Halogen track system


Halogen track system

A signal is a mechanical or electrical device that indicates to train drivers or engineers information about the state of the line ahead, and therefore whether he or she must stop or may start, or instructions on what speed the train may go.

Semaphore railway signals at the National Railway Museum, York

Aspect and indication

A British lower-quadrant semaphore home signal with calling-on arm below.

Signals have aspects and indications. The aspect is the visual appearance of the signal; the indication is the meaning. In American practice the indications have conventional names, so that for instance "Medium Approach" means "Proceed at not exceeding medium speed prepared to stop at next signal". Different railroads historically assigned different meanings to the same aspect, so it is common as a result of mergers to find that different divisions of a modern railroad may have different rules governing the interpretation of signal aspects. Halogen-Track-System - Besser bei OTTO kaufen!.

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