Metronomes beat out “tick tock” as music metes the tune
The world is clicking different clocks, from hearts and wings to waves
To wash the present into past, ridges into ruin
Precious gifts are quickly gone as bodies fill fresh graves.
The world is clicking different clocks, from hearts and wings to waves
Which smash in great crescendo against the mountain’s mighty sides
Precious gifts are quickly gone as bodies fill fresh graves.
While erosion sets the pace and shifting soil slides
Which smash in great crescendo against the mountain’s mighty sides?
The mountain’s fiercest enemy is the ghastly ghost of change
While erosion sets the pace and shifting soil slides
The lightning from the firestorm twists normalcy to strange
The mountain’s fiercest enemy is the ghastly ghost of change
Metronomes beat out “tick tock” as music metes the tune
The lightning from the firestorm twists normalcy to strange
To wash the present into past, ridges into ruin.
© 2001 David I. Brager