Deru Sudibyo
Intellectual records
Animated assembling, loading and execution process


As an IT player with more than 20 years experience, certainly i have a number records. `Some can be categorized as intellectual records. which are 2 major areas: 

Systems solution software

During more than 20 years, a lot of systems software products have been made, include tens of local utilities, command processors, exit routines, some interface, some local subsystems functions, and even solution products.  Most of them were gone, because they were kept in legacy tapes and/or floppies which no longer supported.  Only few of them can be rescued and currently are placed in freeware page in this site and CBT as file 535 and 536.

Regardless they were rescued, three of them were solution products where each provides a solid set of functions to establish a unique mechanism for certain system management.   There are listed below together with 3 zJOS-XDI products.  


To complete my intellectual contribution, i wrote some article in many IT bulletines.  In 1995 i wrote 3 mainframe books explaining detail about mainframe architecture and technology in both theoretical and practical aspects.  

Materials listed on my freeware page are some of my intellectual products


Systems Solution Software

1 zJOS/Sekar 
  Package zJOS-XDI
Function Integrated event manager solution
A subsystem with a set of service routines to intercept system events and execute user's defined action or set of actions.  In a networked z/OS and/or OS/390 hosts, users can define actions on certain host to be triggered by occurrence of event on either the same or other host in the network.  
Author Deru Sudibyo
Copyright Deru Sudibyo
Platform z/OS, OS/390, TCP/IP
First released 2004
2 zJOS/Puspa
  Package zJOS-XDI
Function Integrated automatic job scheduler solution
A subsystem with a set of service routines to manage JES2-based jobs scheduling.  It intercepts job and job step status information to trigger other (successor) job in user's defined schedule flow.    In a networked z/OS and/or OS/390 hosts, Puspa capable to intercept job and job step status information on any host runs zJOS Agent.  This means, each scheduled job in Puspa can have predecessors and successors on any combined hosts.  Hence, users can define schedule crossing inter hosts in the network.  
Author Deru Sudibyo
Copyright Deru Sudibyo
Platform z/OS, OS/390, JES2, TCP/IP
First released 2005


  Package zJOS-XDI
Function Automatic spool files distribution
A set of service routines and JES2 SSI application to intercept each spool file occurrence on user's specified spool classes and manage FTP job to download it onto user's defined recipients.   Distribution mechanism is based on user's defined hierarchy of destinations and recipients.   Each recipient represents a targeted computer. 
Author Deru Sudibyo
Copyright Deru Sudibyo
Platform z/OS, OS/390, JES2, TCP/IP
First released 2003
  Package SSRF
Function VM-MVS Output management system
A set of VM and VM/GCS service routines, VM/VTAM and MVS/VTAM applications and JES2 SSI application to manage MVS spool files on JES2 spool and VSE spool files on VM spool.   Both set of spool files (on VM and MVS) are transfered user's defined recipients via SNA network. 
Author Deru Sudibyo
Copyright PT SDD
First released 1990
  Package SIOPAT
Function System and I/O performance analysis tools
A set of statistical analysis routines combined with RMF and VMAP report reader routines to analyze MVS and VM performance information.   It results system and I/O performance reports.  Besides, it provides interactive tool to estimate capacity growth and simulate some tuning actions.  
Author Deru Sudibyo
Copyright Deru Sudibyo
Platform PC-DOS
First released 1987


  Package VM/SPICO
Function VM automated operation solution
A set of VM/CP and CMS service routines, VMCF and IUCV applications and VM/CMS nucleus extensions to intercept some system events (including all CMS users activities) to trigger user's defined set of actions.    
Author Deru Sudibyo
Copyright BRI
Platform VM/SP
First released 1986




Arsitektur & Teknologi Server ESA/390
(Architecture and Technology ESA/390 Server)


Comprehensive illustration of mainframe S/390 architecture  and technology for students, professionals and managers, or any one who need to know mainframe architecture and organization.  Materials include discussions about processors, memory, I/O, networking, operating systems, subsystem, primitive processing, multitasking, multiprogramming and multiprocessing techniques, bootstrap processing and network programming. 

Language: Bahasa Indonesia
Author:  Ir. Deru Sudibyo
Size: 700 pages. 
Publisher: PT Elex Media Komputindo


Panduan Assembler
(Assembler Guide

Complete guidance of mainframe S/390 advanced assembly coding, including assembler instructions and macro languages.

Language Bahasa Indonesia
Author: Ir. Deru Sudibyo & Ir. Husni Effendi, M.M.
Size: 700 pages. 
Publisher: PT GTS - limited for professional education.


Teknik Dasar Systems Programming
(Principle of Systems Programming Technique)
  Scope: Explains mainframe S/390 architectural logic and programming techniques in practices, include interruption handling, bootstrap processing, I/O processing, primitive and medium level tasks management, SNA network programming and so forth.   Since all logics and algorithms are described in assembly language, hence reader must have assembly knowledge.  To work with provided exercise, reader must have enough assembly skill.   This book is targeted for mainframe engineers who interested to steep up their level to systems programming,   
Language Bahasa Indonesia
Author: Ir. Deru Sudibyo
Size: 1200 pages. 
Publisher: PT GTS -  limited for professional education.


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