The first successfull attempt of placing a voice in someones head mimicking schizophrenia was accomplished by Joseph Sharp and Mark Grove in the early 1970's by microwave frequencies as noted in "Microwaves and Behavior" Article by Don Justeen, American Psychologist, Mar. 1975. According to scientists such as Guy, "frequencies where the auditory effect can easily be detected, microwaves penetrate deeply into the tissues of the head. Absorbed energy causes rapid thermal expansion (at a microscopic level) which produces strains in the tissue. This produces an acoustic stress wave that is conducted through the bone to the cochlea. From there it is perceived in the same manner as in conventional hearing"

A device with the ability to place a sound or voice near a person's head mimicking schizophrenia was covered by journalist John Garter in Wired. The article is titled "Point-'n'-Shoot Makes Waves" The article can be found at,1282,50483,00.html "The voices in your head may be real. Researchers have developed technology that can project a beam of sound so narrow that only one person can hear it. "Directed" audio sounds like it's coming from right in front of you even when it's transmitted from a few hundred meters away."

The ability to direct electro-magnetic signals into a person's brain to create visual hallucinations was accomplished by Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher and WIlliam Van Bise. They used magnetic fieldsgenerated by two coils of wire, each oscillating at a slightly different frequency and directed so as to intersect at the head of the subject person. When the two energy beams with different frequencies intersect at some point in space, a third frequency, so called beat frequency is formed as the difference of the frequencies. What Bise and Rauscher found that this ELF frequency generates simple visual percepts like circles, ellipses and triangles and that the variation of the second frequency induces the variation of the shape of the percept. The simplest interpetation is that the beat frequency is extracted by nonlinear effects in brain and induces a magnetic quantum phase transition at magnetic tubes whose thickness varies and codes for a parameter (say scaling in some direction) characterizing the geometry of the primitive precept (or 'feature'). Info from the article 'Quatnum model for sensory representation'

Also, another demostration was held by Dr. Rauscher and Dr. Bise which aired on television where by Rausher and Bise directed magnetic signals into the brain of reporter Chuck DeCaro. They created visual images as in a hallucination. FOr a $55 copy of teh tape call CNN at 405-827-2712 and ask for R2501 #13, R2747 #33, R2501 #15, R2501- #17. It runs for 20 minutes.

2. Article on THE NEW YORK TIMES- May 17, 1965 (front page)
'Matador' With a Radio Stops Wired Bull: Modified Behavior in Animals Subject of Brain Study
By John A. Osmundsen

3. Delgado, J.M.R. "INtercerebral Radio Stimulation and Recording in Completely Free Patients," Psychotechnology Robert L. Schwitzgebel and Ralph K Schwitzgebel, editors; New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1973

* In the age when interests shifted from nuclear phsyics and weapons to different forms of electro-magnetic weapons and possibilities which continually affect us today