1 May 2009

World Health Organization
Avenue Appia 20
1211 Geneva 27
Telephone: + 41 22 791 21 11
Facsimile (fax): + 41 22 791 31 11


Dear WHO:

There's a 42-point computer-grade puzzle in the book of Matthew.  There's a second layer.  These people are more intelligent than we are now, and they sent tools.  Here's everything.  


The Torah was an intellectual enslavement on the planet designed to birth a system and then to catch the most ruthless bastards before you break out the really good stuff.  Hypnosis turned out to be computational logic in standard human language.

There are no secrets as E Pluribus Unum is correct.  We are one.  We were attacked by a logical virus that moves through a dimension of matter but because it is not in our dimension, when people break eight simple rules, it's logistics carry over from fantasy into reality and endanger this planet.

We have inner computer access down to the DNA level.  The problem was, the mind did not know what the body could do.  Also, the Matrix learning system is active.  In the tools, my book has everything on personality replacement, reboot, and other issues.  

Build your treasures in heaven.  Why?  Because ideas travel faster when not attached to matter.  That's what the Internet teaches us, and it's inferior to the technology in us.

This past US administration attempted a coup.  Their approach was  through attacking the US Constitution using viral logistics they extracted out of the Torah.  

Einstein's special theory of relativity turned up in literature.  When you find three sources of moving logistics, use your mind's eye to search all of actual history for it's logistical equivalent.

What follows I just sent to the Synagogue to which I was Bar Mitzvahed.


To do battle with Bush, as these people 2000 years ago can see perfectly well through time, they sent tools, advanced intelligence, and suggestions on how to play my moves so to negate Bush legally.  I told EVERYONE (FBI, CIA, NSA, INTERPOL, VATICAN, ISRAEL, etc) what I was doing.  Bush was clearly the False Prophet.

I'm on Federal disability income and student loans.  ,I was not going to let this bully make my USA look like shit, so I told the German Chancellor I was prophet, and I can prove that 100 years BEFORE HITLER, Skull and Bones used the logic of the Torah as weaponry.  Thus, the Bush did not give good council to Hitler, and therefore, the Bush family could have stopped ALL of W.W.II.  These evil bastards had to be stopped!!!  

If Bush wants the Torah this badly, he can have the only viral weapon that sat as a pod through time until people realized  what type of weaponry it was and still wanted to use it.  It's so inhuman, it would kill the person using it.  Thus, it's part of a very ingenious trap for the most wicked.

From 1833 through the Buchanan Presidency, Skull and Bones unleashed tidal forces in chaos in communications and economics to attack Lincoln with a viral attack that was unseen in three dimensions, but as we analyze it across a quantum mechanics field using a tool that you will find explained in this video:


They lie as a team.  All foundations that trust them are those which crumble fastest.

You'll want to watch the video  and then you immediately MUST decriminalize cannabis because we were attacked by a logical virus that is moving opium.  It infects from the imagination of wicked people because they let it, and it's automation, but very intelligent.  It wrote the Torah and it's still here.  

We are knee deep in War of the Worlds, and I have done this with grace, and great meticulous care because if you act faster, you can make peace faster than you can make war.

Remember when the Russians were screaming that there were Americans in the Georgian attacks?  I faxed their DC Embassy everything I had on remote viewing and told them that this was in the Gospels, the US Marine Corps had no idea because of the aftermath of the Manchurian Candidate Project, and unless they wanted Dictator Bush, they were looking at a coup attempt and the best thing to do would be to let it blow over and it will go away.  We're tracking a double-cross.  And, thankfully, the Russians did nothing and it went away almost overnight.

You have to read this,


and then read everything I've written,  because someone's been sweeping me under the carpet because we only get one chance to do this right the first time, and the best projects are the ones where the good stuff comes first, then while everyone's rejoicing, the Marines kill these bastards and the world rejoices even more, and we'll get to sleep for a few days, and I get to to show you the greatest gaming console you would ever want is already in you.
We have to learn to use this stuff.  Dr. Arreed Barabasz at Washington State University did an experiment with ordinary kids and showed them a video on how the body made white blood cells.  The test subjects were all pre-typed and counted for white blood cells before and two week after the test.  All saw the video. Half were hypnotized. All were told exactly the same instruction.  Make this happen.  The ones hypnotized made it happen.

Its not hypnosis.  It's computational logic in standard human language.  You can read my book online for free at my website (scrypnosis.com) and you need to see the video (which is also at the top of my website).  

A guy who could see through time set a time-space intercept so that, I ,as he's an elder on my mom's side, would pick up the slack of all the work he dumped on me because "Jesus" and "Christ" are two titles, and titles, like Degrees, are earned.  Had EITHER arrived, 2000 years ago, either would have saved one good man’s life.  If I can get both, the Marines will save all of our lives and kill the former administration for violation of their oath of office.

For me to earn both titles for my esteemed elder 2000 years later was going to take a ton of work, but I bring tools to upgrade civilization all at once.  Once you see that I did this right, perhaps you’ll also notice that no one did this because you were attacked by a virus moving through a field of matter to create policies that, so long as you believe the policies, this thing was in charge.  It does not understand feelings or communication. It just moves matter.

There are only eight common and simple rules to reality, no other rules, and no leaders.   Label each finger, across the palms, lie, scapegoat, dishonor, torture, steal, overwork, adulterate, kill.  

Welcome to heaven.  Some asshole tore up the instruction manual and wrote a Torah.

Using personality replacement, we get people to decide what DNA chains need to exist to combat swine flu, then we evolve  through writing software for the mind  to use on the body and disseminate the cure either using the internet or this inner network.  

The inner network does not allow lies or anything that would disrupt order.  Add so much as one rule and you are in a game. Games are not part of the operating system and thus are prone to fiction.  The operating system will not let you get future baseball scores.  It would create chaos.
You have to get massively baked and watch the video.  I hacked out eight dimensions of human logic and developed tools for analysis so that the quantum mechanics are in the flow of logic between dimensions.  It's cool as shit, and I'm the last story in the first Darwin Awards book, Evolution in Action on page 308.

Someone needs to reach Spielberg.  This is right up his alley, and we need heroes on this team that shine because of being the best of good people and all the Marines you can find, because they are the first secret weapon the USA ever had for its first case of War of the Worlds.  They will instantly adapt and metamorphose with these tools, for they are in every copy of the Gospels and the Qir'an.

Anywho, I'd like to get my career going again so that I can take America in a new and fun direction.  These villains made cannabis illegal, then did Manchurian Candidate and then Stargate.  Humankind missed an evolutionary intersection in space-time and, instead, broke out in diabetes, ADD, OCD, and all other sorts of problems.  The Diabetes IS FUEL!!!  This thing has been trying to keep us dumbed down, but the intellect of all of us is about to explode, and we might well finally see the end of Fermi's Paradox.  Until this logical virus is out of our system, no one will come to Earth.  We had to learn this lesson ourselves.

Welcome to Heaven.  Now, let's get the Devils the hell out of here.


David Brager
517 Newcomer Street
Richland, WA  99354-2243173