I sent the following transmission to several banks in Germany, as well as the Bank of...England, France, Ireland, Belgium, Norway, Spain, Portugal, Poland, and Morocco, for all these nations had to survive World War II, and the people who engineered WWII are using the same logic again, so I had to appeal to these nations to help me stop this process.

I am in Richland, Washington, and I'm a poor college student who discovered a way to substantiate that Germany was engineered into a Second World War, and the reason I need to make this argument is these same people practiced on Germany and now have turned this logic onto the USA.  These villains are using viral logic, and they are caught if I can get an audience to make the argument.

I did send the following 32 minute argument to the German Press to send to the German Chancellor to have her give this to the Israelis.  The very next day, with tears streaming, she was on TV with that appeal.


I believe I can prove that a US organization knew 175 years ago that the Torah is a fabrication, and worse, a weapon against the entire planet.  

>From this, I can show how it is not terrestrial logic based on three things at the base of Sinai:

>In the most remote third world, when the boss leaves, some amount of time passes, and some jerk stands up to be the "Boss until the other boss arrives," but is, in actuality, a bully.  Now, when the boss returns to find problems, does the boss blame the meek or does the boss blame the management?

>In the most remote third world, when someone comes out of slavery and contracts are on the table, do they get redundant copies or do they agree to one copy of a contract that is encrypted in a strange language that only the one person who understands the code extracts data from the contract?

>In the most modern world, do you fully expect a computer user to read and reference an entire book, or do you find that they prefer a reduced instruction set of perhaps two system commands and eight rules?

>From these three instances, we see why PASSOVER passes over the continuity errors.

The Torah is not a terrestrial a weapon, and yet, there was Prescott Bush, a member of this organization, selling weapons and opium to the Germans.  The organization, Skull and Bones, knew the Torah was a weapon and a lie, and they could have stopped all of the dishonor that happened to Germany.
I cannot now blame Germany for Hitler.  If these people had been honest, Hitler would have grown to be a great painter.

I put myself into this game because Mr. Bush is doing something more dangerous than illegal.  Only Germany has the understanding of what a terrifying weapon the logic of the double-cross can be, for the Bush unleashed it onto Germany first to test it.

These people are in opium, weapons, and oil.  They play upon the foundations of people's trust in a world where people assume honest foundations.  However, the US Stock Market crashed, and then this caused the German market to crash, which then caused loans to default, and this trickled down from there.  However, at the same time, there are people utilizing communications to set groups against other groups utilizing the dividing logic of the Torah. 

This time, the Chinese market slumped because someone gave them bad advice to buy the US national debt, which the Bush have been racking up as fast as possible, so they can leave this sinking ship they created.  However, if I can get help, we can stop this train wreck, catch the bad guys, and save the world while cleansing the honor of all who have been double-crossed.

Please hear out the argument, and then read this entire project file.

There's a computer-grade level puzzle in the Christian book of Matthew that reveals tools which the bad guys are using.  The audio explains all, and as you will discover, these villains, in the government, socially engineered society around so that we would not discover the abilities.

The author of the book of Matthew sent two quests in the book, and one Mohammed tackled.  If I could get into the press, with the composite project, this should trigger back a chain reaction of communications set through time, for others, like Leonardo da Vinci found the puzzle and learned to see through time.

If I can help, I have set up the logic of an atomic bomb, but utilizing communications spred around the world and throughout time using the internet, these become caches of history for immediate digestion.  This chain of discovery should refresh a very strained imagination, and let people relax.

To get world peace, we need to kill a logical virus that, with the hand tool, everyone will see.  We are literally knee deep in "war of the worlds," based on logical viruses effecting the values of people through time.  We humans are finally intelligent enough to realize what is real and what is dangerously fake.

Please help me get this argument to the floor of the United Nations.  The world has overlooked an undermining operation to divide and conquer everyone.  With the hand tool, it's time for Judgment Day.

As argued in the audio, Hitler did not meet the judgment.  Never in his own heart did he ever violate his love for Germany.  That is not the same as Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney.  Their logic is inhuman, and they are intentionally disharmonizing a system, of which the only way to win is not to play.

Please help me.  This is nearing a critial mass, and we really cannot wait months to see what happens.  We need to study what happened to Germany so that we can see where we are in their project, for they are using identical logic this time through.

Peace, in just 48 hours, if I can help.

David Brager
517 Newcomer Street
Richland, WA  99354-2243173
Please send someone to my house if you cannot reach me.