Title: Black Magick

Author: Spirit Melody (kat@lsak.fsnet.co.uk) & Firesong (firesong@ukonline.co.uk)

Website: none



Black Magick 7

By Spirit Melody & Firesong


Logan sighed as he watched Remy sleep from his position on the chair beside the bed.
He'd been watching the Cajun sleep for a little over two hours. He knew Sabretooth was coming. It was a feeling, deep in his bones. They had been enemies for so long, it had become a sixth sense. It surprised him how they could ever have been friends. He didn't really remember why they fell out in the first place. Had it been over a mission? Maverick? Silverfox?
'It's too long ago, Logan, just drop it.' He grumbled to himself.
Brooding was not something he enjoyed, even though he seemed to spend most of his waking life doing it. Victor Creed could be the best person to back you up in a fight, but he wasn't really the same man he had known so long ago. He was just Sabretooth now. Mercenary for hire. Did you really want someone who could be offered a bigger cash supply in the middle of a fight?
He rose from the chair and looked out the large windows. Time to do another check of the area. He wanted to do it properly, but for Remy's sake he had to stick with window watching. Opening it slightly, he was welcomed by the warm summer breeze. The sound of the water against the quayside. Nightlife in the trees. And, so far... no sign of Creed. It was going to be a long night. He made sure all windows were locked, and made his way into the kitchen.
He surveyed the room, lighting a cigar. The Cajun had few possessions. Cupboards and refrigerator empty. Why didn't that surprise him? He suspected the Cajun hadn't been eating, and now this was proof. Something else to bring up at the meeting, and with the man himself. The only thing he managed to find, was a small quart of milk, and half a jar of some coffee.
'Carte noir? Not that the Cajun's French or anythin'.' Logan chuckled as he made himself a drink. He took a sip, and almost spat it straight in the sink.
"An' this is supposed to be coffee?"
There was more caffeine in his socks, than in this stuff. He emptied the rest of the jar in his cup and continued his check. Again his mind turned to brooding.
Besides Creed, his mind was also occupied with what Remy had revealed earlier. The kid hadn't given Rogue any sign that it was his wish to die, in fact he'd called after her, and that meant... what? That she'd tried to kill him decided she was fit to be judge, jury and executioner. Was that what the X-Men were coming to?
Where was the group of loyal team mates and friends that fought for a dream they all believed in one way or another.
'Even Chuck, probably the best of us, failed himself and the team. Guess that hasn't done much for the hope that we can do any betta.' Logan cursed the way his thoughts were going, 'Broodin' ain't my thing.' he tried to reassure himself.
And all this led to the question of what the XMen were going to do about Rogue.
' If anythin' ' Logan snorted, disgusted with the way the team was going the way they all treated Remy; so the kid had made a stupid mistake which led to dire consequences, it wasn't like he actually singularly took out all the Morlocks by himself! And none of them knew what truth there was to behind what Remy was accused of.
'I mean godsake, we don't even know who Eric the Red is.' Logan thought angrily.
'Things need ta change around here; or everythin' we've fought for is gonna be lost.'
Logan started back downstairs. Something crunched under his foot. He picked it up, and turned it over in his hand.
'A rosary? Never knew the Cajun was a catholic. Someone else who was supposed to be watchin' him, let him down.'
The chain was gold with jade and pearl stones, and a shining golden cross. Unfortunately the cross was now bent.
'Don't worry kid, I'll get this all cleaned up, and lookin' good as knew.' Logan put it in his pocket and walked over to the last window. It surprised him how late it was. It hadn't been that late when they got back; and that was only about two and a half hours ago. Long time to wait until dawn when he could actually start doing things whatever he was going to do. A good few hours before Logan could do more to protect Gambit from Creed.
Logan's nostrils flared as he sniffed in a new scent in the room. Fear. From Gumbo.
He ran downstairs to find Remy's thin form under the blanket still sleeping. But the fear was definitely coming off him. Start of a nightmare maybe, Logan realised.
His heightened senses easily heard the pain filled whimper and Remy's form shifted in the bed. Arms curled round his body protectively as he started to shudder.
Remy came about slowly. He was face down on a blanket. Not knowing where he was, he tried to move. Suddenly, strong hands grabbed at his neck and the small of his back. He struggled, trying to free himself.
As his struggles eased the hands disappeared. Instinctively he flipped over onto his back, moving quickly to a sitting position on the bed and backpeddling as far away as he could be from the person who was holding him down a few seconds ago. He registered he was still wearing same thin, grey sweatpants he was wearing when he fell into unconsciousness probably a few hours ago and his hair was still hanging loose around his shoulders and partially covering his face just as it had been then.
But he was in a different room, on a different bed. He recognised it was Sinister's room. He had been here before.
And yes, when he dared to look up he stared right back into the unreadable red eyes of Essex.
"Get away from me." Remy whispered defiantly, ever so quietly; once again lowering his head so a veil of hair hid his face. It wasn't much he could do, but he was damned if he was going to be broken completely.
"Just checking on any injuries you might have procured."
Injuries. Remy knew he had a few, as quick as they healed new ones were made. He was learning that now; he was learning many things.
Remy curled up closer as Sinister walked round nearer to him, drawing his knees closer to his chest. A single tear trickled down his thin sharp featured face and Sinister's hand gently touched his cheek. The thumb of the hand moved to the other cheekbone and Essex grasped his face, probably leaving bruises.
As the fear grew steadily stronger Logan moved to beside the bed; almost shocked speechless by the look of terror and dread which replaced the normal cocky grin that usually resided on the Cajun's features. Logan was suddenly worried whether he was learning more about Remy in the last few days than he had the last two or so years. A shaming thought.
Logan drew Remy's trembling form to his body and locked his arms around him tightly as the Cajun struggled weakly, and he whispered soothing words into Remy's ear before he felt the kid come awake in his grip with a quiet but harsh cry torn from Remy's throat.
Still not aware Remy struggled with more strength but after a few moments stopped and lay his head on Logan's shoulder, catching his breath.
Feeling the shudders still passing through Remy's body, Logan ran his fingers down the long back, tracing the contours of muscles and the prominent spine through the thin fabric of Remy's tshirt. The shudders eased off and Remy drew his head up from Logan's shoulder. Logan looked into the tired but apparently now content fiery gaze and wondered what other people saw there. Demon eyes most people called them, including Remy himself, but Logan thought they were damn beautiful. Logan brought his hand up to Remy's face, carefully wiping away the streaks of a few fallen tears which had been shed a few moments ago; and he couldn't stop himself from doing what he was about to do.
Their faces were only a matter of maybe two inches away and slowly Logan got rid of that gap, bringing his face closer to Remy's. His lips touched the Cajun's ever so gently at first; then with more passion as he felt Remy respond. He marvelled at the pure velvet softness his lips captured and he moved his hand through Remy's silky hair as the Cajun opened his mouth, allowing Logan's tongue to explore, drowning in the powerful sensations of what Logan was doing.
The Canadian's hands moved under Remy's shirt. His skin was soft like a baby's. No flaws. His kiss was magical to Logan's senses. It was intoxicating. He didn't want to stop. He wanted to take it further, all the way. His more animalistic side growled contentively.
Remy pulled Logan closer. The feel of his rough hands over his stomach. His ribs. The small growl Logan made, reverberated against his chest, making him squirm. 'Dis feels so damn good.' Remy thought as Logan's hands trailed down his back.
Logan resisted the urge to push the Cajun back down on the bed. His jeans were getting very uncomfortable.
'What the hell you doin'? The kid's just had a bad nightmare, and ya takin' advantage of him. Just get out and get some fresh air.' Logan berated himself. Just as Remy was about to break for much needed air, Logan broke the kiss and disappeared from the room.
The Cajun looked confused, and tried to grab for Logan, but was too slow. 'I don' understan'.' He reached out with his spatial awareness, one of a few abilities the XMen didn't know he possessed. Logan was only in the next room so Remy withdrew his searching, satisfied that nothing weird was happening. 'I must've done somet'ing wrong.' He was convinced that Wolverine would probably leave now; he wished he could get the chance to say sorry before Logan did. 'It must've been de charm. I know I don' always keep control of it wit' de nightmares. "Logan would never want you anyway."' His more pessimistic side was back. Remy pushed it away.
'Dieu! Will Logan ever talk t' me again?' Remy didn't like the possibility that he wouldn't, Logan was probably the only friend he had here and he so hoped that that kiss was something Wolverine wanted to do, not something Remy's charm made him do.
He checked his charm again. Nothing. It was locked away, where it wouldn't affect anyone. He climbed back under the comforters. Logan would be back in any minute to tell him that what happened was a mistake. As soon as he laid his head on the pillow, his eyes felt so heavy, which wasn't surprising really. Remy couldn't say truthfully that he had gotten more than ten hours sleep the past week or so.
His usual nightmares had come back double force after Antarctica. God, Antarctica, a place he really didn't want to think about. He almost died there after all; but what troubled him maybe even more than that was the fact that he couldn't remember how he'd gotten out, how he'd survived. It was just one long black stretch in his memory.
He pulled the covers up under his neck. His knees tight against his chest. He wanted to stay awake, to apologise but it was no good. Closing his eyes, he fell asleep almost immediately.
"You idiot." Logan sat down on the couch. He'd just kissed Remy. It was wrong but he'd wanted to. He did and he'd really, really enjoyed it.
But why did he want to in the first place? Granted the kid's better looking than half the women Logan knew; but looks didn't just do it for him.
He'd fucked people who were good looking, but he only kissed the ones he loved.
He knew the answer, knew it plainly as he listened to the even breathing in the next room.
'Damn kid, I'm fallin' for ya.'


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