What follows is a much more complete timeline of work accomplished.  The purpose to make peace with all of Islam in one day, for there are two quests in Matthew, and Mohammed tackled the first one.  I knew, if I did my job and followed protocol, they would put down all weapons, for the hand tool is all that there ever was supposed to be.  For all the tools, please go to this link to learn how to timeslice history, see through time, and augument reality at will:


People have been lied in massive forms about hypnosis and remote viewing.  Fortunately, all copies of the four gospels are now decrypting to explain and teach how to see through time and how to do advanced suggestions like Born again, so that humankind can finally evolve.

Skull and Bones did things so huge that no one could think in these terms.  They spent 175 years working on inventing terminal government by replicating the logic of the Torah as a weapon against their own nation, so that they could divide and conquer the USA by bleeding us dry.  

One of their signature moves is to break the law in the foreground while writing defective policy in the background.  That’s what they did to me when I was a real estate appraiser.

This Son of a Bush crashed two corporations and then the Saving and Loans.  Instantly, new and defective policies arrive to make it so that none of us who trust and know one another, can do business together. This was intentionally done to waste resources and disharmonize the government.

Another signature move of Skull and Bones is to give bad advice as a team.  They undermine everyone who trusts them.  They play diplomacy in the real world as if they were playing "Diplomacy" by Avalon Hill.

These people also are always moving opium in the background while creating casualties in the foreground.  They did this in World War II, Vietnam, and now in Iraq, for in all three, you had your Afghanistan, Laos, or China where the opium flows.

What I had to do to level this playing field was to go for pure honor and no money.  I’m on Social Security Disability income, and I did all this from my computer and fax machine.

We have to take the USA in a new direction immediately. The USA is under attack from within, for there is a disharmonization being engineered, right up to these HD TV and digital issues.  These are all stratifications being done to hurt the cohesiveness of the nation, and many other harmful issues being engineered to create tidal forces in economics and communications. The easiest way to change direction has always been is through new discovery.

As a computer hack who discovered, twenty years ago, that the human mind really was a computer, and as our bodies were advanced cyborg logic, capable of contracting logical viruses, I developed tools so that humankind can get new employment, new hope, and a new understanding of "Why are we here?" through the advancement of intellect from such discovery.

We have highly advanced technology built into all us humans, and as a hacker who did strictly volunteer work as an experimental hypnotist for over twenty years, I was surprised as heck to discover a computer-grade puzzle in the book of Matthew of 42 points that reveals three tools and two quests. It was appropriate to discover this now, for it had always puzzled me, how the heck does there get to be a second coming of "Jesus Christ" when it was a TITLE?

Titles can only be earned. So, when I realized that a member of the family of David had sent an advanced wish list of tasks that needed to be accomplished before such a second coming could occur, I quietly contacted the US Marine Corps and told them that I was tackling the last quest, for it was clear that Mohammed had tackled the first quest. If there was a way to make peace with all of Islam on one day, it was certainly worth the efforts.

People are expecting a miracle. By today’s standards, what would a miracle include? How about new employment opportunities using highly advanced technology that is already built into you?

You can begin by labeling your fingers, from left index to right index, with the following values: LIE, SCAPEGOAT, DISHONOR, TORTURE, STEAL, OVERWORK, ADULTERATE, KILL. This is an eight-bit decision computer, and to use it, the question is always, "To make this next decisions, will I or anyone downstream from this decision ever have to..." and then test it against the eight tests. If you get eight NO answers, then your decision is "two thumbs up" and thus, is so wise, you don’t have to remember it.
Throughout the course of this project, I contacted everyone by email I could imagine who would demand to be included when such a situation was made public, including skeptic organizations, religious groups, the Ayatollah of Iran, the King of Jordan, Dr. Cornel West, the Eric Hoffer website, Don Black at Stormfront.org, the Nation of Islam, the Black Panthers, many Muslim organizations in the USA, and anyone who turned up in Hatewatch posts that had stepped away from their hate groups so that I could show this information.

In the spring of 2003, after getting pissed at all these so-called Homeland Security "Terror Meters," knowing full well that such concept are utilizing the logic of Neural Linguistic Programming to trigger fear, I went and placed all my work having to do with Scrypnosis into the international public domain, using the World Wide Web’s USENET archives to make this proclamation stick. I had developed scrypnosis as a safe contractual platform so that all parents could teach this stuff to their children so all humankind would evolve together and the freaks in manipulative media would disappear forever from reality.

After the war started in late 2003, I had a mind’s eye view of the battlefield and wrote a song that I deeded a 50/50 split to the VFW and the DAV, entitled, "May God Bless our American Pride," sung to the tune of "(You picked a fine time to leave me) Lucille." As I am using someone else’s music, thus making this a parody, in these past few years, I’ve walked up to many a Marine and asked them to read the lyrics to see if there was any chance of them being offended. Instead, I saw tears, smiles, and warmth that needed a little more kindling. You can find the lyrics and judge for yourself at:


In the fall of 2004, I placed the ownership with the United Nations for the commercial rights to the Basic All In One, a reboot sequence I’d developed for the human mind that allowed people to fix all their emotional problems in just two hours without telling anyone anything. without having to relive any of these experiences, and without having to remember anything one no longer wants to remember. The tool fixes Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in just two hours.

As the war raged, in the spring of 2005, in the USENET discussion groups US.MILITARY and US.MILITARY.ARMY, I posted the Basic All In One so that there is greater access by military people because, in the course of the previous year, I discovered that the Veterans Administration didn’t seem to give a rip about things that worked for free. They were completely consumed by the values of the movements of money. It turned out later that this was because of policy.

In the summer of 2005, when the moving Vietnam Wall was in town, Terrell "Terry" Minarcin, upon reviewing what I had done to turn hypnosis into new commerce and industry for the USA, said to me, "I’m glad to see something LEGAL being done with this stuff. Now you need to learn all you can about remote viewing. It’s real. The only reason I can tell you this is because it’s the only part of Project Aquarius that was removed from Top Secret. Learn all you can. I can tell you no more." Three months later, I find three different sets of three remote views in the book of Matthew, one which unlocks the puzzle, one for the distribution of the two quests, and one for this final project, as well as a hand tool for snap wise decisions, a template for how to teach remote viewing to the whole world so all will learn to see through time, and a book of advanced hypnosis suggestions, including water into wine, raise the dead, and born again. For more on raising the dead, please search for the article, "Raising Heath Ledger" from 24 January 2008.

In August, 2005, America Online posts record losses that begin to hurt Time-Warner, so I write to Dick Parsons and offer to record the Basic All In One on their throwaway AOL discs. In this way, we’d get the public thinking like this and establish a platform for learning. Mr. Parsons responds in blue text and says he’s forwarding me to someone in AOL. However, no one at AOL gets back to me. I have since faxed this offer to Sergey Brin at Google.

In late 2005, in email, I obtained permission from NORML to use their M on my book’s cover, as well as a second one rotated 90 degrees and a third one rotated 180 degrees to represent their first official "Marijuana Enhanced Writing" logo. My book, The Future's Toolkit, is the first in the world with this logo on the printed copy.  Someone at the DEA had to fight tooth and nail to get cannabis labeled a "HYPNOTIC" because IT MATTERS!!!  With cannabis, you can SKIP the "I'm going to count from ten to one...blah, blah, blah" crap.  Cannnabis sustains a subconscious state effortlessly, allowing the human mind to process subconsciousness with more ease.  This was done to dumb down the cops, and as a former Richland Police Cadet, I could not have accomplished this project without cannabis.  I have told the FBI that, as soon as a Constitutional Convention occurs, once they realize that a second tool has arrived to challenge the foundation of civilization, all cops have to consider consuming and then learning to use these advanced tools internally so they can see interconnective logic in quantum time.

On 4 February, 2006, I called Simon Brett at his London home and asked, as this was the 19th anniversary of the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’s first day of production, as it was exactly four months and two days from 6/6/6, I wondered if he had any thoughts. He hadn’t considered it.

On 4 May, 2006, I then established a Myspace location to reprint all posts so that everyone could see I had a paper trail which, eventually, was going to include major players who would have a hand in maintaining world peace, including the CIA, and others. In this way, when people wonder why I’m not some nut in jail, they will find that I have disclosed every step to all.

I began to realize that, side by side, between the hand tool and the Torah, I had discovered the first and second proofs of extra-terrestrial logic, based on the evolution of humankind on this planet. The hand tool was aware of automation and time restrictions, and in analysis, the Torah becomes a terrifying weapon of intentionally defective values so that those who believe the document get the shit kicked out of them by both the document and those who reject the document, partly because we had to physically carry it. The hand tool was perfect for a slave for there are no physical burdens.

In the spring of 2006, I exchanged email with Peter Bazalgette of Endemol Entertainment to pitch two concepts for new mobile content to Jon Vlassopolus. The first pitch was for a composite mobile content project so that a Texas Hold-em tournament could be done where the players did not have to stay in the tournament rooms, they could go anywhere on the campus and play their hands electronically so that, using GPS trackers, the reality show could then go and see who is doing what in their lives, and thus give Poker on TV a new twist, for it ads humanistic values to the viewing. I also pitched scrypnosis media content for portable escapism. I opened this scrypnosis door so that content generation in the future would have yet another market. I’ve been doing this process, of pre-educating CEOs and other major players, to the concepts of Scrypnosis for over a decade so that when the time arrived, there would be commerce and industry available for developers.

In the World Trade Center issue, in the 1980's bombing of the WTC, there wasn’t enough explosives to destroy the van that they used. That’s because there were explosives already built into the building with seismograph timers. You can see it with four stop watches on 9/11. Plane one hits, start two stop watches. Plane two hits, stop one and start a third. Building one falls, stop one and start a fourth. Building two falls, stop the other two. That’s nearly a perfect parallelogram in time. That doesn’t happen in nature. That happens with countdown timers attached to seismographs.

So, on 5 June 2006, the day before the dreaded 6/6/6, I got the idea to call and ask the FBI’s Anti-Terrorism unit in New York City if they had ever run bomb-sniffing dogs through the remaining towers at the WTC. The Agent of the phone went, "Uh...UH...UH!!! GOODBYE!!!" and the next thing I learn, on the news, is that they’d caught an Al Qaida unit at the Canadian Border. But watch President Bush in videos from those three days. By 6/7/6, George looks downright worried . This guy has a tell, and he’s from Texas. I play Hold’em and I know a tell when I see one. Over the course, we gave President Bush a Smirkumcision. The FBI had never considered explosives being built in the building because they were steered around data from within, meaning that we were now dealing with very well entrenched villains and deep corruption. However, we also note that all attacks happened during Bush presidencies.

On 6 August 2006, just after the shooting happened in Seattle at a Jewish Community Center by a kid from my hometown, I had fully realized what the hand tool was in relation to what Mohammed had said would be a turning point for Islam and thus delivered the hand tool to the first Mullah I could find. Lo and behold, his name is Mohammed Ullah (M.Ullah)  This discovery in Matthew exactly met the criteria of the day that Jesus does battle with the Devil at the Stone, for, by turning a hand tool into stone tablets on paper in an uncommissioned Torah, such an author would be a Devil. . The second pe rson I sent it to was Ramsey Short at Time Out Beirut, for being such a gracious host to Anthony Bourdain while war was all around. I also began to use the hand tool immediately to see just how wise it really was.

In November, 2006, I went into the US Marine Corps recruiting office in Kennewick, Washington and related how I found a way to prove that the US Marine Corps was getting the shit kicked out of them in a way that they could not fight back, so I volunteered. It was duty as I found it, and as no one understood what I had found, I would have to set into motion a process of discovery that would lead America in a new direction so that the Marines could terminate this problem.

On 30 November 2006, using my "dibrager" handle, I posted "Computer Geeks! Save the World By New Years!" in the International Game Developers Conference forums (IGDA.org). In this way, when this project came into being, I could point programmers in that direction to begin their learning.

On the NBC show, "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip," one of their characters discusses a reality show where people come to regain their honor after something they had done that was dishonorable in any way that they felt ashamed. So, I called and asked, if ever they wanted to cross over into reality, perhaps they would consider me for their next show. The production officer told me "no," but in reality, I had opened a door that will reopen because no one misses an opportunity to make international history with finesse.

In December, I also contacted the FBI office in Richland, Washington and gave them a video of the project to which I was tackling. In that video, I said that you really have to give organized crime a slap on the back as there is one law they never violate. They never break high treason. It’s bad for business.

As a test to see if George Orwell’s book 1984 was a remote view to what I was experiencing with Google, I posted, on 25 May 2007, an article in three different discussion groups, entitled, "Decoding the family secret" of which my litmus test was the "Loony Bin" at the MAME World discussion group. Two days later, Google had links to all three posts, but by the end of five days, that list was trimmed down to just the Loony Bin post. I had more proofs that someone was following.

On the morning of All Saints Day, 2007, I began contacting all local churches to the reality that the Rapture process had begun. I don’t think they believed me, but they had been convinced that it was a miracle, and they had no idea how much work a miracle takes. A miracle demands many people to become aware of a huge amount of discovery all at once.

I realized that we were knee deep in the reality of War of the Worlds, and we had no idea. So, to give Team America the greatest hand of all time, as a computer hacker fixes a computer game, so I used actual history and played the role as peacemaker to which I had told the Marines I was tackling. Thus, if this really was War of the Worlds, then that hand tool was what we Jews were supposed to have delivered to Egypt, to Greece, and to China, for we ended up there anyway.

Had Jews had the hand tool at our delivery, as Egypt, Greece and China were intellectually at their peaks of discovery, their intellects at that moment would have then exploded, for the tool allows synaptic logic with instant wisdom, and such, would make these three empires into the greatest nations of today as the centers of all knowledge and wisdom, and the world would have had peace throughout. The Torah intentionally was written of defective rules that become weapons against us wherever we went so that we’d never known that these cultures slammed the door shut because of the Torah itself, so that when we left, if ever we discovered the truth, we could never return.

We’d never considered a bundle of lies so intentionally crafted by which to ultimately kill everyone on a planet. By replicating the logic of the Torah against the USA by Skull and Bones, beginning in 1833, just as President Andrew Jackson closed the first US Bank, we now have a very deliberate method, motive, and suspect, and with the discovery of the tools in Matthew, we have the evidence to make this case. However, because of the way they changed the parameters of civilization, so that hypnosis, remote viewing, nor cannabis can be used as tools for generating evidence in court, the only option left is for the general public to raise a cry for help to their Marines.

The hand tool allows people to signal their torture, and had we had this all those eons ago, there would never have been slavery. The Torah said it was OK. This hand tool, by design, says NO. There would be no racism. There would be no separatism. The whole problems of this world are that this message never arrived, and its time has come.

This is not new age. This is what was supposed to have arrived thousands of years ago, but this was Judaism’s problem, and until then, every other religion that found these tools in Matthew kept them secret because they knew that the Jews would finally have their day of redemption, and upon the delivery of Moses’es hand tool, there are no leaders.

Welcome to Heaven, the greatest computer game in all the universe, but something went wrong, and the game got out of hand because someone tore up the instruction manual and wrote a Torah. However, we have the technology here to go and view all of history. It’s time we do our own research and learn to use this highly advanced technology that is us.

So, on 19 December 2007, Mount Arafat Day, a day of great judgment according to all of Islam, I contacted the Greek Embassy and asked them to begin their judging of Elijah’s second project to which, as a junior member of the family, I was doing as one serves one’s elders.

In late December, I contacted the US Naval Chaplains School, via Captain T. Randy Cash, to inform of this upcoming project. As a change in the foundation of Judaism will have an effect on military religion, I wanted to give these people the top access to my intel.

On 6 January 2008, I faxed the Chinese Embassy and officially apologized, on the part of Judaism, to the tardiness of this hand tool’s arrival, citing the validity of the war of the worlds issues, and relating that it is unfortunate, but it looks like this administration is attempting to set up a nuclear war between our two nations because these people are working on a divide and conquer method for global domination, but they replicated an original tool, that being the Torah, and because there is only one source for their logic, and because they replicated the errors, these people are caught. Therefore, I wanted to warn them than if they suddenly saw the US Marine Corps terminating the administration, to not be alarmed. These people are infected by logical viruses, and we had no idea.

On 20 January 2008, BrooWaha Los Angeles published the first article in history of USA to publically challenge the Torah as being edit of something infinitely wiser, and then disclosed the whole of Elijah’s argument. Being a legal expert in computers, hypnosis, and communications, with a BA from Washington State University in Humanities with emphasis in Communications and English, over twenty years of private research in hypnosis, and over thirty years in computers, and being of the family of David on paper from a third party source, it was my responsibility, upon finding the tools, to realize that Judaism needed to change directions instantly.

On 24 January 2008, BrooWaha Los Angeles published my article, "Raising Heath Ledger," on how to raise the dead. This is one of the suggestions in Matthew, and it works. You can change personalities and give life to someone who had died, but you want to be careful whom you select. From this, your body gets to learn from inside someone’s mind, and you can reboot their memories into this other person. There’s tons of discovery and technology applications here, but especially with the arrival of the neural interface market, of which, in the mid-1980's, I had a contract with Synapse Software for the first three programs -- one to type, one to draw, and one to make music -- with no hand controls whatsoever.

The USA, and Jews in particular, were being set up for another holocaust, and I figured out how they were doing it because they did it once before to Germany. They intentionally infiltrate a government and then write policies that kick the people who deliver the services and kick the people who receive the services, so that all will hate the other, without realizing they’d been duped while, at the same time, they play with the forces of economy at the most critical points so that the problems seem overwhelming. Then, they deliver communications to hate groups to give them reasons to focus on specific groups to outlay their anger. Unfortunately, this is the logic of the double-cross.

Knights Templars, Bravo. This is your day is history.

As noted in the movie "Wargames," "The only way to win is not to play." That movie is a remote view to this very event to which I am desperately trying to educate people to seeing the world my way because we have to go in another direction immediately.

On 8 February 2008, after seeing a TV show about the FBI office of Special Investigations, I sent an email to Eli Rosenbaum at the Department of Justice to let him know everything.

On 12 February, I faxed what I had sent Eli Rosenbaum to the German Embassy, apologizing for the discovery that the organization Skull and Bones, which capitalized heavily on Germany’s suffering, knew full well nearly 100 years before the Nazis that the Torah was a fabrication. Instead, these people utilized the logic of the Torah as a weapon, and as they are doing this to the USA at this moment, as peacemaker, I am taking this time to clear the air.

On 19 February 2008, I submitted the argument to American Jewish Congress that the Torah is the lesser of two things, that someone has replicated the logic of the Torah as a weapon, and that as a member of the family of David, I have brought a second argument to this world that it really was Elijah, and here, in the future, he is sending us the tools to save the world and thus free ourselves from the burdens that the Torah has illed against us. We had no idea.

On 21 February, I faxed the Egyptian Embassy, finishing my responsibilities to deliver the hand tool, and asked that they take their greatest programmers and use the hand tool to shave everything off the Qu’ran, for beneath is buried a treasure of great love and peace, and it was not needed until now, which is why no member of Islam was ever allowed to translate the document. In this way, when the hand tool was revealed, as Mohammed is a true prophet and true prophets never violate the word of the Creator, anything that Mohammed wrote was done so only because the Torah was in effect. It’s now time to shave the Torah’s logic off this world.

On 23 February 2008, I sent email to Brigadier General Richard M. Lake and then emailed it to everyone in my discussion group, to the Chief of Police in Richland, WA, and then reposted it at a page that was then linked from the very top of my scrypnosis.com website so that everyone would see it and take the time to learn.

On Leap Day, 29 February 2008, as a Gonzo Journalist who had tackled a vital project, I, David Brager, emailed the account to this point in time from my "onlyforhonor@bluebottle.com" account to the following law schools requesting space to make an argument: Harvard, Stanford, Cornell, U. Michigan, U. Pennsylvania, Vanderbuilt, NYU, Loyola, George Washington University, and Columbia University.

On 1 March 2008, I wrote to Hal Turner, the radio White America talk show host to clarify that someone is using the logic of the Torah as a weapon against them, and we Jews are having to discover that there’s something wiser, a hand tool that is without mind control, without leaders, and without any problems with anyone else on the planet, for it is an interface to civilization.

On 9 March 2008, I contacted all the web-based US Marine Corps discussion groups and websites to let them know that I am proceeding with a call to arms to the US Marine Corps from the general public, for we have a domestic terrorism issue here that is undermining the Marines and the US Constitution.  

On 13 March 2008, being that the elimination of the Torah places the one great role that Charlton Heston portrayed, of Moses in the Ten Commandments, in question, out of respect, and because, with the hand tool, we are now seriously looking at our first issue of War of the Worlds, I sent an email to the Naitonal Rifle Association to ask they send to their Brass, as well as Mr. Heston, and sent them an email of what I sent to Northern Michgan K9 of what I sent to White Supremist Radio DJ Hal Turner of this project for world peace.

On 16 March 2008, I sent email to the commercial or tourist boards from the nations of China, Japan, Russia, England, France, Germany, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Bosnia, Poland, Sweden, Finland, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Taiwan, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, Kenya, Ghana, Ecuador, and Hong Kong to present materials for new commerce in an industry that I birthed using tools that I developed and placed into the international public domain.   As I am striving for the most equal dissemination of materials from a single person all at once, I needed to have these attempts made.

On 18 March 2008, I post an audio argument at "http://www.humyo.com/F/118814775" which I eventually send to the German Press to ask they send to the German Chancellor to send to the Israelis.  The next day, she has a most tearful message for Israel.

On 19 March 2008, I had a nice chat with US Secret Service agent John Nierincky of the Spokane Office. I let him know that someone is using the logic of the Torah as a weapon against the USA and we JEWS DIDN"T DO THIS!!!   I was concerned I might have hurt his eardrums, but the crescendo was complete.

By this time, I am sending things to the Knesset to let Shimon Peres know that we have a problem and that I have had to tackle this post as Prophet, and have all the paperwork to be of the lineage, not that I want this task, but I have completed it to the best levels of honor that I can do.

On 28 March, I ask the Electronic Frontier Federation to put all my website scrypnosis stuff into the international public domain.  America needs work, and it needs new commerce.  Here are tools I birthed for writing software directly for the human mind and doing personality replacements so that we can learn by letting other personalities use our bodies.  Plus, the tools erupting out of Matthew include tools for seeing through time.  We are cyborg and have just discovered the edge of the game so that we can reboot before we kill one another in reality.

On 29 March 2008, I begin submitting articles on "Rebooting Heaven" to discussion groups.  The article drives home the message that this document has two different applications for two different time periods, and now serves as a programmers guide to rebooting the whole game, for Matthew is a programmer, but they arrived 2000 years too early for anyone to realize the validity of the argument that the hand tool was wiser than the Torah.

On April 27 to 28, I faxed a web page letter entitled, "The Final Countdown," to Chief of Police of NYC Joyce Stephen, Detectives in the 19th Precinct,Richard Barrett with the retired NYPD, FEMA, the US Military Academy, and NOW in Washington D.C. to ask that they reach Chief Justice Ginsburg at the Supreme Court.

On April 29, I send out an email to companies in an hope of finding a courageous collaboration base -- to see if they are courageous enough to join me and save the USA by bringing new commerce and industry out of nowhere while not being afraid to stand with me as I attempt to play the world as a computer hacker fixes a defective computer game while it's playing.  The world needs a system refresh of imagination and fun, and considering that the best computer game hardware you would ever want to buy your kids is already built into them, it's time that humankind discovers the abilities to explore space-time from within the mind so that absolutely honest knowledge can be comprehended from this inner system that does not tolerate violations of the eight rule system.  It's design is of pure order and has no tolerance of chaos.  It will never dishonor its own integrity, which is why people don't get sports scores or good hands in poker by praying to God.  The system will never violate the honor of the game, and anything that has more rules than the original eight is, by the design of the operating system, a game. 

On 1 May, I send email to OPEC's Dr. Ibrahim to ask to have this project JUDGED by the best of Islam, for I need to prove to all of Islam that I have learned something from Mohammed that they never learned, but would WANT to learn.  Mohammed has the best way to teach the time-view tool.

On 3 May, I send email to PersonalDemocracy.com to ask they help me before I get into the Presidential road.  I received a return receipt that Andrew Raseij received the email.

On 7 May, as the disharmonizing logic of the process was fully tested on Germany and the European markets first, I sent a transmission to many German Banks, including Annika Weiss at Hapag-Lloyd and many other banks around Europe and in Canada, for all were affected by WWII, and I believe I can prove that WWII was engineered by Skull and Bones, who play upon developing fraudulent foundations and insecure securities, as well as to Sun Microsystems and Intel, for I need experts in viral logic to make the case.

On 8 May, I continued by sending a transmission about the global disharmonization that is being engineered, to Interpol, and several other Law Enforcement groups in the world.

In the late evening, again on May 8, I sent a transmission to US Marine and Ohio State Representative Josh Mandel to relate the project, that it was ready for delivery, and I needed the Marines immediately, for this global disharmonizational attack on the planet is being engineered and I need the Marines to see who are friends and who a villains.

On 10 May, I ran into a US Marine at the Richland, Washington, Hastings Entertainment Superstore, and told him of my project.  I think I finally hit a nerve, for he's active duty and I told him, I have no idea how to raise a call to the Marines for this situation, but I gave him my website and told him to go listen to the audio file I sent to the German Chancellor as well as read this project file, of which I have since highlighted in Red Text on my main website at scrypnosis.com.  I also began posting my text which I've titled the page, "...and that's a rap...ture,"  which is the most complete argument in the most common language I've been able to address since starting this project.  It's taken me 18 months to make sense. 

On 15 May,  I posted an article at a college blog website explaining the whole process of the issue, entitled, "Humankind is about to evolve. I found a puzzle in the book of Matthew," of which the first reviewer to the article wrote, "WOW!"  The article shows how I've done this to get more scrutiny than Bush could ever encounter.

On 18 May, I sent an email to 240 journalists entitled, "Before running for President, I had to tackle a bigger role.

On 21 May,. I called and had a nice conversation with  UFO Digest publisher Dirk Vander Ploeg, as this discovery is clearly an argument between two documents of which, side by side, are proof of extra-terrestrial involvement on this planet, and, better still, a good place to get people to make my case.

To date, my emails go out, but NO ONE reaches me.  I'm not being censored.  Everyone else is.

This is all about maximizing diplomacy on a spontaneous delivery system.  In this crazy world, most will instantly adapt to the tool, the world will signal their torture, the militaries will kill the infected, and we’ll go to sleep for a few days to recover from this nightmare.

No one has reached me other than one Secret Service agent.  I need help out of this bubble that I have been within here in Richland, Washington, for I am poor and so long as no one can reach me, I remain poor.  

If you go and see all that I bring to the table, we can change the course of history and business overnight, but this is the end of the age in the way that this was what was supposed to have arrived all those millennia ago.  No leaders, pure freedom, and only an internal system.  The Torah was an external attack on the planet.  That is why it’s a virus.  It’s not part of the primary system.

I have been busy making inroads with history so that, when this task came to fruition, I had enough interesting data to feed the fire at least for about five years.  I have a hard drive of ideas for new projects, but what follow are of other truths.

    * I developed and then placed the world's first FCC compliant method to hypnosis into the international public domain in 2003.
    * I gave the commercial rights to the Basic All In One reboot/rebirth sequence for humans, which fixes Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in two hours run one time ever,  to the United Nations in 2004.
    * I broke the story about Microsoft Anti-Trust behavior about six months prior to the first legal case, in the Premiere Issue of Likewise Magazine (and I have a copy with me)
    * I was published for science fiction in the Premiere Issue of Little Green Men magazine.
    * I am a member of ASCAP because an LA rapper used eleven tracks of my work on his album Ghetto Quality.
    * I was a student member of the Dramatists Guild of America, and will be a pro member once my career starts.
    * My personal anecdote is the very last story in the first Darwin Awards book.
    * I won in Comedy Central's first internet talent contest for family humor,
    * I've been published in print and on the internet in thirty articles.
    * My web page "Klinefelter's Syndrome & Me" was the first web page on the topic, and stands to this day as still one of the more linked sites on the web and around the world.
    * My website was the first to support answering any hypnosis question.  I now have an archive of questions between my website's FAQ and the Yahoo discussion group.
    * Dave's Coming Out Card has been one of the most reused tools on the web for coming out.
    * I've been accepted to United Who's Who.
    * I am a member of the International Honour Society Golden Key.
    * I earned the CTM certification from Toastmasters International in four months.
    * I've won blue and other ribbons for poetry at county fairs.
    * I was on a nationally syndicated soap opera when I was 5.

I cannot see why no one will take an interest in me unless I am somehow being sequestered without my comprehension, but I ask you to take my case and let me shine.  I am XXY and no one with this birth defect has ever been taken as being all that important because we were lower intellect.  That’s all about to change because the time has come for humankind to meet its destiny and not its oblivion.

Please help me.  The USA needs the boost, and the World needs to love and believe in the USA again.


David Brager
517 Newcomer Street
Richland, WA  99354-2243173
509-554-7807 cel