sent the following transmission to several INTERPOL and regional police
organizations as of 8 May 2008
My name is David Brager. My US Social Security number is
(expleted from internet).
I am a computer hack who discovered that computer logic in human
language is hypnosis, that the human body is cyborg, and I hacked out
tools so that everyone gets immediate access to high technology built
into all of us. I put the tools in the public domain because
George W. Bush is using these as weapons against the entire world
because they are attempting to divide and conquer the whole world.
However, they replicated an original signature, that being the Torah as
written from the base of Sinai to Crossing the Red Sea, so that the
most memorable part is at the end, as a process to usurp the US
constitution, just as the Torah usurps the powers of a much wiser hand
tool I found encrypted and argued in the book of Matthew . The
hand tool uses values set to specific fingers due to our cranial
processing design, with lies, scapegoating, dishonor, and torture
processed in the left hand because they use right brain logic, and
steal, overwork, adulterate, and offensively kill on the right hand due
to their material logistics. It's a tool for the now, and it
opens access to technology built into each human.
We were attacked as a Planet, which is why Elijah is screaming from the
cross, Forgive them for they know not what they do! The title,
"Jesus Christ," arrived twenty years after his death. The only way to
get another is for the Greeks to declare it. I had to do a lot of
work because an elder asked for help.
We had no idea it was a weapon. But, there's more. Using
the mind's eye, you can see all of time through mutual
communications. Einstein was correct. People do see things
based on their position in space time. However, you need a
minimum of three sources from which to then flesh out truth from
There is a computer-grade level puzzle in the book of Matthew.
They had to get a message out of Jerusalem. They did so through
An elder found a way to tap me on the shoulder and say, "I need your
help." He can see that if we don't change the course of history
immediately, we will never recover the disharmony that is being
unleashed intentionally so that people who have lost all sense of human
values can "win the game."
I did this by the book so that every single human being will
upgrade. I have proof of extremely intelligent design, and there
is an inner network that you get access so long as the reason you are
access is to never lie, scapegoat, dishonor, torture, steal, overwork,
adulterate, or offensively kill anyone EVER. This system is only
interested in its own survival, and we were attacked because something
edited off "do not lie," "do not torture," and the value "Treat
everyone as you want to be treated."
Now, notice how these exactly meet up with the three unspeakable curses
from Harry Potter, in the exact order. The lying curse. The
torture curse. The killing curse. Folks, all heads are
connected, and humankind is about to evolve, for we are technology, and
with this hand tool, noted in the audio file
I have already sent this to the German Press to send to the
German Chancellor to send to the Israelis. To get into this game,
I took the strongest post possible so that I would obtain international
scrutiny at a level that even the President of the United States has
never endured, that of Jewish Prophet, so that I could prove I had done
this right the first time, and from this, carry the honor of my nation
above the sour aromatic embers emanating from the empirical ass of the
Administration. I can prove that 9/11 was engineered, and I helped the
FBI stop an attack on 6/6/6, but video of the President, from 6/5/6 to
6/7/6, reveal tells that are contrary to what a public official would
normally feel if he knew that such an attack was to befall his own
This Skull and Bones conspiracy has been going for 175 years because
these people are using viral logic, which is not human, and that is
substantiated by three fatal logistical flaws at the base of Sinai that
would either never happen in the most remote third world on this
planet, or in any of the most logical high-tech computer
situations. The book is, instead, a weapon of intentionally
defective values so that the people who hate the Torah most still use
it at a justification for such values.
We had no idea. Please, I beg you, consider that we Jews could
never have comprehended quantum time from the devastation that followed
in our wake. Look at where the Torah went and then look at what
happened. If we had arrived with a hand tool, where everyone on
the planet used the same values, we would have assimilated, the
intellect of the planet would have shot through the roof, and we would
have become a functioning system. Instead, the torah was written
by people who caught logical viruses BEFORE the hand tool was
disseminated. It never arrived.
The tool is so slick, that I used it to make international history so
that you will join me in the relish of being on the team of the good,
for this is Judgment Day, and believe it or not, even Hitler made the
trek, for he had been betrayed by Skull and Bones who knew that the
Torah was a lie and a weapon. In this project, you will see the
point where I discovered the hand tool, and you will then see the point
where I began to seriously use it for all decisions, and just tested
each against the hand tool. Here is the project file to date:
We were one planet of one people and we were attacked. I have
done all of this as a United States citizen to beg that the world love
us and not hate us. Please help us raise a call to our
Marines. These people have done something worse than high
treason. They are intentionally disharmonizing the world.
Thank you for time.
David Brager
517 Newcomer Street
Richland, Washington 99354-2243173