Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure Diabetes Herbal Cure Herbs Kuala Lumpur Treatment Cure Centre
Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure Diabetes Herbal Cure Herbs Kuala Lumpur Treatment Cure Centre
Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure Diabetes Herbal Cure Herbs Kuala Lumpur Treatment Cure Centre
Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure Diabetes Herbal Cure Herbs Kuala Lumpur Treatment Cure Centre
Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure Diabetes Herbal Cure Herbs Kuala Lumpur Treatment Cure Centre
Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure Diabetes Herbal Cure Herbs Kuala Lumpur Treatment Cure Centre
Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure Diabetes Herbal Cure Herbs Kuala Lumpur Treatment Cure Centre
Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure Diabetes Herbal Cure Herbs Kuala Lumpur Treatment Cure Centre
Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure Diabetes Herbal Cure Herbs Kuala Lumpur Treatment Cure Centre
Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure Diabetes Herbal Cure Herbs Kuala Lumpur Treatment Cure Centre
Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure Diabetes Herbal Cure Herbs Kuala Lumpur Treatment Cure Centre
Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure Diabetes Herbal Cure Herbs Kuala Lumpur Treatment Cure Centre
Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure Diabetes Herbal Cure Herbs Kuala Lumpur Treatment Cure Centre
Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure Diabetes Herbal Cure Herbs Kuala Lumpur Treatment Cure Centre
Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure Diabetes Herbal Cure Herbs Kuala Lumpur Treatment Cure Centre
Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure Diabetes Herbal Cure Herbs Kuala Lumpur Treatment Cure Centre
Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure Diabetes Herbal Cure Herbs Kuala Lumpur Treatment Cure Centre
Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure Diabetes Herbal Cure Herbs Kuala Lumpur Treatment Cure Centre
Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure Diabetes Herbal Cure Herbs Kuala Lumpur Treatment Cure Centre
Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure Diabetes Herbal Cure Herbs Kuala Lumpur Treatment Cure Centre
Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure Diabetes Herbal Cure Herbs Kuala Lumpur Treatment Cure Centre
Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure Diabetes Herbal Cure Herbs Kuala Lumpur Treatment Cure Centre
Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure Diabetes Herbal Cure Herbs Kuala Lumpur Treatment Cure Centre
Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure Diabetes Herbal Cure Herbs Kuala Lumpur Treatment Cure Centre
Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure Diabetes Herbal Cure Herbs Kuala Lumpur Treatment Cure Centre
Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure Diabetes Herbal Cure Herbs Kuala Lumpur Treatment Cure Centre
Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure Diabetes Herbal Cure Herbs Kuala Lumpur Treatment Cure Centre
Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure Diabetes Herbal Cure Herbs Kuala Lumpur Treatment Cure Centre
Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure Diabetes Herbal Cure Herbs Kuala Lumpur Treatment Cure Centre
Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure Diabetes Herbal Cure Herbs Kuala Lumpur Treatment Cure Centre
Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure Diabetes Herbal Cure Herbs Kuala Lumpur Treatment Cure Centre
Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure Diabetes Herbal Cure Herbs Kuala Lumpur Treatment Cure Centre
Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure Diabetes Herbal Cure Herbs Kuala Lumpur Treatment Cure Centre
Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure Diabetes Herbal Cure Herbs Kuala Lumpur Treatment Cure Centre
Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure Diabetes Herbal Cure Herbs Kuala Lumpur Treatment Cure Centre
Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure Diabetes Herbal Cure Herbs Kuala Lumpur Treatment Cure Centre
Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure Diabetes Herbal Cure Herbs Kuala Lumpur Treatment Cure Centre
Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure Diabetes Herbal Cure Herbs Kuala Lumpur Treatment Cure Centre

All diabetics have a common fluke parasite, Eurytrema pancreaticum, the pancreatic fluke of cattle, in their own pancreas. It seems likely that we get it from cattle, repeatedly, by eating their meat or dairy products in a raw state.

Eurytrema will not settle and multiply in pancreas without the presence of wood alcohol (methanol). Methanol pollution pervades food supply -- it is found in processed food including bottled water, artificial sweetener, soda pop, baby formula and powdered drinks of all kinds including health food varieties. I presume wood alcohol is used to wash equipment used in manufacturing. If your child has diabetes, use nothing out of a can, package or bottle except regular milk, and no processed foods.

Killing this parasite and removing wood alcohol from the diet can cut the need for insulin cut in half in three weeks (or sooner!).

Be vigilant with your blood sugar checks. The pancreas with its tiny islets that produce insulin recovers very quickly. Even if 90% of them were destroyed, requiring daily insulin shots, half of them can recover or regenerate so insulin is no longer necessary. The insulin shot it may be polluted with wood alcohol (this is an especially cruel irony -- the treatment itself is worsening the condition). Test it yourself, using the wood alcohol in automotive fluids (windshield washer) or from a pint, as a test substance. Try different brands of insulin until you find one that is free of methanol.

Artificial sweeteners are polluted with wood alcohol! Instead of helping you cope with your diabetes, they are actually promoting it! Do not use them.

Drugs that stimulate the pancreas to make more insulin may also carry solvent pollution; test them for wood alcohol and switch brands and bottles until you find a pure one. You may not need them much longer, so the extra expense now may soon reward you.

Many persons can detoxify the amount of wood alcohol that pollutes foods. They do not have a mold, Kojic acid, built up in their bodies as diabetics do. I have found Kojic acid in coffee, and potatoes with gray areas inside. Do not eat discolored potatoes or peels, even if cooked or baked. Being able to detoxify a poisonous substance like wood alcohol should not give us the justification for consuming it. All poisons are bad for us. Do not consume them.

All diabetic persons also carry a virus, HA virus in the pancreas. This virus is grown in the skin as a wart but is spread quite widely in the body such as in the spleen or liver besides pancreas. It is not necessary to kill the virus since it disappears when the pancreatic fluke is gone. The HA virus undoubtedly belongs to the pancreatic fluke. The question can be asked: Does the fluke or its virus cause diabetes? There might even be a bacterium, so far missed in observations, that is the real perpetrator.

While recovering from diabetes it is very important to check your blood sugar every day. Improvement is so rapid; you may suddenly be over-insulin zed by your next shot. Cut down your dose to suit your actual need.

Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure Diabetes Herbal Cure Herbs Kuala Lumpur Treatment Cure Centre

Diabetes - The syndrome is caused by heposecretion of antidiuretic hormone resulting from hypothalamus-pituitary lesion. Diabetes can also be secondary to other diseases. The state of illness may be mild or severe, transient or permanent. The disease belongs to the category of 'xiao ke' in Acupuncture and Chinese Master's Way of Diabetes Cure...

Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure Diabetes Herbal Cure Herbs Kuala Lumpur Treatment Cure Centre

The causes of type 1 diabetes are complex and still not completely understood. People with type 1 diabetes are thought to have an inherited, or genetic, predisposition to the disease. Researchers believe that this genetic predisposition may remain dormant until it is activated by an environmental trigger such as a virus or a chemical...

Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure Diabetes Herbal Cure Herbs Kuala Lumpur Treatment Cure Centre

Dryness-heat in the Lung and Stomach Main Symptoms : Restlessness, polydipsia, polyphagia with tendency to hunger, dryness of the mouth and tongue, polyuria, red tongue with yellowish fur, slippery and rapid pulse.

Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure Diabetes Herbal Cure Herbs Kuala Lumpur Treatment Cure Centre

Usually it takes between 1 to 6 months for recovery by Chinese Master's teory of medication. The treatment includes acupuncture herbal medicine qi qong exercise and dieting therapy, etc etc.

Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure Diabetes Herbal Cure Herbs Kuala Lumpur Treatment Cure Centre

Diabetes mellitus is classified into juvenile and adult types according to the clinical features. The age of onset of the juvenile type is young and has a tendency to inheritance. Blood sugar fluctuates widely and is quite sensitive to insulin. Treatment is difficult and it is often named insulin-depending diabetes or unstable diabetes. The age of onset of adult type is above 40. This type is relatively mild and can be controlled by dietary restriction or oral antidiabetics. Therefore it is also named non- insulin depending diabetes or stable diabetes.

Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure Diabetes Herbal Cure Herbs Kuala Lumpur Treatment Cure Centre

Deficiency of the Kidney Main Symptoms : Polyuria with turbid discharge, soreness and debility of the lumbus, dryness of the mouth and tongue, dyshopria with feverish sensation in the chest, palms and soles, red tongue, deep, thready and rapid pulse.

Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure Diabetes Herbal Cure Herbs Kuala Lumpur Treatment Cure Centre

Common symptoms of both major types of diabetes Fatigue: In diabetes, the body is inefficient and sometimes unable to use glucose for fuel. The body switches over to metabolizing fat, partially or completely, as a fuel source. This process requires the body to use more energy. The end result is feeling fatigued or constantly tired.

Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure Diabetes Herbal Cure Herbs Kuala Lumpur Treatment Cure Centre

Hypoglycaemia or low blood glucose is a condition where the level of glucose (sugar) in the blood drops below a certain point (about 3.0mmol/l). This causes a number of symptoms that usually go away 10 to 15 minutes after eating sugar.

Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure Diabetes Herbal Cure Herbs Kuala Lumpur Treatment Cure Centre

Accessory examination a) Fasting blood-glucose is higher than 130 mg. Blood glucose after meal is more than 160-180 mg. Urine is positive for glucose. If complicated by ketosis, urine is positive for ketone bodies.

Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure Diabetes Herbal Cure Herbs Kuala Lumpur Treatment Cure Centre

Diabetes often has no symptoms or warning signs.  The only way to be sure is to have your blood tested for glucose (blood sugar).  If symptoms do appear, they might include: Feeling tired, Feeling irritable, Urinating more than normal, Being very thirsty....

Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure Diabetes Herbal Cure Herbs Kuala Lumpur Treatment Cure Centre

Diabetes often goes undiagnosed because many of its symptoms seem so harmless. Recent studies indicate that the early detection of diabetes symptoms and treatment can decrease the chance of developing the complications of diabetes. Some diabetes symptoms include: Frequent urination..

Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure Diabetes Herbal Cure Herbs Kuala Lumpur Treatment Cure Centre

The main complications and concomitant diseases of diabetes mellitus are diabetic ketoacidosis, cardiovascular diseases, diabetic renopathy and peripheral neuropathy. Cardiovascular complications are the chief causes of death.

Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure Diabetes Herbal Cure Herbs Kuala Lumpur Treatment Cure Centre

New diagnostic techniques such as testing blood insulin levels are quite helpful in understanding the pathological changes of pancreas and in obtaining information concerning treatment.