn't. You let him yell at you. Caught you by surprise, didn't he?" Remy asked quietly. He hoped Jono
would think about what Bobby had been yelling, think about how miserable Bobby sounded.
~Yeah.~ Jono ran his hands through his hair. ~He said everything I was gonner say. Kinda took the wind outter me
Remy kissed his forehead. "Can I tell you somethin',cher?"
Remy took Jono's hands in his own. "I wan' you to listen to me before you say anything. You may not like Bobby, now if ever, but I know he's hurtin' as bad as Angelo is. I felt dem both. I know you wanna blame Bobby for everythin' but he's doin' dat to himself. Please, jus' let him alone for now. "
Jono bristled. He glared. He started to say something smart and saw the glint of severity in Remy's eyes. He deflated in mid-thought. Remy gave a small nod of satisfaction. Then he pulled Jono close again.
"Can I show you one thing?" Remy whispered.
~Am I gonna like it?~ Jono whispered back.
"Non, but it'll make you understand, cher."
Jono nodded weakly. Remy set his jaw and closed his eyes. It took him a moment, sorting through so many other things, to find what he wanted in his mind.
<Gimme your mind, cher.>
Jono did. And felt such a cold, hard feeling of self-loathing and recrimination, that he would have thrown up if he could. Guilt, fear and sadness fought to take hold as well. Despair, that he knew, but it wasn't his, wasn't Remy's. So foreign and frigid.
~Stop.~ He whimpered. And it did. Cut so short that he rocked.
"Dat," Remy choked out. "Was Bobby."
Jono, wide-eyed, pulled away, shaking his head. Remy's jaw was still set, his eyes bright with tears. But he looked
like a terrible angel, hard and full of grave knowledge. It scared Jono. He'd not seen Remy look so cold.
"You want t' feel Angelo? I have." Remy said, his voice hollow.
Jono shook his head violently. Why was Remy doing this?
Remy caught that and grabbed Jono's arm. "Because dis ain't about you, Jonothan Evan Starsmore. Dis is about your friend an' mine. Get it straight in your head before you throw stones."
~R... Remy... you're scarin' me.~ Jono stammered.
"I know, petit. But I will not let you do dis. I will not let you be so blinded by your own anger dat you hurt people
you should be carin' about." Remy's voice was back to whispering, a tired and saddened one. "I wanna help you an'
I wanna help dem. But, like you, I don't know how."
Jono was sobbing now, a great ragged noise in Remy's head. ~Just don't hate me!~
Remy touched Jono's face. "Nevah." And a slow tide of warmth and comfort slid over Jono. "Didn' wanna hurt you
either. Please don't be afraid no more."
Jono let himself be gathered, once again, to Remy. Gradually, he relaxed as the warmth and love continued to
pour over him. Remy's love, pain, confusion and fears were so like his. He pressed his head to Remy's neck and tried to send his own back.
<Sorry, so sorry. Please. No more hurting. I love you.>
<No more, I promise. Je t'aime. Always.>
For hours, it seemed, they lay there. Bodies and minds wrapped tight around each other. Raw nerves and jangled
feelings, pushing and grabbing. Jono didn't know, until then, how badly this whole thing was hurting Remy as well.
Remy had tried to hide it. No hiding now.
<Tired. Jus' wanna be happy.>
<Selfish. Sorry. Sleep, I'll be here.>
Jono held Remy until his mind and body relaxed and he slept.
<Yer a great git, Starsmore.> He berated himself. <Gotta pay more attention. You do *not* want to lose this.>
Angelo drove, listening to loud music, glaring at the road. This whole stupid trip had been pointless. It was supposed to be fun, not all angsty and hateful. Just hanging with Jono. Not supposed to be full of boyfriends and ex-teachers turned fuck toys. How sick was *that* anyway? It was like some crappy afterschool special. Made his head hurt, never mind his ass.
A little light on the dash flickered on. Shit, he needed to get gas. He drove a few more miles up the turnpike before he saw a place to stop. He pulled in and got out. Checking his wallet, he saw he had just enough cash for a snack and smokes. Emma had thoughtfully given him one of the gas cards, so no worry about that. He started the pump and went inside.
He ignored the stares, he was used to those, as he grabbed a soda, Twinkies and a bag of chips. He smiled his most
ingratiating smile at the startled girl behind the counter.
"Pack of Camel regs in a box too, chica." He slid the food on the counter.
"Uh..." She got them. "I'm, um, gonna need to see an ID"
"Sure thing." He pulled his out of his wallet and handed it over. After a few more um's and uh's, Angelo got his ID and change back. He smiled broadly again and went out the door.
As he got to the Academy SUV, a police car pulled slowly into the lot. Crap. Acting whatever passed as normal, he
finished his fill-up, got the receipt from the machine, and climbed in. Starting the truck, he saw the cop didn't get out of his car and go get coffee or doughnuts. He just sat behind the wheel, watching the SUV. Crap.
"Play it chill, Agne." He muttered to himself. "They just probably want the mutie to leave with no trouble."
Angelo pulled out and headed back to the turnpike.
"May I see your license and registration?"
Angelo smiled, trying not to smile so big the top of his head fell off. "Sure officer." He pulled out his wallet, got his
license and then reached over to the glove compartment. "Anything wrong?"
"We'll see. Please stay in your car." The officer said, taking the papers and heading back to his car.
Angelo sweated while the officer ran his information. He didn't have anything to hide, per se, he just hated cops.
Maybe it had something to do with being a former gang member. And this, being pulled over for no reason, made his paranoia worse. Why did he pick the xenophobic gas station?
After what seemed to be hours later, the officer came back. "This vehicle is registered to The Massachusetts Academy, one Emma Frost or Sean Cassidy."
Angelo nodded. "Yes, sir. I'm a student there. I have my student ID." He fished that out of his wallet and handed it to the officer.
The officer looked at the ID. "Do they know you have the vehicle?"
"Yes, sir. Miss. Frost knows. She gave me permission." Angelo hoped he looked the picture perfect portrait of
innocence. "I was visiting friends. I'm on my way back to the school."
The officer nodded. "Please stay in your vehicle. I'll be right back."
"Sure thing." And again Angelo sweated.
When the officer came back, he motioned to Angelo. "Please step out of the car."
"What's going on?" Angelo said, stepping out reluctantly.
"Come with me to the car please." The officer said, motioning Angelo towards the cop car.
"Am I being arrested?" Angelo asked, not moving.
"No, but dispatch can't reach anyone at the Academy to vouch for you. I'm taking you down to the station until we
can reach someone. You aren't registered on the vehicle, but it's not reported stolen. It's a... precaution." The officer said as he took Angelo's arm and carefully tried to get him to move. "I'd rather not cuff you, but I will."
Angelo let himself be led back and put in the backseat. "This is illegal, you know. No probable cause." He complained.
"Sir, you aren't registered for the car." The officer said, pulling out onto the road. "It's enough probable cause for
detention. But, like I said, you aren't being arrested, and your cooperation is appreciated."
"Bet you say that to all the mutants." Angelo grumbled.
He got no reply.
Bobby shuffled though the kitchen like a zombie. He wanted something to drink. He wanted something to eat. He was just so tired, it was starting to seem inconvenient to even move to find anything. He was staring into the fridge when the phone rang.
He fumbled it off the wall. "Xavier's Institute."
"I am looking for a Robert Drake." said a very official voice on the other end.
"This is he." Bobby said, face clouding confused, but alert now.
"Do you teach accounting classes at Massachusettes Academy, Mr. Drake?"
Bobby blinked. "Um, yes I do? Who is this?"
"This is Sergeant Banks with the State Police. Does one of your students have permission to drive a campus vehicle?"
Bobbys' mind whirled and stopped on Angelo. Oh crap. "Yes, Angelo Espinoza has permission from Emma Frost
and myself. What's going on, officer?"
"Could you describe Espinoza?"
Bobby didn't really like the man's tone. "Angelo. Yes, I can. He's about 5'10", Hispanic, black hair, dark brown eyes. Oh yeah, he's grey. Is he alright?"
"Yes, Mr. Drake, he's fine. We have him here at the station. Could you come and sign a release for him, by any
Bobby gritted his teeth. "Don't really see why he needs one, but I'll be there."
Bobby got directions to a State Police station about an hour and a half away. He couldn't believe how paranoid some
people were.
"Bet if he wasn't such an obvious mutant, they wouldn't have even stopped him." He grumbled.
Leaving a note for Remy and Jono, he grabbed his keys and headed out the door.
Angelo sat and stewed in a small room. It had a bed and a chair and there was a small barred window on the door.
Protective custody, they had said. Didn't want him to get into any trouble until his teacher came. They didn't even
leave him his smokes.
His teacher. Bobby. It was all he could think of. He didn't know where in Monaco to reach Emma nor did he know
Muir Island's phone number by heart. Besides, with both Sean and Emma out of the country, all he could think of
was Bobby. Good thing he still had the mansion's number in his wallet. He hoped Drake would come and get him out of here. With minimal fuss and no talking. He just wanted to get back to the truck and the school.
It seemed like hours since he had been put in here. He was beginning to think that Bobby hadn't been home. Or worse, told the cops he had no idea who he was. A key in the door made him look up, surprised. An officer waved him out.
Angelo walked out to the front desk. There stood Bobby, quietly arguing with the Desk Sergeant. Relief flooded him. Bobby hadn't let him down. Even though, maybe he should have, after the shit Angelo said to him. The relief turned to nervous apprehension.
"Ok, that about does it. You're free to go." The Desk Sergeant said to Angelo, handing him his things. "Maybe
you'd better head back to your teacher's house until school starts back. Keep you out of trouble."
Angelo eyed the man darkly. He opened his mouth to say something smart, when Bobby coughed. He shut his mouth and took his things.
As they walked outside, Angelo turned to Bobby. "I need a lift to the truck."
Bobby nodded. "No problem."
They started the ride off in silence, both of them smoking too much. Bobby concentrated on the road. Angelo just
looked out the window.
"So how did you get me out?" Angelo said at last.
"Still had the Teacher's ID Emma gave me. I just showed them that and told them you had come to stay the break with me, since you didn't want to go home to California." Bobby said with a shrug. "It worked."
Angelo mumbled something. "What?" Bobby asked.
"Said it must be nice to look normal."
"Yeah it's great. Make people all kindsa pissed off at you when they find out you're a mutant. You know, they make a stupid mutant joke and you freeze their shorts."
Angelo tried not to smile or snicker. He didn't want to feel better. It was one battle he lost. He grinned and looked over at Bobby. Bobby was grinning back.
"You don't really abuse your powers like that, do you?" Angelo said, trying to be severe.
"With every bad mutant joke I hear." Bobby said. "Look, um, Ange. Can we talk about last night? Without yelling at each other maybe?"
Angelo slouched down in the seat. "Don't think there's anything left to say."
"Yes there is." Bobby sighed. "Please just listen to me. I do not, in any way regret what happened last night. Only why it happened. We were drunk. We were hurting. I... I just wish we had clearer heads is all."
Angelo stared out the window, not seeing the countryside pass by. "You're not sorry for sleeping with me?" He said,
his voice so quiet as to barely be heard.
"No I'm not. I like you. I wish I had been thinking about you last night instead of me. Are you sorry for sleeping with me?" Bobby voice was equally quiet.
Angelo shook his head. He didn't trust himself to talk. Didn't trust himself to look at Bobby. He was sure if he did, he'd do something stupid like cry.
Bobby saw the Academy truck still on the side of the road. He pulled over reluctantly. Now Angelo would leave and
they'd never really have any of this resolved. As soon as he parked, Angelo jumped out of his car. Bobby got out as
Now or never. "Angelo!"
Bobby ran up to him as he was getting in the truck. Angelo stopped, halfway in. He turned and looked at Bobby. Bobby could see unshed tears sparkling in Angelo's dark eyes.
"Please, this is really stupid. Come back with me. Follow me in yours, let me have it towed back, anything. Just...
come back ok?" Bobby was sure he was sounding near hysterical. "Let's start this friendship over. I'd like to... take
you out, go to a movie or something. Play more cards. I'll even leave you alone. Just don't leave it like this."
Angelo's shoulders slumped. He looked up at Bobby's anxious face. "Ok. You win. I'll come back." Bobby face
burst into a grin. "Hey, I don't know what will happen ok, 'mano? Gimme some time."
"Time. Right. No problem." Bobby was nearly bouncing. "Can I do one thing first?"
Angelo raised an eyebrow. "What?"
"This." Bobby leaned over and kissed him, ever so lightly, on the lips.
Angelo made a small noise and kissed Bobby back. He broke and looked at Bobby again. "That was not fair."
"Sorry. Time, you wanted time. I won't do that again. I promise. Unless you ask." Bobby grinned.
"Emma's right, you are impossible." Angelo said, and climbed into the truck. "I'll drive back."
Bobby grinned all the way home.


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