
My son,
I remember as if it was yesterday,
The day that you were born.
Just a beautiful bouncing baby boy,
Oh what a miracle on that winter morn.

My son,
I recall how rowdy that little boy could be,
And at times you would even agitated others.
Always playing pranks on your sister,
Hiding a rabbit he slept with from your brother.

My son,
You always loved playing many sports,
I spent hours sitting on those hard bleachers.
You were smart always doing well in school,
While being liked by everyone even teachers.

My son,
Like all teenagers you thought you knew it all,
So there for a while wouldn’t listen to me.
You wrecked you car and had to pay the cost,
Working you saw how hard growing up can be.

My Son,
When you grew into a young man leaving home,
I then learned all about missing you.
Now you have your family, a son and daughter,
So you are getting to know about parenting too.

My son,
Today I’m wishing you a Happy Birthday!!!
While sending along to you all my love.
I’m thanking God for my great blessing,
Of that wonderful son, I’m so proud of.

Copyright @ 2004 M. Doris Fuller

This poem I wrote to my son, Robert,
Who was born on January 14, 1968.
I wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
I’m sending you all of a mother’s love.

Picture used to make these graphics came on A
Broderbund CD purchared by me. The artist is unknown.

