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Bromley Contingent
Malcolm organised this photo session for me.  its purpose was to shoot some picture of Sex Pistols fans so that prospective new fans/punks would know how to dress when they came to the gigs.  Preferably via Malcolm's clothes shop SEX .
The photos were shot at the St. James Hotel where Malcolm's friend Linda had a suite.
"Do you want to do the photos in the kitchen ? " Linda asked on my arrival
"No" I said after a quick look, then I set up in the living room.
Just as I had finished setting up my lights and stuff Linda came and asked me the same question again.
"No" I said
"Come and Look!"
The kitchen had been graffitti'd all over, it was perfect
What wasn't so good.... afer shooting a couple of rolls of film Sioux left the room in tears.  Steve told me it wsa because I wasn't taking many pictures of her, and she felt upstaged by Sue Lucas ( Catwman )

  Ray Stevensons - Siouxsie & the Banshees
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