>From - Sat Feb 23 01:36:00 2008
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Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2008 01:35:38 -0800
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To: "Brigadier General Richard M. Lake" <LakeRM@hqmc.usmc.mil>
Subject: Brigadier General, I have the evidence for MG Smedley Butler's White House Putsch.

Dear Brigadier General Lake:

How would you like all of Islam to lay down their weapons and walk away from all war, immediately?  I need your help, for I have completed one of two quests that I found encrypted in a 42-point puzzle in every copy of the book of Matthew.  Elijah had to get a message out of Jerusalem.  He did so through time.  The title, "Jesus Christ" arrived twenty years after his death, and the only way to get a second coming was to earn another one, so as a member of his family, I did this as a calling from an elder.  I did this for HONOR and nothing more.

A year ago November, I went into the local Marines recruiter and told of having found a computer-grade level puzzle in the book of Matthew, being of the family of David on paper, and Terrrell Minarcin having told me, upon me sharing how I had single-handedly developed all the tools to turn what is mistakenly being called "hypnosis" into new commerce and industry for the USA, that remote viewing was real, I then discovered remote views in Mattthew, as well as other tools that the Marines need to know about, but never did because of the WHITE HOUSE PUTSCH.

I have tracked these SOBs, and so, to raise the honor of the game, I went after a second quest I found in the book of Matthew and completed it to the highest levels of honor possible.  I also set a MYSPACE website in which I reposted what I was doing, in public, so that when people start to ask "Why is this NUT not in jail? they will discover I have disclosed to the CIA, the FBI, and everyone you can imagine, that I found way to prove how the US Government was attacked from the inside since 1833, just as the first US Bank was closed by Andrew Jackson, by Skull and Bones in a way that the replicated the logic of the Torah as a weapon against the USA, as if they had written the Torah themselves.

So, to raise the stakes, on a leap of faith, I tackled the post of "Last Prophet," and I have completed every single task that was asked by Elijah in this book so that an argument could be made, and I sent that argument to the American Jewish Congress that the title "Jesus Christ" was earned by Elijah the last time, and to ever get a second coming of a title, one had to do a hell of a lot of work.  So, under the full protection of the US Constitution (which was designed so that this argument could be made safely),  I made the argument is that the Torah is a fabrication, and is an edit of something infinitely wiser, which then opens access to technology built into all humans.  Our minds control our bodies, and as a computer hacker who merged computer logic with hypnosis to do strictly volunteer work for over twenty years, I discovered two decades ago that all humans were cyborg, and thus capable of contracting Logical viruses, of which this administration is infected.

The most pinnacle piece of my work was faxed to the Egyptian Embass on 21 February:


and this links backwards in time to all matter of other works so as to teach how to look backwards into time, for this I learned from Matthew.  Those who are last are now first when you turn around and look backwards in time.

It turned out that the reason the CIA was founded was to protect a discovery by Skull and Bones members that there were these tools in Matthew.  If they could control what was taught, they could keep from being caught, for the only people to get full access to the inner network must meet a very strict criteria at the time of use for the inner network is a tool for the NOW, and in that "now," one must never intent to use the information to LIE , SCAPEGOAT, DISHONOR, TORTURE, STEAL, OVERWORK, ADULTERATE, or KILL.  This would give any non-combat Marine top access to this information.  So, what did they do?  They did the Manchurian Candidate project on Marines to get the general public to dismiss hypnosis so that they could write POLICIES to keep the Marines dumbed down from these discoveries.

The only problem is, they didn't realize that Matthew and Elijah, looking down the corridor, could see the bad guys, and so, they sent two quests in the form of binary issues, like "Water intoWine," 'If you see a man walk one mile, make a second mile in his shoes,' etc., so that the third point of reference would be in the life of the prophet.  It's here that I realized what the Qur'an was.  It's an anti-virus to the Torah.

I had to study what the Qur'an did to the world, and replicate it's logic to develop an anti-virus to what the White House Putsch people set into motion.  To do that, I used the internet to make caches of history so that when the whole project was revealed to the public in some official disclosure, by using the logic of an atomic bomb, but utilzing communications instead of matter, the transformation of intellectual exchance will cause all humans who hear and understand to stop whatever it is they are doing and just listen, for humans are learning machines, and thus, will become educated rapidly to tools to track the movements of people who are infected by these logical viruses.

Please go to the link above.  I found the first and second proofs of extra-terrestrial logic, both more advanced than we had ever seen at that time in history, but side by side, the hand tool is a shield between the past and the future to protect both the future and the NOW, but also to leave a wake of pure goodness.  The argument I made to the AJC is that if we had arrived with the hand tool, we would have meshed with civilization and assimilated while the intellects of civilizations to which we had interfaced would have shot through the roof.  Instead, by this time, we had a Torah. (note, this part in red dropped off the transmission to General Lake)

I hope that common sense rules your world and you don't need me to make a public outcry, but you are the General of intelligence, and you should have had access to this stuff 50 years ago.  MG Butler was right.  War is a Racket, and I caught the fuckers.  The Bush engineered a way to get the Japanese into WWII.  They give bad advice as a team, and they capitalized massively on ever bad decision.

Everything I have done is on the web so that you have immediate access to the whole of my argument, and all links to all matter of disclosure.  I don't know who else to turn to at this moment.  I'm in some form of bubble where I can email out, but few, if any, emails return.  I'm grateful, but I need to get this nation headed in a safe direction, so I may as well kneel before God, and you, for it turned out all humans are one organism, and the Torah was an attack on the whole planet.  That is why Elijah is screaming from the cross, "Forgive them for they know not what they do."  This becomes the key binary in the quest, for them who know what they do, there is no forgiveness.

I humbly submit that I am on Social Security Disabilty income, and since I am XXY and obese, the best I can ever earn to be is a National Treasure.  I would invite you to consider recording, with Marine voices, the following piece, of which I deeded a 50/50 split to the VFW and the DAV, and have reviewed the lyrics with many a Marine, only to watch tears stream and smiles gleam, entitled, "May God Bless Our American Pride," sung to the tune of "(You picked a fine time to leave me) Lucille":

May God Bless our American Pride.
(Sung to the tune of "You picked a fine time to leave me, Lucille")

In a hole in the desert, outside Al Fallujah
I last saw a friend by my side
He called out to mama,
here in the darkness,
Held my hand softly, and died.
Alone with his body,
I cried for a while,
Then wiped the sand out of my tears,
I pray for my children,
and hope that I see them
And that this war ends so they never come here.

Night heat, in the eighties,
We crossed the Euphrates
And made our advance towards Bagdad
Without any slumber,
We marched in large numbers,
Not knowing what the enemy had.
We heard they took Bahtra
On the outskirts of Bagdad
The news really gave us a thrill
But the cheer never lasted,
Because we got blasted
Two more of my comrades were killed.

Another mission so far from our homes.
America's finest, together, alone.
Please keep sending letters
Don't ever forget us
We need to know you're still by our side.
May God Bless our American Pride.

Mission Accomplished, the President said it
But, Brother, it doesn't seem fair.
Iraqi's aren't happy, their poor just aren't healthy,
There's tension so thick in the air.
I know there's a reason,
I'm here through this season,
I'm doing all that I can do.
Please give love and trust us,
Please never disown us
As Veterans of Foreign Wars fighting for you.


© 2003 David I. Brager
Notice:  If this is ever recorded and sold, all income from words as lyricist have been deeded to a 50/50 split between the Disabled American Vets (through DAV.org) and the Veterans of Foreign Wars (through VFW.org)
(note, the original version was written in the fall of 2003, and had "I'm here Christmas season," but this works better.

General, we need to UNWAG the dog.  However you decide to use or need me, let me know.  My social security number is <expleted>, and I am in Richland, Washington.  I would like to get my career going, but none of my emails from work or other collaborations ever get through, so I guess I'm stuck here until you let me out of the bottle.  My pipes are rusted out and I'm poor, but I need to humble the President of the USA in a fair fight, and it turned out that fight was the family of David (4th letter of the alphabet) verses the family of Bush (2nd letter).

I serve God and Country, and can prove it.  Please have your people analyze my work.  You will need experts in computers, communications, and law, especially for the fact that the hand tool is so wise, it is designed to instantly judge Kings and leaders.  When you judge this administration, you will see why my argument works.

Peace, this very week, in your command.

David Brager
517 Newcomer Street
Richland, WA 99354-2243173