Hobbies & Collectibles


I love to do just about any craft, my favorites are cross stitch, plastic canvas and crocheting.  But sometimes your hobbies can turn into one big job.  Last year for Christmas (1996), I decided to make Bob's girls afghans.  I started in plenty of time, knowing that I would have to make 3......WOW !!!!!  I got the last one done 2 weeks for before Christmas and had them all wrapped.  I thought I had it made...that was a mistake, (I should never think) !!!!! One of the girls decided to change her color scheme in her living room and guess what.....the afghan did not match at all.  So, being the person that I am, I started another one. This last one became a job to me (not fun).  I got it done and wrapped on Christmas eve and I haven't picked up a crochet needle since. But my daughter-in-law loved it, she got the spare afghan. 

Well, it's 1998, and have picked the ole crochet hook back up.......I decided to make me an afghan.  I think I need a new one  :) 


Speaking of Christmas, I collect Santas.  At last count I had 150, in all shapes and sizes, some handmade and some bought. My daughter, has always given me a Santa every year for Christmas.  I think the one I like the best, is the one she made me in ceramics.  It's a floral centerpiece with matching candlestick holders.  It is absolutely beautiful. 

I also started a collections of "Yesterday's Child" by The Boyds Collection.  These dollstone are absolutely beautiful.  At the present time this is what I have in my collection.
..Issue.. ..Retired.. ..Name..
3599 1996 Anne...The Masterpiece "The Sign"
272052 1998 Emily w/ Kathleen & Otis...The Future
3503 1996 Betsy w/ Edmund...The Patriots
3509 1996 Rebecca w/ Elliot...Birthday
3511 1996 Michelle w/ Daisy...Reading is Fun
3523 1997 Whitney w/ Wilson...Tea Party
27950 1997 Whitney w/ Wilson...Tea & Candle Light
3518 1997 1997 Amazing Bailey..."Magic Show at 4" (1997 LE)
3514 1996 1998 Candice w/ Mathew...Gathering apples
3521 1997 1998 Wendy w/Bronte, Keats, Tennyson & Poe...Wash Day
3501 1996 1998 Patricia w/ Molly...Attic Treasures
3506 1996 1998 Ashley w/ Chrissie...dress up
3515-01 1997 1998 Karen w/ Wilson & Eloise...Mother's Present
3525 1997 1998 Catlin w/ Emma & Edmund...Diapering Baby
3530 1998 Jamie & Thomasina...The Last One
3531 1998 Teresa & John...The Prayer
3531-01 1998 Mary & Paul..The Prayer (G.M.'s Choice for 1998)
3507 1996 1996 Sara & Heather ...Tea  for Four (1996 LE)
3500 1996 1997 Jennifer w/ Priscilla...The doll in the attic
3512 1996 1997 Courtney w/ Phoebe...Over the river and thru the woods

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@ 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000  debinohio@yahoo.com


This site was created on July 24, 1997