Catholic Spirituality

Faith Building
Testimonies From Visitors!

Blessings! Since I put up my own testimony on my site, I have received alot of letters from people sharing their own testimonies with me. All of them are so moving and powerful and those who write to me have the deep need to share their witness with others. So, I have chosen to put up a testimony page for all those who wish to help spread their news of how Great our Lord Jesus Christ is and how He works in our lives!

If you would like to submit your testimony, please click here to go to the e-mail form. This form will come to me anonymous, so if you wish to post your name, e-mail or url of a website you have, please include it in the form message.

We do not live or die for ourselves. If we live, we are living for the LORD,
and if we die, we are dying for the LORD. So living or dying, we belong
to the LORD.

Romans 14: 7-8

I was raised a Catholic and as a child it was a habit to go to church every Sunday and Holy Day. We were told we were going and I went out of obligation, not out of desire to worship our Lord. A bad experience at confession when I was in high school " turned me off" going to church. For several years I was what I call a Christmas Catholic. I really didn't feel a desire to go to church, and didn't really miss it. Four years ago, I went to church with my sister ( who had also had a spiritual awakening a few years earlier) during Holy week. We attended services on Holy Thursday, and I found myself moved to tears. At the time, I just thought I was touched by the beauty of the service as performed by our parish priest. On Good Friday, I wept again, but this time I was filled with a sense of peace, love and warmth that I had never experienced before. I felt as if a light had filled me from inside and that it was shining forth from my eyes, mouth, and ears. I was sure it was visible to everyone. I knew then that Jesus had spoken to me and welcomed me back into the fold. That was the most beautiful Easter I have ever celebrated and I have celebrated my return to God everyday since. We have (my husband and I) had some very rough times over the past few years, bbut I knew deep in my heart that Jesus was at my side and would get me through it. Each time I felt as if there was nowhere else to turn, I felt the warmth of his love and his prescence beside me. I have severe arthritis and have been unable to work for four years now. I applied for Social Security last year and was denied. I reapplied and prayed to Jesus. I asked for his help praying for the assistance I needed to get us out of debt and enough income to keep us out of debt. I wasn't praying for wealth and the money to take vacations and buy luxuries I didn't need. I promised Jesus I would pay all of my bills and help my sister and her son if he would intervene for me and allow me to receive the help I so desparately needed. I also promised him that if this didn't happen, that I would do my best and manage the best way that I could. My prayers were answered as I knew in my heart they would be. If I could, I would tell everyone that I meet to trust in the Lord and he will see you through. He has always been there for me, I just lost sight of him for a while. I didn't know how to listen when I prayed and thought my prayers were unanswered. I know now that with prayer and with God all things are possible.
Judi Girard

I grew up in South Phila going to Catholic Schools, Church every Sunday and Holy Days. As I grew older and married I did not go to church as often as I should, recently what I call a tragedy in my family by my Son leaving the Catholic Church and going to another and questioning me on my Faith, I found peace with the Lord I went back to Church and even confession.

Since I have gone back to Church and pray everyday I can feel I am a different person, a little more pleased with myself and I know I am with My Lord, my Savior Jesus Christ I feel him with me everyday, I know he never left me it was I who left the Flock but I have returned now to stay, many of my prayers have been answered and I will continue to pray for without prayer what have I, my Faith has grown stronger than it ever was. I Thank God for this test he has given me for what has happened, happened for a reason He was telling me to come back into his Grace's. Thank You Lord Jesus for caring so much for me that I finally listened to what you were telling me for a long time. I will follow the Lord with each breath I take with each moment I am awake, I Love You Lord Jesus

After 16 years away from the church,my dad passed away and one of my brothers changed religion,I thank God for using my son at age 19 to pray for us,for a new begining.It has been 18 years now since my turn around.I am a grandmother of 7 children.I have gone thru much but it is so much lighter because he (Jesus)is always near.He is the only one that got me thru.

Like the rest of the testimonies, I grew up in the Catholic Church. I also went to Catholic Schools as well. My mother is a devout Catholic and loves her faith (even through all the downs in her life she remained with the Catholic Church). I stopped going to church when I was 15 (I'm 36 now). After many years apart from God I decided I needed something in my life. That's probably how it happens to a lot of people. I went to different churches and just did not feel right. I finally went to a Catholic Church very close to my house. I have now been a member of that Church for almost two years. I am in the choir and also involved with other activities. I thank God that he has brought me to where I am now. I feel closer to him than I can possibly imagine and I'm sure it doesn't stop there. Needless to say, my mother is very happy. She calls me the prodigal child. She also told me that she has prayed for me the entire time I was away from the Church. Her prayers were finally answered!!!

The Grace I received during my terrible heartache. Three years ago I lost my only daughter to a cancerous brain tumor.This child of mine never smoked or drank or abused her health and yet was strickened with this dreadfull disease. If I did not pray and trust in the Divine Mercy I would have died becauce the pain in my heart is so bad that if you would open my chest you would find a heart in a million pieces so to all the parents that lost a child please know that Jesus is always with you his arms holds you tight so you will never be alone. My other blessing that God gave me is a new life with the most wonderful husband I was just wed JUNE 24, 2000 AND GOD GAVE ME JOY, AND HAPPINESS once again so keep praying and Trust in God for with God nothing is impossible. GOD BLESS ANN SALVATORE

Guestbook by Lpage

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