Ace Development & Integration (ADI) is a platform development firm for a new field using an FCC-compliant contractual method for Human Computational Communications (HCC), this field being borne from the logistics of what had mistakenly been called “hypnosis.”
Through the discovery of a 42-point puzzle in the book of Matthew, new tools to teach how to see through time, how to augment reality at will, and how to make maximally wise decisions in milliseconds. The tools ADI brings allow an upgrade of civilization so that new commerce and industry can erupt while all end users get an evolutionary upgrade of their own technology that is already built into each an every human on the planet.
<> Through the adaptation of these abilities with the advent of the current neural interface market, the bottleneck in data-transfer between humans and computes is about to get turbocharged using technology that has been in existence for over a decade. The key is that no one put all these concept together because a coup attempt that just failed changed the dynamics of the rules of civilization in the USA, but until everyone is comprehensive on their innate abilities and accepting of the standards thereof, this nation and world is in dire straits.By placing platforms in the public domain, the baseline is protected. Free development can commence in fields previously unconsidered so that computer software that is written directly for the human mind can be processed and integrated at higher levels of connectivity and effectiveness.
<> ADI is unlike any other firm. It’s ethics are honor driven for the strength and survival of all humankind with the best of kindness, generosity in intelligence dissemination, and tool building. It has been discovered that there is an inner network between people, there are no such things as secrets, and thus, the entire concept of intellectual property rights is impossible with the tools unearthed out of the Matthew discovery.This Business Plan was done to level the playing field so that all can see who are using these innate abilities as weaponry against civilization so those who protect such nations can find and remove the villains for their formerly unseen attacks on this world. Meanwhile, new development will arrives as developers discover the best computer hardware one would ever want to buy is already built into each human, for humans are cyborg.
As miracles must never come with price tags, the tools, being unearthed from a two-millennia old document, required world-wide distribution and concern. Such has been the challenge, and this challenge was met for the betterment of humankind by Ace Development & Integration.
Ace Development and Integration (ADI) has been hacking its way into business from a different direction. It has spent the past twenty-five years developing and testing tools and platforms for a new communications field to begin within the existing communications technology. This communications field utilizes the only public domain FCC-compliant contractual disclosure based system for human computational communications.
Human computational communications, formerly known as hypnosis, is utilized through the "scrypnosis standard," which I, owner David Brager, placed into the public domain in 2003 in response to the so-called Terror Meters, for had everyone full working knowledge about Human Computational Communications (hereafter referred to as HCC) and the properties of one’s own mind’s control over one’s own body, such terror meters would never exist for everyone would realize their sole purpose is to trigger fear in the general public on command based on the whims of whomever sets their level.
All that you know about your reality is about to change. We have built a civilization on a flawed foundation, and in finding a puzzle in the book of Matthew, the world is in need of a miracle.
Terror Meters are not effective for good government as they border on mind control, which is why an international standard for safe development in human computational communications was needed so that parents could teach their children allowing all of humankind to evolve. This direction was taken because, twenty-five years ago, it was discovered in my research that humans were cyborg.
Diabetes is fuel, and an alternative way to treat diabetes is to educate the human mind to process massively more information using abilities it did not formerly know it had. From discovering a 42-point puzzle in the book of Matthew that revealed tools to technology built into all cyborgs, but, due to programming designed by an alternative intellect, the civilization has not evolved because we trusted leadership that has made cannabis illegal, then did the Manchurian Candidate Project on our US Marine Corps, as well as the Chinese, and then ran Star Gate in the 1980's to make remote viewing look like a new concept. These all exist in every copy of the Gospels on the planet. They had to get a message out of Jerusalem. They did so through time so that tools to teach HOW this is done could instantly be built and disseminated.
I had to develop tools so everyone could learn how to see through time using the mind’s eye, how to learn to process more information in less time, and how to augment one’s reality so that one can be wherever one wishes to believe one to be. Reality is a personal experience so long as the shared experience is safe.
Humans are living in higher technology than we can currently build, the upgrade is free because miracles must never come with price tags, and, in this development of this marketing plan, money was taken completely off the table. All work to this point was done this on the sheer value system of pure honor. Beginning with my studies, I set all of my projects to develop papers to bring into this marketing plan because I must convince you that this communications field should have existed, but did not because you trusted leadership that just attempted a coup, but using all these tools effectively, I managed to change the course of US History by making peace faster than President Bush could disharmonize relations, for I discovered a dynamic double-cross logistic encrypted in the Design of the Torah that had been replicated as weaponry, and the only way to make this argument required a Jewish Prophet to rise and walk Judaism off the field without the Torah so that the US Department of Justice could make this argument in court without fear of a Separation of Church and State issue arising, so that I did this role playing in real life as part of my Masters Project, for I have to change the dynamics of everything, and so, I have also changed the dynamics of business. I don’t need a loan. I need to collaborate with people who have the courage to do role playing in real life. If you use the tools that follow, you will discover that you are in a game and there is support technology you are not using that is free.
ADI brings tools which are free so as to open the floodgates to new fun, discovery, commerce, and industry, but also opens the door to partnerships in development at the cutting edge of development. I considered the fact that this Business Plan was written for a class, but as this is my Kobayoshi Maru, as noted from the movie, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, in finding a no-win situation unless I walked into this war and took an active stand, we were all going to die.
These Bush people are in the opium business, and I can prove that a full century before Hitler, Skull and Bones used the logic of the Torah as weaponry against the US Constitution and Government by attacking them through chaos making, just as if a virus attacked the internet. They created intentionally defective government so that people would hate their government and have civil wars. President Abraham Lincoln had no idea what hit the USA. It was mismanagement as weaponry, and these bullies are caught.
For all analysis from this moment until forever, please label your hands as follows. From left index to right across the palms, with the following values: lie, scapegoat, dishonor, torture, steal, overwork, adulterate, kill. Please label left thumb with "System Approved" and right thumb with "Society Approved" (as this was originally noted as "Treat everyone as you want to be treated").
To use this portable decision computer, first, reset it by making two fists. Now, for every decision, just ask yourself, "To make this decision, will I or anyone beneath this decision ever have to..." and then test the eight tests. If you get eight NO responses, the overall decision is two thumbs up and so wise, you never have to remember it, for the decision was approved by both the system and society.
There are only eight rules to the system. There are no other rules. There are no leaders. This is the operating system: a system for maximized use of all the support technology built into your individual cyborg system. Add so much as one rule to these eight and you are in a game.
The logistics for this hand tool are based on our mutual design. The left three demand right hemispherical cranial processing. The right three demand the physical concept of a body and thus left hemispherical cranial processing. The other two have a carry over, for one can torture with words and steal ideas, but also one can torture with devices and steal objects.
<>Please look at your hand and consider the following issues:Notice how these are paired. Please pair these with your hands. According to Leonard Nimoy, as seen on William Shatner’s "Raw Nerve," this is the name of the system creator (Shatner, 2009). This intellect, that made this hand tool, is of one unique intellect which understands us humans, is over 3000 years old but it is not human..
Now, I get to introduce you to a second intellect that is also over 2000 years old and also not human. This is the intellect that wrote the Torah. In the argument in Matthew, it edited off Lie and Torture, as well as the value of "Treat everyone as you want to be treated." It then re-arranged and edited the rest, set the word Rules down a chapter, and wrote an uncommissioned Torah. This intellect is so playfully mean, it created a new alphabet and set the hand tool’s letter to being the first letter of the word "Shalom," which we thought meant "Peace," but today, we come to discover it is all the peace we missed by trusting the author of the Torah. This intellect drives each of our imaginations, and it was this intelligent 3000 years ago.
The reason this argument is included is, as you learn to use your cyborg systems, you will discover that this past administration was using the HCC and remote viewing tools as weaponry against the USA, but you did not see it because you trusted your leadership who lied to your face. With you watching but never knowing how these innate abilities can be used, they attacked their own nation from the helm using these tools as weaponry.
Using your hand tool to judge them, you will see that this past administration allowed these values to exist as a definition of what was allowable from the leadership. Their wake through time reveled they lie AND scapegoat AND dishonor AND torture AND steal AND kill, as a composite set of values they let happen through their leadership. What we had not considered is that these people have caught a logical virus.
This unique signature is the most chaotic, for its problems travel forward into the future and backward into the past. The biggest problem of all is that these people have let the worst of their imagination take control over their cyborg system so these things that should remain only in their personal fantasy have, through their actions, become the worst part of our reality.
As I discovered how the Administration was attacking the USA using mismanagement as weaponry, I was able to use the internet to counter-act their disharmonizing tactics, for the US Government was so kind as to let me alone to tackle this project. I have the disclosure path through FBI, CIA, NSA, USMC, and all levels of government, from the most outward circles inward, for when this information in this business plan is revealed to the whole world, humankind is about to evolve
As you judge them using this hand tool, you will discover that amongst us humans are a swarm of people who have caught a logical virus. These people make rules that kill. We had never considered that if one intelligent species wanted to kill another intelligent species, the easiest way is to convince the lower life form to do things through trust that betray the lower life form’s own safety. This is the intellect that wrote the Torah, for it drives all our imaginations. If we maintain these eight simple rules to reality, the dangerous parts of this logical virus stay off our planet and out of our reality.
As we track those defective cyborgs through time, they are making decisions as if they were highly networked of one common intellect, yet the internet has only been around for a few years. We have our first trackable case of War of the Worlds. That’s why there needed to be a Judgment Day. This had nothing to do with religion. This is our species being eradicated by value systems that, if we believe all their rules, we will surely die, making all our lives miserable as they make wars and sell opium.
If I did all this work right, I will be able to put a role to bed, open up a new world with new value structures, and bring about world peace in just 48 hours because, with something this critical, the only way to safely change course is to just do it. With the delivery of this hand tool, everyone is equal, free, and capable of accessing the inner network whenever two or more are gathered in the system creator’s name’s value system, where at least one is lead and all who choose to enter subconsciousness become connected to the inner network and thus gain access to anything each wants to learn. Ask and you shall receive. Seek and you shall find. There are no secrets, but to get access, you must behave, for the system is order based.
Ace Development & Integration was supported in the background of my professional life. I had been a computer programmer and real estate appraiser for a family-owned firm that my parents began before I joined the firm in 1984.
My research in HCC began in 1983, when a US Army Air Corps Warrant Officer named Charlie Brewer offered to mentor me in his hobby of fifty years if I would mentor him in computers, which, at the time had been my hobby for a decade. As soon as I began my own research, I noted that the subconscious functioned like an operating system, so, taking what I had learned in 1982 from Jim Butterfield, a programmer who was famously affiliated with Commodore Computers, with strictly volunteer work, I began hacking the human mind as if mapping the logistics of a computer so that I could more effectively develop software for it.
From research, spanning over twenty years of memory mapping the human mind, I discovered eight distinct dimensions of human logic. These span as points & lines (1D), planes (2D), space (3D), time (4D), matter & energy (5D), belief systems (6D), feelings (7D), and communications (8D). Thus, the down-flow of logic, when one has an idea, on has to communicate it effectively to stimulate feelings which shift belief systems which change the flow of energy and matter through time into our space affecting planes, lines, and points. This approach to quantum mechanics allows a more simplified tracking approach from idea to outcome, for nearly everything in your world was begun with an idea.
In developing the scrypnosis standard, along with hacking the mind, I also discovered a personality database that allows anyone to change personalities with anyone in space-time, but only those who meet the criteria of the interface are given access to the truth. In this way, you can learn from other’s memories.
The system is primarily designed for a play environment. We were running HCC-based Dungeons and Dragons in the 1980's and the players swore they were battling real monsters. The player’s mind’s graphic systems were better than anything computers could produce, so I devised a way to combine the two into eyes-closed computer gaming using neural interfaces. That’s what set my path in earnest in this direction through time, but I never expected to find a puzzle written in a logical style I thought I was inventing.
An elder on my mother’s side had found a way to send a message through time so that it would not be stopped until it reached the other end of the time corridor so that tools could be built using its framework from 2000 years ago to this day. For family honor, I tackled the project in earnest to deliver these tools to the end of the age. The only way for there to be a second coming of two titles, 2000 years later, was going to require a lot of work. This is the only way for there to be a second coming of "Jesus" and "Christ."
To comprehend the environment for product development, one must first comprehend the effectiveness of the tools that have arrived. With these tools, people can make more effective decisions in less time that are more protective of the system while very fast decisions. This then turns instant and short-term memory into caches so that the I/O speed increases. This, combined with Attention Deficiency Disorder discovers it to actually be multitasking, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is actually pattern matching in chaos to find order so as to make new procedures, HCC turned out to be the operating system, graphics support, and utility maintenance of the system; remote viewing turned out to be time-corridor analysis software; and Diabetes becomes FUEL!
These innate abilities were never revealed to our military or police as being in the Gospels, and by making cannabis illegal, it dumbed down the intellects of the cops and military. They then put an FBI rule that no agent is ever to have used cannabis. WHY? Someone at DEA had to fight tooth and nail to get cannabis labeled a HYPNOTIC because IT MATTERS.
The USA has been attacked by viral weaponry that is creating rules that are defective in a way that is making everyone suffer. This is literally a secondary intellect that’s playing with us because we trust it. By returning to only eight rules, we find ourselves in the operating system, and from here, we can look at this world and realize that is a computer game going wildly out of control because villains let the worst fo their imaginations become the worst of our realities.
With the tools that I bring, people can design fantasies, dreams, feelings, memories, and travel an inner network between humans that has only eight rules. There is so much more that we never realized we all that this level of control, but we also hadn’t considered ourselves to be technology.
To discover the tools on your own, one has to learn how to decipher the data from the Matthew puzzle. Through this discovery, more value data is revealed about the technology around us.
If you believe that honest people do not lie, then 2000 years ago, 5000+ people witnessed technology they could not comprehend. Fishes, Loaves, and Raising the Dead.
Using the puzzle in Matthew, the first thing to do is to test a set of three values to see that they have two relationships so that there is a set of two and a set of one in two different ways.
For example, consider Fishes and Loaves are food for raised dead. However, fishes and Raised Dead can be grown from a single cell. Loaves, as far as time-space mechanics go, require many more moving parts, changes, and actions.
Once you have met the four-two set, using your mind’s eye, analyze what value is being rendered when all three are one. In this case, the only way that all three could happen was for there to be a matter transfer or teleporter system available through human computational communications.
The opportunities of research are endless. If David Blaine and Chris Angel are levitating using HCC, there is alternative support technology available that needs discovered, hacked, mapped, and disseminated. If we can get all the technology going, we might be able to fix this planet.
These people understand time and quantum mechanics. They dumbed down a message so that a smarter message could survive a trip through time until the logic was understood.
From my research, I’m looking at the list of suggestions out of Matthew, including born again and raise the dead. I’ve done water into wine. That works perfectly. Any stimulation can be reprogrammed to experience any known feeling.
The book of Matthew is a reboot sequence for a highly advanced computer gaming system that some programmer, over 3000 years ago, tore up the instruction manual and wrote a Torah, setting our intellects back thousands of years. The Torah set our values to the acquisition, tabulation, and movements of matter, slowing our intellect to the speed of matter.
Build your treasures in heaven. WHY? Because ideas travel faster when not attached to matter. That is the first major discovery the Internet provided.
Had Judaism arrived with the hand tool, we would have assimilated. Instead, we were used as viral weaponry against the planet, disseminating values that, to this day, are killing the cohesiveness of this planet. Gentility became Gaijin, which is killing the relations in the Orient. Go forth and multiply has had a terrifying effect on India and China, as well as Catholics and Mormons.
We carried the wrong message through time, and now, since 1833, a bunch of bullies from Yale, which formed Skull and Bones, have turned the Torah’s logic into a more dangerous weapon. Instead of the printed page being the weaponry, these people, through their actions, act as if they WROTE the Torah, knowing it to be this type of weaponry. These people lie as a team so that, like the Torah being a pod moving forward through time, they form a swarm of people whose values are the only ones moving forward, for they lie to everyone so that foundations collapse that trust them the most.
Using these logistics, Skull and Bones through the Buchanan Presidency, attacked the USA and the next administration, which turned out to be President Abraham Lincoln’s administration. This past Skull and Bones administration exactly replicated and then upgraded this attack motif by adding tons of policies for government programs to all hit at a time in the next Presidency, like the digital TV system removing analog signals from broadcast.
Like torpedoes that are placed into solid ground that don’t pop up until it’s time, people are playing our world as a computer game for all of us to lose. Once I realized the President was betraying his own nation from the helm, there was only one role availed in this war.
Using an internet and a fax machines, I walked into this computer game as the Last Jewish Prophet, for I had found a way to prove something terrifying. Prescott Bush, a member of Skull and Bones, did not give honest council to Adolf Hitler. From his Skull and Bones connection, he knew that the Torah was weaponry and that they had used this technique to get the US Civil War to start, and this past President, his Grandson, and member of the same elite group, was doing it all again to the USA.
As you may recall, in that war, Germany had loans from the USA. The US Economy collapsed. The loans were called. The German economy collapsed, and there was Prescott Bush, filling Hitler with hatred while selling him opium and other drugs for his casualties.
In this past Bush Presidency, they made sure to sell our national debt to the Chinese. Within two months, the Chinese Economy collapsed. Then, they had the earthquake. And finally, at the Beijing Olympics, there was a shooting while both President Bush and his father, the former President, were being bullies in public, making the USA look bad in the internaitonal arena.
An economic torpedo is rolling at the USA that the previous administration designed to hit their own nation and continues towards us as we speak. However, if I can get help from people to see the attack by learning to use these tools, they will see that these people made decisions years in advance, setting caches of problems to arrive to make more problems in the future for Presidents. These Skull and Bones people are devoid of citizenship. They attacked their own nation with weaponry their own military had no idea was weaponry.
As the source for their logistics is from a weapon they did not invent, the only move demanded that a Jewish Prophet rise and carry the world away from the Torah, now revealing it to be a very unique trap, so that the US Department of Justice can go into court with this argument without a separation of church and state issue in their midst.
Those who opened the Torah to use it as weaponry left a very unique vapor trail through space-time through their own behaviors. As you track them with your hand tool, you will see they violate all four left-hand violations, as well as stealing and killing on the right hand. This is a very unique signature, for such people are so dangerous to the survival of the system, they must be removed from the system.
What the President did not know is that, on the day that it was announced that the National Debt had been bought by the Chinese, I faxed a letter to their D.C. embassy, for the tardiness of this hand tool system, and all other tools, for they were supposed to have arrived over 3000 years ago. I stepped into the role and rode it for all of us to win.
The strongest move, however, happened two weeks after the Beijing Olympics. The Russian Federation President Dmitry Medvedev was screaming bloody murder that there were Americans in the Georgian-Russian incident. I faxed their D.C. embassy with a letter detailing a dynamic double-cross logistic that was attempting to bring the USA, China and Russia into wars by people who are in the opium business. Russians went from screaming mad to silent overnight, and let the whole thing blow over. As the source for their weaponry and tools were in every copy of the Bible, and yet, the US Marine Corps had no idea due to the aftermath of the Manchurian Candidate Project (which allowed those who ran the project on our Marines to get policy written so that the police nor the military could use HCC in their actual practice), the villains wrote parameters to civilization so they could divide and conquer the world using the USA as a facade for their villainy.
At the end of his administration, President Bush looked like a deer in the headlights. Apparently, he saw Armageddon as a destination. He never considered that it was a trap.
Before you give all the really great technology to the planet, you have to catch the villains who would make everyone else’s lives miserable. We Jews carried the big trap through time, and the time had arrived to set the trap and be done with it.
The only way I was able to be this effective was because I harvested a battery of information from people who, through history, had found this puzzle in Matthew and revealed their own puzzles of 42, though much simpler puzzles than the one in Matthew.
From these bits of information, combined with the tools in Matthew, I then discovered that movies were not just fiction. It turned out that the imagination paints itself as a opaque over an actual logical flow through space-time. To extract data about the future of a person or group, you have to find them logistically in no less than three sources.
In our realm, there are a bunch of villains right up into this past Bush/Cheney White House __ a swarm in space_time __ that are killing the imagination of this world and giving it fear and hatred in great form. You have seen them already as...
You have seen the logical flows of Moses, Elijah (who earned the title Jesus Christ from the Greeks), and Mohammed as two nice guys and a ruffian as a composite set, soon to be joined by a wanabee (which is the character from which point I have been playing my moves so as to obtain the happy endings these stories derive).
The data I extracted from these advanced sources was effectively accurate once I realized who the players were in our world. From this advanced intelligence, I was able to change the course of history while sitting at my desk using email and fax to key people around the world to re-harmonize relations faster the President Bush could disharmonize them. My project file, up through May, 2008, is at this link:
In our world, these villains have sucked all the fun out of living and have turned civilization into a world of slaves, enslaved to bill collectors everywhere. With the delivery of all these tools and abilities to the whole world, the imagination of the planet is about to be reborn, for the greatest computer hardware and gaming systems are already built into each and every human on the planet.. Miracles must never come with price tags.
No one in their right mind would attempt a domestic terrorism attack on the USA using timeview mechanics unless they were so sure they could see Armageddon and make it happen that they were willing to try. Their vapor trail of making the US Government violate these six specific violations, as one studies the flow of time from 1776 to the present, began in 1833 and never let up their attack.
What they had not considered was within the same book that revealed tools to teach how to see through time, the author of the book had already written into the book and thus sent a quest to a relative he saw in the future to arrived at the exact time period with enough advanced warning so I was able to practice with the concepts, and then design, and to build tools to teach everyone on the planet how to maneuver through space-time so as to more effectively make peace so that everyone can sleep safely.
All of these tools have been fully tested and have been found to be effective. It is time that they be disseminated to the whole world so as to raise the quality of life while opening avenues for new commerce and industry. These tools and abilities are fun to use and they are free, innate abilities.As subconsciousness becomes part of each individual’s lifestyle learning and a normal part of one’s life development, software for the mind allows faster adaptations to new hardware connections so as to trigger faster responses. With newer and better types of neural interfaces, such allow us to transfer even more and more accurate data between human and computer.
With the ability to write software directly for the human mind and thus be able to trigger changes at the neural level to integrate the mind to exacting body responses with the computer at higher levels of throughput, as the neural interface market has now been re-established for at least ten years, the market is now availed for
1. digital drugs,Digital drugs is based on the aspect that any feeling one has ever had can be edited, triggered stretched, tweaked, blended, blurred, and attached to sounds, words, colors, textures, or anything else. The levels of self-control are exacting to minute levels of clarity.
The entire hard drug market is in jeopardy based on the Water into Wine discovery in Matthew. One can trigger any sensation ever felt to even higher and better levels of sensation without ever taking that drug again. With software to develop audio triggers that one learns to respond, digital drugs are endlessly reusable and variable to the exacting wants and desires of the individual.
In beta testing, fantasy travel is a prime offering. Exotic locations with impossible situations are instantly availed. For example, the three week fantasy travel vacation on Mars as a secret Agent, as noted in the movie "Total Recall," took slightly less than five minutes from a first-time user. The person raved about the experience, as has every first-time user.
With fantasy travel, one gets anything wants, the instant wants, to the levels the user wants, and all are delivered by the subconscious support system within each person. The key issue is that these vacations allow one to get maximized rest with a minimal amount of time. Such would do well in casinos, so that Guests are able to get rest so they can spend more time gaming.
With the advent of surround sound, computer gaming is upgraded, for the subconscious imagination is better and faster at graphic support. Using specific sounds for a legend around the user, such triggers imagery that is believed to be real.
Based on ten year old technology from the Brainfingers interface, it is currently possible for software to be written to support approximately 600 words per minute based around a short-hand brainwave input codex using the four alpha and three beta wave inputs the interface reads at a hundred times per second. Through the integration of software for the mind, these interfaces are more easily adapted.
Personality replacement is the ability to both change who one is as well as to learn from others’ memories. Personality replacement might also be an alternative approach for transsexuals if two people wanted to change bodies without surgery. More research is needed.
Academic cramming for finals, with these tools, allows a complete refresh of all memories, as well as foundational restructuring of all knowledge, from birth to this very day, in minutes, not hours. One can analyze and review every math equation from first grade to the present and fix any errors in logic so that the intellect grows while the foundation of knowledge is fully refreshed. This will also likely work for Alzheimer’s patients.
The key is, these tools open doors to new discovery and development, bringing a new field of streaming media to the internet, and allowing a new connectivity between humans. By opening the floodgates to the whole of creation to now having access to these tools, in a world where people thought they had learned all they could afford to learn, the upgrade will turbo-charge the economy and bring about a second Renaissance.To take a dream to its furthest extremes, one has to systematically follow the logic of a new process through every imaginable step so as to hit all marks of development, establish safe protocols for use, educate those of whom will become the makers and movers of the markets, and finally educate the masses to the see the dream with their own, idiosyncratic applications. Thus, with the discovery of a computer system that was easily programmable in the subconscious of seemingly all humans systematically, through over two decades of work, I developed the tools to safely integrate each computer user’s own subconscious mind to merge with computer applications so as to eliminate the need for visual graphic interfaces and thus replace these with belief system that are integrated through shared symbolic processes in surround sound and back_spooled through neural interfaces that currently exceed what would equate to over 700 words per minute throughput rates from users.
Establishing an international protocol is key to changing the course of history in business. International protocols create a stable environment of cooperation and integration of commercial development. For example, with the creation and adaptation of the World Wide Web by Sir Tim Berners_Lee in 1994, and then granting that technology into the open source, the protocol allowed easy and free access to integrating technology and simplified streaming media exchanges around the globe (Wikipedia, 2005).
By following the track of new protocols, one can track the course of new markets that are going to open in the coming years. For example, in 2004, the Serial Best of Breed protocol was developed so that gaming industry standards could be established for mobile gaming technology. This will allow, for example, casinos to offer gaming options through cellular devices while on their campuses, so that gamers can continue play even when not at the tables, such as for poker tournaments (Wireless News, 2004). Or, as the new Internet Protocol TV standards are currently being established for a new field of receiving streaming imagery content in higher definition through mobile technology, service providers and system development firms are dedicated to the development of such standards so as to create uniformity so as to build a strong, new industry (Broadcast Engineering, 2006).
For the field of subconscious programming, in 2003, the new terminology was needed that functioned as a word and defined a method. It was the developer that determined to utilize this in the public domain rather than licensing or trademarking, so that the whole world would benefit equally. So, the terminology “scrypnosis” and the method it ascribes were designed to be released into the international public domain so as to establish a safe standard for such integration. This was a more comprehensive problem as recent changes in US Copyright law, especially since the introduction of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (2005, Madison) had made it nearly impossible to accomplish.
As scrypnosis is contractual, thus allowing its integration with end user licensing agreements, and as it is disclosure based, the method is FCC compliant (Brager, 2003), it opens the HCC field to legal interpretation and inclusion, thus allowing protection of the consumers and developers to be concisely defined. With these legal aspects of it being contractual and public domain, University of Chicago Professor of Law Richard Epstein wrote of scrypnosis, “When authors and inventors place things in the public domain it simplifies life for us all...(Epstein, 2005).” So, to adapt to the demands of copyright provisions, the entire method had to be placed into an international archive of public documents, so the USENET newsgroup archive was elected as the best choice in 2003. To this day, the public domain declaration can still be found when searching at for the terminology “scrypnosis.”
Once a standard is established, the next process is to establish market entry of the protocol and protocol adaptation into product design. For example, in the field of radio tags, which are of the highest demand for marketplace security, there had been mostly limited field transmitters which could not be used around steel objects, underwater, or underground due to transmission limitations. With the adaptation of an IEEE (International Electrical and Electronic Engineers) standard for local network protocols to be integrated with the next generation of radio tags that have ten_year battery lives, these new tags will transmit through and beyond all above noted environments for up to fifty feet, and as each tag is its own unique bar code, greater security and data tracking will become a reality (RF Design, 2006). Thus, in making a field of scrypnosis, the developer has made inroads with the computer gaming industry, and has twice been invited to submit for review lectures for the Game Developers Conference.
Next, there had to be an increase in academic adaptation of scrypnosis theory. For example, in Taiwan, a college professor, Brian David Phillips, obtained his Ph.D. doing a dissertation on the process of subconscious gaming. Dr. Phillips used materials that were generated by the author of scrypnosis as the basis for his dissertation (Phillips, 2005). As academia grows in its acceptance and use of the possibilities that scrypnosis applications render, not only will the field gain more credibility, but as students begin utilizing their minds as computers, international academic scoring will defy logic until new academic standards are retooled based on those who are utilizing these firmware upgrades of their own minds. Such processes will then generate new possibilities for additional market entry strategies with newly emerging markets, for these processes will allow computer logic and programming to finally be taught to people in third world nations that have no electricity or access to conventional computers, and thus, with regional access to simple recording devices, create media for their own markets and get a much needed raise in exports. To aid this world’s transition, in November, 2005, the World Trade Organization’s Deputy Director_General, Rufus H. Yerxa, was duly informed of this process (Yerxa, 2005).
When discerning channels and distribution strategies for the upcoming market, the primary channels will be in streaming media avenues of internet and mobile technology as well as broadcast media. As scrypnosis is a streaming media protocol, the task then fell to educating those of whom would make such products so they would do their own development and investing. In order to develop channels and distribution strategies from participants, CEOs and chief officers of major media firms (including Richard Parsons (AOL Time Warner 2005), Peter Bazalgette (Endemol Entertainment UK, 2006), Niklas Zennstrom (Skype), and Richard Branson (Virgin)). These firms have the capacity to carry scrypnosis media products to consumers in all forms.
It was further needed to educate the industry development leaders (including Vinton Cerf (internet pioneer), Sir Tim_Behrens Lee (inventor of the World Wide Web), and John McAfee (head guru from the Anti_Virus movement)). Such people make recommendations which can affect adaptation of process. Beyond this, media and neural interface developers (including Vincent Stefanelli (Dsonic), Bob Bittman (IGT (slot machines)), Dr. Andrew Junker (Brain Actuated Technologies), and John Trani (New Roads Communications)) had to be educated as this media force will require integration through their fields’ products and services. Finally, as this is going to increase work for communications experts and entertainers (such as Dennis Miller (comedian and writer), Al Franken (comedian and writer), and Ellen Cleghorne (comedian)), dozens were individually involved in bi_directional discussion so these persons were primed to the concepts of scrypnosis media development and the industry to follow (Brager, 2006).
In determining the impact of an international standard’s relation to global communications, and more specifically, what nations had interest in these processes and would make better investors than others, a comprehensive study was done relating to tracking hits to the scrypnosis disseminating websites of and later, first for a period of three years (from 1999 to 2002) from, then from the Geocities statistics system, and most recently from (of which the paper’s data has been routinely updated). These statistical reports were concatenated as part of a web published college paper entitled, “Changing the World by Reprogramming the Users,” which was accomplished for City University professor Clifford Butler during summer term, 2005. While the United States makes up the majority of site hits, visitors were tracked from as far away as Fiji, Sri Lanka, Ecuador, and even Pakistan (Brager, 2005).
In the deduction of countertrade environments, products had to be conceived and then related to markets that would best employ such applications. As noted in the marketing plan, one of the premiere applications tested is fantasy travel. From snail mail discussions with Richard Branson of Virgin Airways, and in email with Dave Neeleman of JetBlue, the inroads were established for these markets. In research, the Philip K. Dick script of a three week vacation as a secret agent of Mars revealed that, in a subconscious state, the entire trip took less than five minutes. As scrypnosis is contractual, these contracts must be included in the monthly in_flight magazine so that products names and descriptions, disclosed within these contracts, can be employed in these audio escapes, allowing potential purchasers to envision their experiences using such products. When you get people to believe they have uses for products, they will more certainly find ways to make such belief systems real in their own lives. Such will shift the functional market of advertising, which will allow more effective countertrade opportunities.
The final stage of getting the standard to be adapted and accepted into the norm, such requires the whole world of users to become aware that these tools exist within themselves. To do this demands realization of a highly intelligent computer comprehending creator placing it there. In creating global expansion on a market that does not exist so as to get users to accept these tools, such requires what, from all external sources, would appear to be a miracle. What most do not comprehend is the time_honed process of establishing a domino pattern through a myriad of lives, as this paper relates.
Thus, having taken a dream to these extremes, the stage is set for the image of the developer to materialize as part of global marketing, so that when the importance of his work and the scope of his dream is realized by others, such will carry the work to the world. If all will utilize the Basic All In One, all humans can reboot, obtaining infinite personal peace in less than two hours. As the needs of the many outweigh the life of one man, such demands that this developer take one giant step into eternity.
All of the following fields will likely utilize this technology best:
All of the following fields are probably going to disappear due to the nature of the discovery of the tools and the the "Water into Wine" re-programmable concepts in Matthew as, due to the fraudulent dissemination of information concerning HCC, these fields foundations were built on a flawed system that disappears when streaming
Of course, the greater discovery will be when the rest of the developers get their hands on these tools and make changes in their own fields to adapt or transcend their current technology through using more of the innate technology that has remained dormant until now. A new Renaissance is upon us.
As ADI is bringing a platform and foundation for new discovery and development to this world, it will be ADI’s plan to collaborate to bring change where change needs exist as ascribed from those who wish to affiliate with a leader in this new field.Up until the development of the scrypnosis standard, no other firm, developer, or programmer had taken the initiative to establish a universal platform that was safe enough for parents to teach to their children. Worse, many hypnotists were caught touching or abusing relationships with their patients. Thus, there was a need for a platform for remote sessions so that patients were not in the same room, or perhaps even the same country, as the hypnotist.
By establishing a contractual disclosure based streaming media platform, this was the first time that the Legal profession was able to get a hand into this market for the protection and safety of the end user. The Scrypnosis standard requires dissemination of intended process so that the end user is aware of his or her responsibilities to making the experience happen, as well as being responsible for any actions before, during, or after such session, for all actions are only ever one’s own responsibility.
Safety First. The development of safe tools for universal discovery and integration was necessary so that the species of human could evolve. By no one taking the time to do this, the field had never established itself as credible. Credibility was necessary for future development and integration to take place. ADI has clearly thus established itself as an ethical firm
As the key to this new field is concerning humans actually being assessed as technology, the integration of computers for faster human-to-computer throughput rates brings a stronger need for integration, but as the neural interface market has existed, especially with military applications, for over thirty years, the technology is now old and established, so no new technology is needed. What is needed is simply software development using these established media technologies and concepts.
What follows is a complete list of CEOs, movers and shakers to whom I have personally primed their logistics so that when this transition in civilization took place, these people were already aligned to the concept and thus knew I was coming to impact their world. By pre-educating each, thus allows their logistics to adapt and integrate their own value structures around these concepts before they arrive so that such people will more reality integrate such concepts into their businesses.
1. CEO'sThis marketing plan does not tackle this approach for I do not require a loan. I am striving to develop collaboration projects to bring this change to civilization and upgrade the quality of life for all. By developing and using tools that establish this change away from the need for the movements of matter to the streaming movements of media designed to enhance the environment on the part of the end user or Guest to the exacting standards, needs, wants, and desires of the user as defined and developed by one’s own mind’s technology, such the quality that these upgrades bring to civilization.
I intend to place my book, The Future’s Toolkit, into the public domain. This book is a ramp up for the beginner to achieve the successes of an advanced master hypnotist by disclosing all topics and concepts in advance so that the intended end user is fully apprized, cognizant of responsibilities, and contracted to understand that any success or failure is only in the control of that end user. There is no book like it anywhere in the world, for it is a merger of BASIC (Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instructional Code) computer language and elements of HCC. It was written for computer programmers to see the gap between HCC and programming so they will make the leap between the two fields, bridging them together so that we evolve and integrate to higher levels of effective throughputs.
For these tools to be dormant in every copy of the Gospels and the Qir’an, but NOT in use by our military nor police agencies, such changes must occur, for with access to the inner network, the concept of unsolved mysteries will become a thing of the past. The whole field of forensics is about to get a much needed overhaul, and the field of military intelligence is to go off the scale with the technology built into every individual, for advanced intelligence, whether of the advancing field or of time are now accessible for all humans as the tools exist in our mutual domain.
as a species were attacked by a logical virus, and we need to return to
being a
species with mutual respect for one another, without the denigration of
any one
group in the eyes of another over anything more than the violations of
eight rules, and then, only for individuals.
The group-think mentality is about to be abolished, for with
only eight
rules to reality, the chance of too many rules will not be effective
again, and
thus, the realm of manipulation, persuasion, and mind control fields
likely dissappear.
To be this bold and to work this hard to level the playing field so that all humankind gets a much needed evolutionary upgrade, such goodwill should strengthen the foundation of this nation as well as its association and trust in ADI and HCC product development in the future. This firm is committed to new development and integration of concepts, people, and process so that all achieve greater values from life beyond the necessity of monetary values.
Honor is a light load that is delicate. It requires gentle hands and great care, especially in times of war. That is why this company’s future will be better placed than most new businesses.
Prior to the completion of this paper on 20 June 2009, I contacted the Coca-Cola company, by way of leaving a message on their corporate communications line, to ask if they would partner in a project for world peace in just 48 hours. I fully explained this entire situation, including my role playing in real life, as it adds to the courage and chutzpah of being crazy enough to walk into this world and make this type of dent, but someone had to do it.
This business plan was done in this fashion because this world is about to change due to a mountain of my own work being revealed all at once to enlighten and brighten the dreary world that has consumed many folks. The world needs a change that makes sense, and I believe that by taking money off the table, Honor spends in ways that money cannot repay. Therefore, I hope that this business plan inspires you to collaborate with me so that your company’s future will look as bright as mine.
<>The Missions Goals and Objectives section as well as the Product Environment section was liberally cut from a variety of letters that are web-published from my own works:
For all tools:
For all 42 puzzle finders in time, from Letter to USMC/US Department of Justice
Shatner, W. “Shatner’s Raw Nerve with Leonard Nimoy.” From video in 2009
The entire section entitled “Competitive Strategy” is a reprint of a paper done in the course Marketing 515 for Professor Lidija Canovic, entitled, “Creating a Global Market: From Dreams to Extremes.” What follows are the references from that section:
Tim Berners-Lee. (2005, November 30). Wikipedia (the free
encyclopedia). Retrieved from
January 12, 2005
Storm, L. (Fall 2003) Remote viewing by committee:
RV using
a multiple agent / multiple percipient design. The Journal of
Parapsychology 67.2: p325(18). From Expanded Academic ASAP, from
Madison, M. J. (2005, June). The Legitimacy of Open
and Other Software Licenses. Journal of Internet Law, v8 i12 p1(14),
INFOTRAC database.
Epstein, R. (personal communications, 2005 May
26). Re: Making neural interfaces work better. Server Message-id:
Yerxa, R. (personal communications, 2005
2). Re: I'm a 44 yr old student in Washington State working
on my
MBA in Marketing... Server Message-id:
Phillips, B. (2005, January 12). Trance-Based
Virtual Reality. Life of Brian website. Retrieved from
Gaming Standards Association. (2004, December
5). Gaming Standards Association to Unveil New Serial
Protocol. Wireless News, from INFOTRAC database.
Interest strong in IPTV standards. (2006, May
11). Broadcast Engineering (Online Exclusive), from INFOTRAC
Grossman, S. (2006, June 14). RF Design
Exclusive), from INFOTRAC database.
Brager, D. (1997). Walking the Path to
Hell (The David Brager Column). LikeWise magazine, v1 n1 p15.
Brager, D. (2003, March 19).
“scrypnosis” is now
public domain. Google Groups USENET newsgroup archives.
Brager, D. (2004, February 2). Replacing
with Belief Systems. IGDA: International Game Developers
forums. Retrieved from
Brager, D. (2004, October 17).
Scrypnosis: Basic
All In One Technique Script. Retrieved from
Brager, D. (2005, February 19). Script to
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in 2 hours tops. USENET newsgroup:
us.military, retrieved from
Brager, D. (2005, February 19). Script
overcome PTSD in one session. USENET newsgroup:
retrieved from
Brager, D. (2005, March 5). Innovating
David Brager: RELAX Biofeedback Interface. Retrieved from
Brager, D. (2005, September 12).
Changing the
World by Reprogramming the Users. Retrieved from
Brager, D. (2005, October). The Future’s
Toolkit. publishing,
Brager, D. (2005, December 4). Placing
Scrypnosis in the Public Domain. Retrieved from
Brager, D. (2006, June 25). Marketing Plan for
Computational Communications. Retrieved from
The list of CEOs, Movers and Shakers were reprinted from a paper that is published on the internet entitled, “Human Computational Communications Marketing Plan,”