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Capitalist Technology by RM Technology as it exists today, was created to the benifit of the present rulinhg order. Technology is a vast system of control as a means of protecting and enhancing the effeciency of capital. One of the most extreme examples include the use of directed energy weapons- which when implemented can control to an extent a persons emotional states, thoughts as well as physical and mental health including the ability to transmit voices near or into someone's head mimicking schizophrenia as well as creating visual hallucinations (see footnote 1 for all symptoms described above) all of which can be used for discredit purposes and cointelpro type activities. Because of such advances, one must now consider the possibility that if certain individuals act out of their character, claim to hear voices inside their head or are seeing hallucinations, they may be in fact, state induced. Such control is to a much greater extent than anything else capital has created, at least of the mechanical aspects of the body, (for as long as the peoples being exploited by such technologies do not know they are being exploited.) The exploited, the vast majority of the world which capital needs to function, presents as a double edged sword as they also present a threat to capital because they are also exploited by capital. Therefore technology is used to control them as such to limit as much as possible the threat of the exploited while still allowing them enough freedom to consume and further the economy. The ruling class recognizes the danger of the exploited and the potential of revolutionary change if they consciously discovered they were being exploited and controlled by technology and capital and so present technology as a friend to the exploitedthrough the use of media and entertainment. Many examples include the use of high-tech weapons which save humanity frojm evil villians in the news and movies, to video games and other escape mechanisms which distract and alienate the exploited from one another. Technology works nicely with capital because technology as with capital requires specialization to function. Therefore those specialized continually advance technology endlessly while leaving the exploited in the dark about the latest technological advancements therefore making it easier for the exploited to be manipulated and controlled. In order to understand the nature of the technological system, it would be useful to understand the history. Present capitalist technology as I see it, originated as an assemblage of machinery that had been created mainly thtough the use of capitalist mathematics, which had originated for measruing land and tax puroposes in Egypt. In China the capitalist mathematics was created to measure hours and days and private property. The technologies had always been used by those in power: namely for intimidation purposes and control, as in the dynasties of China, in the monestaries, and other ruling classes. As the mathematical system became more defined and organized due to the growing trade and commerce in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries the mechanical publice clock was created to regulate and control the exploited to the benifit of capital. It was around 15th, 16th and 17th centuries that capitalist technology became a vast organized system requiring people, resource extraction, and integrated techniques as well as a combination of both science and mathemeatics particularly in the 17th centuries onward. So not only are the people immediately in contact with the ruling classes and the technologies are exploited, but due to the necessary resource extraction of technology which became more and more on a global scake in accordance with the more modern capitalism, peoples lifeways were less dominating of nature have become increasingly seperated from their conditions of existence. In the 17th and 18th centuries in the US particularly, machines were produced to enhance the productivity of agricultural goods along with the labor power of the slaves and the ruling classes were kidnapping, therefore producing a large population of the dispossesed and exploited. Due to the large number of exploited technology had created at the time, other ideologies were formed such as racism to waekin and divide the exploited and dispossesesed to lesson th ethreat of potential large scale rebellion by the exploited. The industrial revolution necessarily continued the view of people as nothing more htan mechanical robot workers in a mechanical clockwork universe dominated by western number, time and science who's only purpose is to continue and enhance the functioning of capital. It is little wonder such mechanistical views of the human body and brain would lead to such technologies that could control the mechanistical aspects of people and animals such as in the 1960's, * when Jose Delgado working for the CIA had created implants that were put into animals 2. and people 3. which controlled their physical movement and to some extent emotions. He had created the book Towards a Psycho-Civilized Society in which he envisioned, a horrifying orderly society where everyoned was implanted and controlled by the implants. His interests later went into the electro-magnetic technologies I had mentioned in the beginning of this article because they could generalyy produce many of the affects of implants without being implanted. While such technologies can be used more focusedly for discredit and furthering life control of certain people, such similar weapons have been used for large-scale mood management of society in general as noted in articles such as Ariel Mind Control by Judie Wall. The article gives information about the air force and how they have broadcasted certain subliminal messages over radion and television station frequencies therefore influencing the mood of the general populations. Such mood management works well or even hand in hand with modern technologies used by mass medai; which is continuing to bombard and play with peoples wills always shaping society and its relations in accordance of the ruling classes. In the present society with its continually advancing technology we are bombarded by increasingly controlled and manipulated symbols and messages through mass commodity, advertisements, the internet, etc. Such technologies have also allowed the ruling classes to surveillance the exploited to much greater extent including gathering and storing information through the use of super somputers, satallite, fiber optics and electro-magnetism, in cyberspace as well as other methods of control and ID methods such as electronic thumb print scanning in increasingly more and more areas of the public. Technology as it exists today was created and is used clearly for the benifit of the ruling classes and for the control of teh exploited so as to continue the system of capital with the least amount of resistance possible. Such a system as does capital, requires resource extraction and thus continually seperates certain peoples from their conditions of existence. Thereofore to live in a society free of capital, the technological system which was invented to continue the existence of capital must be dismantled- which can only be done by what the ruling order is trying so hard to prevent, large scale social revolt. 1. Device for subliminal acoustic manipulation of nervous systems (can be used against the general public to cause relaxation, sleep, sexual arousal, drowsiness, disorientation) US patent 6,017,302 Filed: OCt. 31, 1997 The patent was granted Jan. 25, 2000 Invented by Loos; Hendricus G. The ability to place a sound or voice in someones head mimicking schizophrenia in a single persons head was successfully demonstrated in 1998 on the Learning Channel which aired Ultrascience III 'Spies are us' by Beyond Productions which Featured Dr. James C. Lin, Ph.D. biomedical and electrical engineer and author of "Microwave Auditory Effects and Applications" (1978) who further demonstrated the ability to place voices in a single persons but without affecting the others around the targeted person through microwave frequencies. continuation of footnotes |