Current Update
I apologise for the lack of Updates recently. It's not that I don't have stuff to put up, quite on the contrary, there is quite alot of things I am itching to put up. Unfortuneatly, classes just started back up for me, and I don't have the time or the money to do what I  plan to do for at least a couple of weeks.  But when i do, you are going to see a big change. A new server, layout and rearangement of themes and content. It's going to be a whole new Hideout. So all you people wil have to be patient.  If you have any inquiries, just email me at
^o^ Natz

Old Updates

Fan art

Natz: I  re-did  my art section and divided it into two parts, Fan art and original art.  Also added lots of new art


Chapter Update

-Lisa Starr: Sayajin Storm (4)
Fan a
-Vejiita4eva: Walk this World Manga 12


Chapter Updates

-Noseless Wonder: Waiting (epilogue)
-Bchan: War of Worlds (12)


Chapter Updates

-Natz: Youthful Perceptions (4 and 5)
-Lisa Starr: Saiyajin Storm (3)
-Prime Minister: Epic: (63 and 64)


New Fic

- Saiyajin Storm by Lisa Starr

New Chapte
- Youthful Perceptions (3) by me
- Epic (61 and 62 )by Prime Minister
- No Time (12) by Lisa Starr

Site news: I am in the process of searching for new server to stop the annoying fact that the site shuts down whenver I exceed my bandwidth. I also need more server space.So look out for a change some time soon.
New Fan fics
- 2 by me, Newsie fics: New Beginnings and Jo: A Homecoming Story
- 3 New Fics by Lisa Starr: Beyond this Day and Conquest.
-  1 by Maria Cline: A message to you from yo
New Chapte
rs - 59 and 60 to Epic.
rt - 2 new artists, Kim and Jason Morris.
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