If banging was the big bang, how would they know? Who was to hear?
The universe expanded, matter didn’t, soon, too, drawing near.
Boiling blob of molten mass – escaping gas: spirits unknown –
did fight the pull of vacuumed space to find some space to call its
From that point to Mesozoic; lava cooled, rock emerged.
Seismic shifts as soils crumbled – glaciers crushed as pebbles purged.
Washed aside by melting masses, dead dinosaurs over the land.
Eroding soils into mudflows, turning pebbles into sand
Clays of greyness start to harden. Men arrived upon the scene,
turning rivers against nature, making desert soils green.
Excavated from its slumber, tiny pebbles, once of stone
all washed out, then piled under. Where once was flat: A mountain’s
Gathered up by big earth movers with dinosaur remains mixed through.
What once was mottled grains of granite, now are tarred and blackened,
Heat returns as pebbles shudder, coating now completes the course
To build a base for car and driver, the role of rock: asphalting force.
© 2001 David I. Brager