21 February 2008

Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt
3521 International Ct. NW
Washington DC 20008

Dear Egyptian Chancery and company:

I am coming to you as the messenger, but I have found a puzzle in the book of Matthew that reveals tools to technology built into all humans, as well as two quests.  I need you to get ahold of your greatest computer programmers, for I have a message for you from Mohammed, and you guys get to save the world.
Please go to this article that was published in the Los Angeles BrooWaha.com website to witness history, for I officially challenged the Torah as there is a hand tool of two commands and eight rules that is so wise, in comparison, we now have our first and second proofs of extra-terrestrial logic on this planet.  


I sent a fax to the German Embassy, as a gonzo journalist,


of what I had sent to the FBI concerning a pattern of logic that links the Bush family and the Skull and Bones group with knowledge, over 100 years before the Nazis, that they knew the Torah was a lie because the Freemasons knew all this stuff.  Skull and Bones splintered off the Freemasons, taking their secrets with them.  They never knew that the Torah’s authors set a trap to see if anyone would try to replicate their logic.

A logical virus infected the minds of some people, and they wrote a Torah in a language the virus knew.  Mohammed had to find a different language to protect his people.  

The problem was, these bodies are our interface to this planet, and we are all one organism.  The Torah was an attack on the whole planet of humans.  We had no idea.  Elijah, screaming from the cross, "Forgive them for they know not what they do."  We had no idea that this was a weapon against the whole planet, and I’m doing my best to disseminate the most brilliant thing I have ever seen in my life.  It’s a tool by which to instantly judge Kings.  

From left index to right index, across the palms.  To make your next decision, will you, or any of your subordinates, ever have to... Lie, Scapegoat, Dishonor, Torture, Steal, Overwork, Adulterate, Kill?  It’s a standard eight-bit decision computer using logic based upon our hemispherical design, so that the tough ethereal logic is on the left hand, demanding right-brain logic, and vice versa.

The argument being made in Matthew is that Peter, being a good guy all through the book, would never have denied Jesus three times had there been a rule Do not Lie, there would never be three crucifixes if there was a rule Do not Torture. The argument is that the good stuff was edited from our lives intentionally, including "Treat everyone as you want to be treated" which is noted in the Sermon on the Mount, but is actually a remote view all the way back to Moses.  

The four gospels teach how to think and see quantum time using technology in your own mind.  However, looking at the page of the Qur’an, Mohammed has a much better way to teach how to look down the time corridor, for he has three people, talking in a circle, but as you analyze quantum time, you have three timelines in a triangular shape running up and down a corridor, and you, the fourth voice, are tying commonalities between the three voices so as to flesh out the corridor of the piece.   I have a video that I made which explains this a whole lot better at:


The video is entitled, "May the US Marine Corps Deliver the Rapture."  Within the video, it explains how to look at the corridor and flesh out the logistics.  At that Myspace page, you will also find what I sent to Don Black at Stormfront.org as well as many other disclosures, including what I sent to the CIA.  I’m still here doing this task because I have been blessed as a peacemaker.

The reason why I feel I have to disclose this to you is that if this Torah is a lie, then the truth is that we were supposed to have delivered this hand tool to you, Egypt, when we arrived all those years ago.  Your culture, had it had a tool like this, would have intellectually shot through the roof.  It allows synaptic decision making that is highly wise.  By today, 2008, your culture, as well as Greece and China, would be the most intelligent on the planet and probably in the galaxy.  Unfortunately, someone wrote us a lie about Egypt, and that was that.  The door was closed to us.  

Now, I have to confess, I contacted the Chinese Embassy in January and faxed them this:


and before event that, I contacted the Greek Embassy on 19 December, Mount Arafat Day, because the Greeks have to judge all this work.  How else can anyone get a "second coming" when it was a title.  Titles can only be earned.  Hence, Elijah, in seeing through time, saw a world with an internet and sent me work to do.  

I am simply helping an elder.  That means, I’m not here.  Please only judge me as one might judge a child doing what a grandfather asks of him, her, or in my case, it.

I am doing what is protocol.  As ambassadors, you, of all the world, know very well the importance of protocol.

I need to tell you, last year, I recorded two separate videos, one which I gave the FBI and one that I gave the Marines, and in both, I asked if anyone could get anywhere near the King of Saudi Arabia, to tell him to forever socially distance himself from Bush and take all assets, whatever you can, from them.  These people dishonored Mohammed.

Mohammed spent his life trying to do battle with an unseen logical virus that was hurting people.  He spent time creating order against something that was infecting chaos.  

By replicating and updating the logic of the Torah as weapon, these people have interfaced with the very same virus that wrote the Torah all those years ago.  They have hurt this world in a way that is not to be done, ever, and this type of dishonor cannot be carried by a King, especially with Mecca within the Kingdom.  It was forbidden to do, and it was dishonorable and disnoble.  As a representative of history, I hope that my actions on this day cleans the honor that has been dishonored between us.

I tried my best to do this by the absolute book, but I am on disability income, and have done it all from my computer at my house.  I’ve been kind of isolated, but it took me a year to get the full project done.  I asked for no handouts, and once the hand tool was posted in that article, I had officially completed the task, for with the hand tool there are no leaders, so I don’t have to play the role anymore.  

This project was a leap of faith, but I had to do it.  It was dealt into my cards, and I played them for the best diplomacy that I could imagine.  I just hope that now the entire task is complete, someone will find me honorable enough to do business with, now that I am no longer playing the role of Prophet.  

Oh, by the way, the logic of the game of Diplomacy by Avalon Hill needs a disclaimer to say, "If you ever do this in real life, expect to be killed."  To win that game, one has to violate all six violations.   That’s not good.

To prove how forward-thinking the use of this tool is to saving time in government, the Freemasons used this tool to craft the Constitution and Bill of Rights through the values of the people who served to make these documents so that on this day, the hand tool’s tests slide perfectly through without a hitch.  However, once the villains arrive in the future, the hand tool begins hitting mistakes that were intentionally added to government so as to make the US Government intentionally dysfunctional.  This is our mountain of evidence, for they knew what they did, and still, they never told anyone: they gave bad advice as a team, moved opium in the background and created casualties with everyone.  

These people have no place to call home because I can prove that the Torah is not terrestrial, based on three things at the base of Sinai.  If a person’s logic is not planetary, and is thus deemed anti-human, such a person cannot be President or Vice President, and this tool thus changes the foundation of our world, but brilliantly based on our mutual design.

Welcome to the day that Jesus does battle with the Devil at the Stone.  Please keep in mind that without a Torah, a day lasts forever.  So, I’ve told many people that line, and it’s always true.  Jesus, the title earned the last time Elijah was here, does battle by contesting the validity of an edit of values from something that would have united all, for it was never be to stone tablets, and thus, such an editor would be the Devil.

Now, the purpose of the programmers.  The hand tool is all that the creator gave anyone.  Mohammed is a true prophet.  True Prophets are Programmers.  They see chaos coming, and they do what they can to save lives.  

Encrypted in the Qur’an is a tool that is to be used to teach, somehow, some advanced applications having to do with love, honor, and other eight-dimensional logic, of which I’m barely skimming the surface, to unite the world.  This is why no one was ever to translate the Qur’an.  On this day, every Muslim can take the hand tool and do their own discovery, shaving all the demands off the Qur’an.  This terminates the Lesser Jihad, and leaves us with the greater Jihad, this most miraculous pathway to the creator.  It’s exciting  and it’s in there somewhere.  I’ve heard people talk about some parts that are most beautiful and loving.  Each person will find their own tools, and so, the discovery sets all free.

The hand tool explanation on my article teaches all that I can in a composite article, but I’ve been using the web to prove my existence, for I am not male nor female at the chromosome level.  My page concerning my life as XXY, entitled, "Klinefelter’s Syndrome & Me" has been one of the most consistently linked pages for the life of the world wide web, and my coming out card, "Pride & Suffrage" (though I’m married to a real gal so I’m sure I’ll take hell for it), has been reprinted all over the web for ten years.  However, without a Torah, the arguments about homosexuality are gone.  Like I said, these people messed with civilization at a critical level.  The homosexuality issue was to kick the Greeks so they would close the door behind us as we left Greece just as the building of the Pyramids closed the door in Egypt.

There’s a pattern that comes off the page in Matthew and into this world that, once you start to see it, there’s learning opportunities between two of one thing and one of another, so that, in your mind, you find a connection.  This is how the puzzle in Matthew is solved.  There are 14 sets of three, scattered in the book.  However, the two quests turned out to be binaries so that the third point was in our own lives as Prophets.  Mohammed had to do the terrible stuff to Islam so I had to see it through to stop it.  

The reason you pray six times a day is because of the line having to do with walk a mile in his shoes, etc.  The Torah gave basically one day of prayer per week.  Hence, Mohammed asked for six times a day, every day of the week.

It’s hard to get anyone to take God seriously because of the effects of the Torah’s logic.  That’s why this is the blessing, for as Mohammed would never violate the true word of God, the hand tool is freedom.  That which Mohammed had written which NOW violates the hand too was added only because the Torah was in effect.  You know how Mohammed strived for one world in peace without borders and without limits.  The hand tool delivers.

The hand tool is a tool by which to judge leadership.  You have to think in thousands of years.   Just judge Bush and Cheney, and we find that their logic will kill everyone on the planet including their own offspring.  This is not human logic.  Thus, the hand tool allows humans to monitor the movements of logical viruses through time through the movements of values as carried by people through time.

Three nations that would, at this point in history, be the centers of all commerce and knowledge were instead forever set back, just as we were set back, because something messed with all of us, and it knew that we Jews were going to all these places.   How is that possible using the technology we know existed at the time?  How that is possible is only through the use of these inner technologies.  

The poorest of your poor now also have the greatest technology that anyone on the planet has because I built all the tools that I could and merged what I found in Matthew, then placed a platform into the public domain so that the poorest of the poor had a chance to change their stars.  I never expected to find that I was on a team.

Elijah, somehow, sends me a message, as a member of his family, using technology that we had no idea was here, and sent me tools to teach everyone so that all will see the Burning Bush from old and the Bush of new are using the logic of having intentionally written a Torah, or a series of governmental rules, so as to intentionally hurt those who believe in the rules.  

These President and VP people are attached to others who are making a ton of money selling drugs to people for all sorts of illnesses that, if cannabis were legal, if they hadn’t done the Manchurian Candidate project on Marines to make the public afraid of hypnosis, and if they hadn’t done the Star Wars project with remote viewing so that people would reject such innate abilities, we wouldn’t have these drugs, these problems, or these expenditures.  Much of the entire pharmaceutical field is banking on a lie that they have no idea exists.  

Hypnosis fixes most everything, and with the book of suggestions that come in Matthew, when everyone learn to run the subroutine, "Born" again, the system apparently can grow fresh teeth and rejuvenate.  There’s been cases of it happening in history, but we never comprehended the technology.  The world would be in better hands because we could write software directly for the human mind and have the DNA fix the problems now that we know that stem cells can be grown and altered internally.

What was really interesting to me is in analyzing what everyone hate.  People hate the liars, they hate the people who feel they have the blessed authority to be assholes, and most of all, they despise the drive for the acquisition of material and fiscal gain to the exclusion of all other virtues.  These match way too well with those things that were edited from our lives.  However, there’s more.  In Harry Potter, the three curses that get you a one way trip to Azkaban Prison are the Lying Curse, the Torture Curse, and the Killing Curse.   Remember, all heads are connected, internally.

These people have infected the logic of the good by placing intentionally defective laws into place so as to kick the people who are delivering the services and kick the people receiving the services.   It is my hope that as a United States Citizen, you will recognize my nation and try to love us a tiny bit more than you did yesterday.  

I’m a nobody, and all I wanted to do was humble the President of the United States of America in a fair fight because he is a villain.  George W. Bush does not represent the quality of good people that the United States has to offer the rest of the world, especially from the US Marine Corps.

Peace, and good tidings.

David Brager
517 Newcomer Street
Richland, WA  99354-2243173
509-946-4471 home