The tool and the template for remote viewing need the most experimentation. Each human has a two-layer system, with the left-brain's imagination in the foreground, but the right-brain's ability to see logic through time in the background. It is here that we can extract data that is sent through time as seen through the imagination of many people but compared by three different authors or speakers, for the common point between the remote views are the truth. Trom this, you extract usable data when the time-lines are parallel.
If you hadn’t noticed, there’s an awful lot of stories that seem to have the same types of character sets. For example, consider Star Wars, The Wizard of Oz, and The Three Musketeers. The main stories are about three wise men and a wanabee that does something honorable so as to earn the respected association of the others by bringing peace to their world.
The three wise men in this story that we’re in right now are Moses, Jesus, and Mohammed. In solving the puzzle in Matthew, I have the esteemed honor to explain how all of Islam is going to complete Mohammed’s greatest challenge for world peace, for he came to Jesus’ call, as Jesus came to Moses’ aid.
As a true prophet, Mohammed would never violate the true word of God, and what I’m saying, from this puzzle, is this hand tool is all that Moses ever had. Thus, all of Islam have the honor to slice off anything from the Qur’an that utilized Torah’s logic, especially those demanding action for prayer, clothing, calendars, or time management, for there are no books for this system. All books are suggestions, for the system has no leaders speaking for the system, nor any scribes from which to trust. It’s just you, the system, and with your hands, the two command, eight rules, for world peace, in your own hands. That’s why Prophets are programmers, not leaders. They give you tools and motivate you to find your own path instead of burdening you and demanding that you follow their path.
Someone changed five lines of the ten-line message that Moses brought by replacing three (one commandment (the golden rule, which replaced "Don’t make any graven images") as well as "do not lie" and "do not scapegoat" (these became "Don’t take the lord’s name in vain" and "Do not covet"), editing two ("Do not dishonor" and "Do not overwork" became "Honor your mother and father" and "Honor the Sabbath day and keep it holy"), and setting the whole revised set into stone.
By our analysis of this logic set in computer terms, this is exactly befitting of Mohammed’s prophesy of how Jesus is doing battle with the Devil at the stone over the gates to hell. It took us nearly two millennium to realize how much less intelligent it is in a field of time to have just one copy of the system manual. That would not be judged intelligent in today’s values, and with this new version of truth, certainly wasn’t the plan of the original system developer.
By writing us a Torah from the base of Sinai to Crossing the Red Sea, then cutting and pasting it together so that we’d never see the connection, these authors added rules to life without permission from the system operator. However, that system operator was watching, and through people, moved ideas through time into our space so that we could see the connection and fix the problem.
As Peter would never have denied Jesus three times had there been a rule "Do not lie," this is why Peter is "The Rock on which I build my Church." It was a reference that the old stone was defective, and upon changing it, this new system is actually wiser, for there are no scribes, no books, no leaders, and more importantly, no followers. All people, equally, without any denigration whatsoever, are all of one system.
We are highly advanced cyborgs and someone gave us a computer virus, and then Bush replicated it with Skull and Bones. Let all the world use these hand tools to judge everyone, and those who rate 42, that being four left hand violations plus stealing and killing on the right, such is determined of being a total of 6, which is why, just like in the puzzle in Matthew, where everything comes up with three of anything for you to take notice of it, the 666 is to make sure that whoever does the decoding knows that the author found the puzzle and wanted those who were at this stage of the puzzle to know that the bad people had a total of six violations on this scale.