
Discrimination is no longer expressed as much overtly as in the past due to the varying of the needs of the ruling classes and the system of capital at the certain times. Today, as the modern capitalist market expands globally, discrimination, if it were expressed overtly within the ruling classes, could hinder the expansion of modern capital and could possibly lose potential markets in other parts of the world as well as domestically. Discrimination certainly does exist, but we do not see too much overt discrimination in the spectacle society today as compared with America's past. When discrimination does show itself particularly in the media and entertainment it is portrayed negatively as if to show that discrimination is a thing of the past within our modern capitalist society. A recent example would be the ousting of Trent Lott from the Republican Party for racist comments he made commending an ex-politician for his seperatist views. Yet upon closer examination of our modern society such BS covered by its advertisements and commodities cannot hide its ugly side.

The present ruling order is always attempting in one way or another to control the exploited by any means at its disposal. In this light it is little wonder why we see so much in the media people who have been repeatedly discriminated against in his-story as champions of capitalism an das members of the ruling class. The ruling class does thise precisely because of the threat the exploited can become due to the contradiction which capital necessarily creates; among them alienation and thus discrimination. The ruling classes need to create role models for the exploited especially those peoples who have been discriminated against heavily by the ruling classes in the past by encouraging those discriminated against in general to become members of the ruling classes; so as to fix their interests with the 'riches' of capitalism rather then with other members of the exploited class which could sporadically lead to social revolt against the very ruling classes exploiting and controlling them. This fear of the exploited due to the necessary exploitation and contradictions of capital is a different more hidden form of discrimination well beneath all the glamour and glorificaton of wealth and fame that seemingly anyone with hard work and persistence enough within the alienated exploited ghettos can become.

Discrimination is a product of alienation. Alienation is maintained by specialization which is created by capital. Everyone has their own roles in which they fit in order to continue the social machine that is required by capital in order to exist. Many activists and others try to deal with discrimination by creating social spaces, support groups etc. while such acts may be helpful in short term, such activities will always fail in the long term because such social spaces, support groups etc. operate within the totality of capital. They are still functioning within the realm of capital and therefore continuing the social relations in which capital allows. THerefore they fail to change the system by accepting rather than choosing to attack and destroy the social relations handed to them by capital no matter how radical such social relations may seem. More radical groups such as the AFA are staunchly anti-state and anti-'capital' and physically attack fascists. But because their critique of capital is limitied, most notably in their acceptance of the technological system, they too fail to ultimately ever end discrimination because of their lack of analysis and thus guarantee the continuation of capital by challenging the minimalist parts of its specialization and social constructs.

In order to end discrimination, alienation must be abolished and therefore capital and all that capital has created to prolong its control over the exploited. As such not only modern capitalism and the state must be abolished, but the its technological system, and all institutions of oppression which are the necessary result of a system which must exploit, specialize and alienate in order to continue its existence.