I just graduated with my MBA in Marketing, but what follows is the keystone to my Ph.D. Project.  When you read this, prepare to evolve, and then, when everything settles, please consider how this will upgrade the dramatic arts, now that I have built all these tools.  We can do actual fantasy travel using the logistics of the dramatic arts.  It's a blur of hypnosis and theatre, but I developed and placed in the public domain (in response to those damned Terror Meters) an FCC-compliant contractual method to human computational communications (formerly hypnosis) in 2003.

This was faxed to General James Conway, Commandant of the USMC. 

27 August 2009

General James T. Conway
Commandant of the Marine Corps
Headquarters, US Marine Corps
2 Navy Annex
Washington, DC 20380-1775
fax 703-697-7246

Dear General Conway:

I received this fax number from Sgt. Leyva in your office.

General Conway, my name is David Brager and I am applying for a civilian position that does not exist, but the Marines are being hurt in a way you did not see it because very rich villains created policies around you so that you would not see their attack, and through the aftermath of the Manchurian Candidate Project, they attacked the USMC in a way that Major General Smedley Butler couldn’t fight back while, at the same time, they wrote policy to make hypnosis go away.  What they did not bother to tell you is that the best book on hypnosis and remote viewing is in the Design of the Four Gospels as well as the Qir’an.

With your background in psychology, you have probably a little comprehension about hypnosis, but a US Army Air Corps Warrant Officer supply pilot from W.W. II named Chuck Brewer, said to me, “Dave, I’ve checked you out.  You’re a good guy.  Tell you what.  You teach me anything I want to know about computers, and I’ll teach you anything you want to know about hypnosis.”

General, I merged computer logic with hypnosis and, through doing strictly volunteer work as an experimental hypnotist for over a quarter century, I have hacked out the matrix, mapped it, and developed tools to teach all the world, but in doing so, I found a 42-point puzzle in the book of Matthew.  I discovered an inner network between people, and those who are good get access to anyone’s memories.  There are no such things as secrets.

An elder on my mom’s side had to get a message way the hell out of Jerusalem.  He did so through TIME so that an argument he could not make could be safely made here in the future, .  This argument  has to be now, for a group from Yale have, since 1833, turned the Torah’s logistics into big, big weaponry, and the USMC doesn’t see it.  Their attack can be charted through the behaviors of the US Government from that moment onward, for it exploded in bureaucracy to overtake and destroy the power of the US Constition, just as a Torah destroys the freedoms and power of a hand tool.

As I discovered these tools, in judgment, I discovered I could see a swarm of individual people who are infected by a logical virus.  Just like a computer virus, they are adding tons of rules and policies to make chaos.  However, as I am tracking them through time, I discovered they are functioning as of one common intellect.

I discovered this world has its first actual case of War of the Worlds.

America needs a MIRACLE.  This is the best I can do.

What follows in my wake is new commerce, industry, jobs, hope, and heck of a lot of fun, for your mind controls your body and your body is cyborg.  Hypnosis turned out to be computation logic in standard human language, and there’s an eight-bit interface that some asshole programmer over 3000 years ago edited off two rules and one system commandment, revised the set, and set these into stone tablets in an uncommissioned Torah.  With the delivery of the hand tool system, Judaism assimilates, for Moses’ prime objective never arrived.

Judaism, without knowing or comprehending it until we had computers to speed up the logistics, was used as weaponry against the whole planet.  Sometimes, before birthing something as big as a planet, someone has to carry the big trap so that before the good stuff arrives, you judge out those who would make everyone’s lives miserable.

As I am a direct descendent of King David, and this world looked like Revelations foresaw, I rose to doing role playing in real life so that three times last year, I overshadowed the President of the United States of America so that foreign powers did not become disharmonized due to his being a bully.  I have a full paper trail through Homeland Security, FBI, NSA, CIA, and, yes, even the USMC. 

I found the US Marine Corps and this nation being attacked by policy makers who were building intentionally defective bureaucracy so that the government becomes unstable, ineffective, and disharmonized while further destroyed by expenditures that had been put into action long ago to pop up and attack the next administration.  This is what happened to President Abraham Lincoln, to Germany, and just happened to the USA with this past administration.   However, I can prove that the Bush family knows something about the construction of the World Trade Center that the USMC had not considered.

I am of the opinion that one only has one chance to do something right the first time.  What follows is the completion of over three years work, for I am tracking our first case of War of the Worlds, and the enemy is amongst us. 

That part of the book of Matthew that is ahead of the other three Gospels, to where it joins the other three in time, needs to be torn off.  It is a secret message to the future of what actually happened and why.

The man on the cross could not make an argument that humans really can see through time.  So, to have tools built,  he had to ask for a painful death and then set a time-space intercept to arrive early enough for someone to build all tools, test them, and then rise to do role playing on his behalf.  As this is an elder, I get zero credit.  “Jesus” and “Christ” are two titles, and the only way to get Judaism to follow him out of this mess will require the Greeks to re-issue the titles that arrived twenty years too late to save his life the first time.  Had either arrived, based on the Sanctuary relationship that Greece beheld with Rome, either title would have saved a good man’s life.  For me to earn both 2000 years later has been a nightmare, but until I can get the US Marine Corps to realize that I am on duty until I am relieved, I have been building this case against the Yale group that uncorked Pandora’s Box, unleashing terrifying levels of chaos making logistics onto the USA.  The first time, they made the US Civil War, and then went out and helped make tons of other wars, for these military advisors give intentionally defective military advice so that those who bank on their advice suffer most.

The pinnacle piece of my action took place one year ago, 30 August 2008.  From this safe vantage point in the past, I am now going to give you a crash course in remote viewing because had this man not asked for a cruel death and this message not be carried through time, I could not send all these tools to the Russian, then point to the USMC and show how you had no idea that they exist in every copy of the Gospels, but then show how the Bush family was in the midst of a dynamic double-cross against their own nation, so unless the Russians wanted Dictator Bush, the best move would be to let it blow over and it would go away, which, thankfully, is what they did.

The tools to which I am using were extracted from a 42-point puzzle in the book of Matthew.  Being of this man’s family, when I realized that these people could see with this level of accuracy in space-time mechanics, I tackled the second of two quests I found embedded in the book, for Islam’s Mohammed tackled the first quest.  For one chance at peace with all of Islam over something remarkably simple, such was worth all my efforts.

General, Sir, please look at your hands and consider the following tool for all decisions from this point forward in time.  Please label your fingers, from left index to right across the palms, with the following values: lie, scapegoat, dishonor, torture, steal, overwork, adulterate, kill.

This is an eight-bit decision computer based on our mutual design for a wordless signalling system of logical errors as judged by people.  Please note that the left three are purely ethereal, demanding right-hemispheric logistics, and vice-versa.   This is much more in line with any sort of proof of a creator.

However, in analysis of the values, please notice that in 2000 years, no one forgets any of the left hand violations, but in twenty years, few remember violations of the right-hand.  That is because, this is a system to protect civilization from chaos.

If you do not violate any of the left four issues, and you have to break issues with the right hand, notice that your left hand is one thumb up.  If you do not lie, scapegoat, dishonor, or torture with any decision, it is approved by the system creator.  The right hand only relates to your relationship with people in your society.  It has zero to do with the system creator. 

This hand tool is for fourth-dimensional logistics and is being argued as what Moses was supposed to have delivered.  Had this arrived, the Promised Land was World Peace, and never Palestine.

When analyzing the hand tool, we find more than just an operating system.  We find design logistics.

If you do not lie, you respect your pathway through time from now until forever.
If you do not scapegoat, you respect everyone else’s pathway by being responsible for every mistake in your logic you can find backward through time.

If you do not dishonor, you respect the peace, you keep with your friends through time.
If you do not torture, you respect the peace of everyone else in your wake.

If you do not steal, you respect the burdens that people place on themselves before you arrive.
If you do not overwork, you respect the burdens that you place on other people after you leave.

If you do not adulterate, you respect the rights of others to making ancestry.
If you do not kill, you respect the rights of others to having ancestry.

Notice that this draws a triangular plane in space-time, from infinity ahead to the most immediate now moving forward  with adultery to the most immediate now moving backward with killing, to the most distant past behind you with scapegoating.  This protects all from chaos.

Judge the US Marine Corps in the USA.  As there is no domestic war, you are two thumbs up.  The USMC is order based.  Judge this past administration. From their policies, they allowed people to lie AND scapegoat AND dishonor AND torture AND steal AND kill.  In short, they were chaos based.

Please pair these with your fingers.  This, that made this hand tool, is of just one intellect. 

Now, look at the shape of the hand tool.  Please realize that this is not the same intellect that turned this shape into letters in a new alphabet, and then set this letter to being the first letter of the word, Shalom, which we now discover relates all the peace we missed by trusting the author of the Torah.

General, you have just met two non-human intellects.  Both are over 3000 years old. 

With this hand tool, this CPU thinking system turns short term and instant memory into caches, and thus increases intellect as it decreases the amount of time between excellent decisions, for, as you use it for each decision, those which are two thumbs up are so wise, you never have to remember them.  What are the elderly suffering from?  They cannot remember what just happened?  This would have built a very different civilization. 

What do FREE MASONS build?  Good and solid foundations.

With your hands in this paired form, please overlap so that the finger tips of the index and middle fingers cover their reverse from the other hand so that the overall, with a little imagination, looks like the shape of a shrouded figure with arms outstretched as seen from a distance.  The second commandment in Exodus is ridiculous.  You never have to worry about people raising false idols when they are already carrying a portable shrine.  Also, look closer.  The Freemason’s symbol is from this.  They made sure that when whoever in the future had to make this argument, I could prove others had been here before me.  And look closely at that kite shaped opening and realize why it is that Peter was crucified upside-down.  Peter is the rock on which I build my church because the original stone tablets were never to be stone but always of flesh.

Please go re-read what President George Washington spoke at his farewell address.  He wasn’t looking at his audience of then. This great Freemason was looking at today, and speaking from his heart.  Also, go read what Benjamin Franklin wrote about Jews.  He also wasn’t writing that for his day but for today.  And finally, realize the loophole that Thomas Jefferson left for all of us, for being directed by divine providence, we have given a safe haven for an argument that was so dangerous, the last time it was made, they nailed a good man to a Cross for even considering that the Torah wasn’t intelligent.

A bunch of Bullies from Yale have replicated the logistics of the Torah as viral weaponry, and just as a Torah builds intentionally defective bureaucracy as if a mold growing to hide the original, so has an attack on the Constitution that has been plaguing the USA since 1833.  In 1833, then President Andrew Jackson closed their first US Bank. 

These Yale villains move opium and give bad military advice as a team to all sides so they can sell more opium.  What they did not realize is that by using the logistics of the Torah as weapon, they were leaving a vapor trail in space-time that they can never erase.

Judaism was chosen to carry the big TRAP through time.  If you are going to birth something as big as a planet, before you break out the really great technology, you first have to set a trap for the most wicked, who would make the experience miserable for everyone else.

As this is an elder on the cross, for honor, I rose to do his bidding, to build all the tools, test them, and then utilize the US Constitution in a way that would earn the respect of the US Marine Corps, for in the puzzle in Matthew, the hand tool reveals what the 0311 is.

Overwork and adultery cannot be automated.  The other six can.  Having paired your fingers, you realize that 03 in decimal is 11 in binary.  However, with your hands in this way, you have 11/11/10/01.  When you add in binary 10 + 01 you get 11.  Thus, you have 03 sets of 11.  Now, make the sign of the Devil and realize that its four knuckles and these same two fingers on the right hand.  Four left-hand violations and two right-hand violations.

Judge the world.  There is a swarm of people who have let the worst of their imaginations become the worst of our world.  That which wrote the Torah is intelligent, but anyone who wants to write something as dangerous as a Torah, knowing it to be weaponry against those who trust it blindly, such authors catch a very unique logical virus that overtakes their actions, their assets and their lives.  We are knee deep in a war of the worlds situation, and I am here to raise a call to raise the 0311.

Please look out over the horizon and down one year at 30 August 2008.  President Dmitri Medvedev was screaming bloody murder that there are Americans in the Georgian-Russian incident. 

To be effective, and to be taken seriously in this situation, I had to don role playing in real life.   As papered as a direct descendant from King David, the world looked like Revelations, and Bush was clearly the False Prophet, with both my parents alive and all my family knowing what I was doing, I rose as True Prophet to Judaism, and played this role with great tact and skill in the background, not muddying waters, but stilling them.

I had informed the Israelis, by way of the German Chancellorin the spring of 2007, that I had found these tools, discovered that 100 years BEFORE HITLER, this group from Yale had revealed the weaponry of the Torah’s disharmonizing logistics to make the US Civil War through mismanagement as weaponry from the Buchanan Presidency. 

For the strongest hand of diplomacy,  I apologized to the German Chancellor as Jewish Prophet that the Torah was weaponry.  As you look at the hand tool, you must realize the only ones who ultimately could have stopped Hitler were the Jews because the logistics to raise the Third Reich came from the tool many rules mind control crap of the Torah. 

To further my diplomacy, as US Citizen, I apologized for the discovery that Prescott Bush, the grandfather of the current President at the time, did not keep honest council with Hitler.  From his Yale connections as well as his actions, it is provable that Prescott Bush knew the Torah was uncommissioned and weaponry. 

Forget about the Holocaust. This is over fifty million deaths and two atomic bombs that the Bush family could have stopped. They were disharmonizing systems because they in it for the money.  But worse, they gave bad advice to Franklin D. Roosevelt to get POW camps for Japanese Americans, from which they managed to get ONE TERRORIST to grow up to be an architect. 

What the FBI overlooked was that the architect of the World Trade Center went to Saudi Arabia to built their airport, then came here to build the WTC, then returned to Saudi Arabia to build their Treasury, from which he hung up his spurs and retired.  All attackers on the WTC came from Saudi Arabia.  What do they know that we don’t know?

To the Russian Federation Embassy, I thus faxed everything I had on hypnosis and remote viewing, citing that my source is in the Gospels, that the US Marine Corps had no idea (due to the aftermath of the Manchurian Candidate Project), but then pointed out how the administration was making decisions as of they knew these abilities existed.   I then pointed out that we were looking at a double-cross.  Unless the Russians wanted Dictator Bush, their best bet would be to let the whole thing blow over and go away.  Thankfully, that is exactly what they did.

Please understand, prior to 2005, I had no idea I would be doing this.  In discovering that I received advanced intelligence on the future from everyone in history that found the 42-point puzzle in Matthew and learned to see through time, for honor, I tackled the whole project using cannabis, for someone at DEA had to fight tooth and nail to get cannabis labeled a hypnotic because it matters.  It sustains a subconscious state, allowing me to keep the entire project in my head at all times and seeing the intersections in the future from making actual history in the past that, when played to an audience of Marines, the result will be a realization that I picked up the honor and protected her from damage by those who tried to get us nuked so they would not be held responsible for utilizing mismanagement as weaponry.

Everyone in history who found this 42-point puzzle and learned to see through time, sent me advanced intelligence in their own 42-point puzzles so that the future would know for what to watch out and what was happening to the world.

1.    Knights Templar, in their logo, warned us about the double-cross.
2.    The Freemasons, who built this nation a solid foundation and created their logo from the key argument against the Torah, warned us about Judaism challenging the Torah.
3.    Leonardo da Vinci exposed all sorts of information on how to maneuver through timeline analysis and sent proofs of what he saw in the future.
4.    Nostradamus warned of cannibals at the end of the age.
5.    The author of Revelations noted the false prophet and opened the door for role playing the true prophet.
6.    Most importantly, the Prophet Mohammed, who built a fortress to protect civilization from the problems traveling behind the Torah as it traversed through time, hung his intelligence outside of the walls of Islam so that I could see what was stolen and what needed to return to power so that Islam would go in a new direction.

>From Mohammed's help,  I learned of what he did to maintain order and save the world from chaos.  From this, by sending manually tons of emails and faxes to key people all around the USA and this world, I made peace faster than President Bush could make war.

In November 2006, I went into the USMC Recruiting office and informed them that I had found a way to prove something worse than high treason in the current, now former, White House.  I had to put myself on this case for honor.  If Bush wanted be the False Prophet, I had to tackle the greatest care to deliver everything to all  who needed to learn all these tools.  From this work, I was able to build a bigger anti-virus to the "Wall of lies" virus this past administration built.

The chaos, which is attacking President Barack Obama here at the start of his new administration and is affecting our economy and our nation, can clearly be traced to the fact that the previous administration used mismanagement as weaponry to disharmonize their own systems and to attack the next administration while robbing us blind and bleeding us dry. They replicated the viral signature of the Torah as weaponry to attack the USA, and this is exactly what they did with their Buchanan Presidency before Abraham Lincoln.
The only way to save the honor of a people from such abuse demanded role playing in real life, for, if these people want to use the alien weapon that created Gaijin from our Gentility as people rejected Jews but adapted to values we were clearly never to disseminate, the time had come for Jews to leave the Torah.  Now, these villains can be prosecuted for using weaponry their own military had no idea was weaponry.

Jews carried a viral weapon around the globe and through time. Had we arrived in Egypt, Greece and China with the hand tool when they were building Pyramids, Parthenon, and Great Walls, their intellects would have shot through the roof, for the hand tool decreases the time between decisions.
Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. We had a document that was written using remote viewing so that when we arrived in these places, we got beat up everywhere we went because we trusted the Torah.  According to the Torah, it read that we had built the pyramids, that homosexuality was forbidden and that pork was unclean. The Torah made sure that if we ever did find the hand tool, the doors were so firmly closed behind us, we would never get to these audiences. This is consistent with war, and as this was over 3000 years ago, this is consistent with instructions being intercepted and changed before being retransmitted.
However, the worst part was the injuries endured by peoples who rejected the Torah but adapted to values we were clearly never to have disseminated. The impact on India and China on Go Forth and Multiply has been horrible. Even the entire problem with American Slavery is all because the Torah.  Don’t blame the Southern Gentlemen.  We Jews had a document that said that Slavery was acceptable to God.  This is our problem.  That’s why I had to tackle this role.  The only way to make peace in the world required someone to discover what the mistakes we made were and to learn from those mistakes as my own so that I could better the world from my own actions.

It turned out that Blessed are the Peacemakers was related to Build your treasures in heaven.  Why?  Because ideas travel faster when not attached to matter, so it’s easier to make peace because war is a lot of work.

These bullies give intentionally defective intelligence to everyone.  In this way, they produce tsunami logistics, but in anti-trust.  The foundation of trust disappears beneath those who trust them most, causing a wall of chaos and energies to crash into the next administration.  President Abraham Lincoln had no idea what killed him wasn’t the bullet.  It was the chaos that raged from the Buchanan Presidency.

Now, using the hand tool to judge everyone, you will discover that there is a problem to which we had not considered.  Notice that overwork and adultery cannot be done in your sleep.  The other six can be automated and thus take place continually.  Four left-hand violations plus the two remaining right-hand violations. 4+2 is 6.

In the puzzle in Matthew, whenever something needed to be emphasized, it was repeated three times.  The Three Denials.  The Three Crosses.  WHY?  So you would see what was changed.  Do not lie.  Do not torture.  Thus, 666 had nothing to actually do with anything more than revealing the judgment of how to track a logical virus that infects the minds of wicked people.

Because of this discovery that 666 had nothing to do with anything, on June 5, 2006, I called the FBI Anti-Terrorism unit in New York City and asked them my one burning question.  “Have you ever run bomb sniffing dogs through the remaining towers at the World Trade Center?”  The guy on the phone went, and I quote, “uh...Uh...UHH...GOODBYE!!!” and slammed down the phone.  The FBI had been steered around data I found clearly on the web.  There was corruption, so I tackled all that as well.

Please watch video of Mr. Bush from 6/5/6.  He has the biggest smirk of his administration.  On 6/6/6, he’s looking around, as if waiting for something to happen.  On 6/7/6, just as a press conference ends, he reveals a tell of grave horror.  The most protected man in US History is afraid.

Now, let’s go back to 9/11.  Please see the tell-tale signs of things that don’t make sense.

Please get four stop watches.  When the first plane hits, start two stop watches.  When the second plane hits, stop one and start a third.  When one tower falls, stop one watch and start a fourth.  When the other tower falls, stop the other two.  What you discover is nearly a perfect parallelogram in space-time.  That does not happen in nature.  That happens with seismographs set to countdown timers set to explosives.

However, something else happened.  Three towers fell. 

When the first plane hit what I am going to call tower one, it set off the seismograph on tower two.  When the plane hit tower two, it finally set off the seismograph on tower one.  That’s why tower two fell first.

Now, go back to the first bombing when President George HW Bush was in power.  The FBI was absolutely perplexed by the van that was used in the bombing.  It was still intact, unlike typical car bombings.  What they had not considered was that the explosives were already in the buildings since their construction nearly a decade earlier.

Over fifty million deaths just to get one terrorist to build seven sky scrapers in the middle of Manhattan.  This is not human logistics.  This is very inhuman logic.

To stimulate the economy and get the USA going in a new way, I need help dumping my book into the public domain because there is an advanced book of hypnosis in both the Gospels and the Qir’an.. Water into Wine turned out to be a cross-index system (this stimulus now triggers that feeling).

If you believe that honest people do not lie, then 2000 years ago, 5000+ people witnessed a teleporter/matter rearranger attainable through hypnosis.  From my research, hypnosis is computational logic.

The reason I have to come to you first is because the US Marine Corps always goes back for their dead.  Here, I am saying that this IS HEAVEN, a computer fantasy travel destination which, over 3000 years ago, some asshole programmer overwrote the code and set our intellect back to the stone age.  If anyone is going to be raised from the dead, that means I work for the US Marine Corps until you let me go, for you are Heaven’s best.

The Gospels are literally a reboot sequence for Heaven.  I’ve pitched this lecture to two separate Game Developers Conferences, in 2009 and 2008, but the GDC couldn’t comprehend that humans are technology.  That day is coming, and when it does, that is The Day The Earth Stood Still.

I have accomplished all of this for honor, but I just graduated with my MBA in Marketing, and I really need to get back to work (or my wife of 21 years will kill me).  If there is any chance that I can come to you, I need you to understand that someone or something has been sweeping my path behind me so that I’ve remained unknown, but once I realized this was duty, I shut the hell up and kept at this.  We get only one chance to do this right the first time, and the US Marine Corps, if I do this right, will come out of Iraq with such high honors, the world will cheer your graces forever.

General, Sir, I was born XXY with Klinefelter’s Syndrome.  By the time I was 18, I was over 300 pounds and unable to be considered for military.  I weighed as high as 451 before getting a gastric bypass, and I’m now nearly to 245. 

When I was a kid, I managed to get into a Junior Police Cadet status with the Richland Police Department, and one night, the officer with whom I was riding was attacked by a drunk.  I did not lose my cool, called for backup.  The officer was Sgt. Tanner.  This was my only line of duty work, but as we were in full uniform with a full salute, I earned the right to return a full (not a Boy Scout) salute.

 Please help me serve my nation.  Please send a courier to me.  If it is possible, I would like to bring one friend, Robert Wesley Mefford, USMC, who was my sounding board.  I did this so he would be proud to still know me after this was put to bed.

Your obedient,

David Brager
517 Newcomer Street
Richland, WA 99354-2243173

509-946-4471 (since 1984, but I discovered it keys in as J0Y WHO HIS 1...go figure)
I’ve put this on everything and no one has reached me, so I don’t know if there is a block, but Mr. Mefford can be reached at 509-392-9881 and we have been friends since third grade.

Like most new graduates, I'm broke, but I did this for honor.  I'm of the opinion that once people place an assessment to how much was saved by not having to go to war with Russia, for the cost of my Social Security, the government received one of the best returns on their investment.

Please, if you find this valid, forward it to everyone.  Humankind is about to evolve, and cannabis is about to be decriminalized because that is not DIABETES out there.  THAT IS FUEL.  These evil bastards made cannabis illegal to dumb down the cops and military so no one could see their attack.  It MUST be decrimnalized to utilize effective eight-dimensional logistics.

I'm looking for myspace and facebook friends, if anyone wants to collaborate, query, or brainstorm.  My book, the Future's Toolkit (on how to program and interface humans at the neural level) can be read online for free at scrypnosis.com, and there is a link for the printed copy which, with shipping, is less than twenty-five bucks.  Please consider buying, and if you like it, please tell others.  Dungeons and Dragons author Gary Gygax gave be a blurb for the back, as did Freestyle Love Supreme's Chris "Shockwave" Sullivan.

It is my hope to get new commerce for writers in a new field for eyes-closed entertainment using subconscious gaming environments.  Welcome to the Matrix. 

Peace, in all our futures, and freedom to spare.

