Coltyn's Space
e-mail Coltyn

My Favorite Shows....

Ed, Edd & Eddy
G Gundam
Transformers Armada
Kids Next Door

My Favorite Toys...

Spyro the Dragon
Yu-Gi-Oh Cards
About Me!
My real name is Charles Oliver Parish IV
I live in Alton, IL
I go to Lewis and Clark School
I have a sister, Samantha Brett, age 4
and twin baby brothers, Luke & Noah
I was born November 19, 1994
I have a cool black cat named Jack

Some of my favorite things...
Food - Lunchables
Drink - Pepsi
Color - Blue
Friends - Bobby & Devin
Animal - Snakes
Hobby - Fishin' with Dad
Season - Winter (snow)
Holiday - Christmas
Sports - Hockey & Soccer
Planet - Saturn

Cool Link >>   Animation Factory
NASA for Kids
Dedicated to the memory of the crew of the Space Shuttle Columbia
Columbia STS-107

Rick D. Husband, Commander
William C. McCool, Pilot
Michael P. Anderson, Payload Commander
Kalpana Chawla, Mission Specialist
David M. Brown, Mission Specialist
Laurel B. Clark, Mission Specialist
Ilan Ramon, Payload Specialist

Support Our
Troops, Let
Freedom Ring
The World
And Beyond...
dhpeahomedhpeaGenealogyhometown - alton, ILracepage
Me and my siblings!
Luke, Samantha,
Coltyn & Noah