My name is David Brager and
I am a recent City University of Seattle
(Richland Campus) MBA
graduate who made a major discovery in 2005 and
followed it through to the
end. I would like to bring to the world my discoveries to
birth a new
field of
Kronos, the study of time,
using tools I unearthed out of a
puzzle in the book of Matthew.
I sent the following letter to the Smithsonian Institute, and
now, I'm looking for a place to present all the work that this has
entailed for scrutiny and analysis so that people in the field of
History will see how to
extract data of the future from literature, movies and books for all
heads are
connected. To prove the validity of the tools, I took them out
for a
August 2009
Dr. Brent D. Glass
Smithsonian Institute
National Museum of American History
Dear Dr. Glass
When one discovers one is actually making history, this changes the
field of history for one then has to find that target audience, that
one niche to which history recorded will most energize that audience.
For me it was the fifth grade audience, for my memories with my Fifth
Grade teacher, Mr. Ralph Myrick, with his hands-on approach to
teaching, such revealed, in the future with my photographic memory, to
be an archive of how to make history by always being historic.
Sir, if you could see through time what would the greatest gift you
could send to the future? How about a warning a junior member of your
own family about a problem? I discovered a double-cross in our midst
using tools that erupted out a 42-point puzzle in the book of Matthew.
Answers to most questions about history have arrived, and as this is an
elder of my mother’s, on paper, I get no credit.
I ask that you will stand, hand in hand with the entire nation, as I
reveal all the discoveries, all the work I did, and all the puzzles of
42 that I found all throughout history that will now reveal how to see
through time and how to extract data through quantum time. My letter to
the US Marine Corps University of what I sent to the US Department of
Justice has a more complete list of who came to help.
They could not understand the argument 2000 years ago. Please forgive
us Jews. We carried a viral weapon through time. We had no idea that we
were carrying the wrong message, or worse, that we have high technology
in our grasp, but someone turned a hand tool of two commandments and
eight rules, allowing each species to function with maximized
effectiveness and NO OTHER LEADERSHIP, so that the species evolve
maximally without any burdens.
The Perfect religion for a slave is not a religion at all. It’s just a
tool based on our mutual design.
How would you like to see all of Islam lay down their weapons and walk
in peace with us forever. The Prophet Mohamed tackled the first of two
quests in the book of Matthew. As the late great Gary Gygax gave me a
blurb for the back of my book, The Future’s Toolkit, I had to tackle
the ONLY QUEST I have ever seen in this century.
I did this for honor, and I have completed it so that the US Marine
Corps, upon discovering that I had to carry the honor of the Nation
without their permission for one whole day, that I will meet their
toughest scrutinizing analysis. Tears will flow through joy.
I am poor and just completed my MBA in Marketing. I did this in my
spare time, being that I took half time because I was born XXY with
Klinefelter’s Syndrome.
That’s not diabetes out there. That is fuel. Humankind missed an
evolutionary interception because villains who have inhuman values have
lost control and, as we track their rules, as long as we believe their
rules, their rules are killing us as a species. These people made
cannabis illegal to dumb down the cops. Someone at DEA had to fight
tooth and nail to get cannabis labeled a hypnotic because it mattered.
I have done all of this under the cover of the Washington State Good
Samaritan law. I found that the past US Administration was, through
their behavior, using logistics as if they were the virus. I could not
get anyone to understand what I had found, so the only way to save face
was to tackle the quest and rise as Jewish Prophet so that, if
necessary, I could humble the President before foreign dignitaries. I
used this with the Chinese and the Russians, and it worked with great
grace. Here is what I sent the Chinese when they bought our national
In August, 2008, Dmitri Medvedev, the Russian Federation President,
went from screaming mad to silent overnight, and considering that NSA,
Homeland Security, FBI, and everyone knows what I was doing, as I have
the paper trail of a lifetime. Everyone let me alone to be this role,
and it worked when it mattered, but if I can deliver the rest of the
tools, then I can free humankind from an enslavement to too many rules,
and reveal tools to technology within each of us. Here is what I faxed
to President Medvedev:
I am here to deliver the Rapture, a defensive weapon designed to
recharge the imagination of the whole world, revealing all the tools to
all the technology so that all can see all of time, for there is no
past or future. With these tools, there is only the now. The tools
allow manipulation of your perception of the world so that your heaven
isn’t everyone else’s heaven, and you can filter out words from your
knowledge because you cannot get people to shut up, but you have the
freedom to remove words from one’s own vocabulary.
What is world peace? It is individual peace multiplied by the
population of the planet. So, I bring tools to individual controls over
your system, for we are in something better than the Holodeck. A
quarter century ago, we were doing hypnosis-based Dungeons and Dragons,
and the players SWORE they were battling real monsters in real time.
However, I began this project years ago, so all this work is already
done but have yet to be delivered to the world for this project for
world peace in just 48 hours:
We are knee deep in a War of the Worlds situation. The Torah was an
intellectual enslavement, setting our intellect back thousands of
years. Hypnosis is computational logic in standard human language.
We are cyborg, and I bring new commerce industry, jobs, hope, and love.
But also, I reveal the gravest double-cross in history, and this is
where you come in.
With the tools that you will discover, as you analyze the Constitution,
you will discover it was built using the values of this tool so that
today, we can prove that the USA was attacked, beginning in 1833, by a
logical virus moving through a swarm of villains who have let the worst
of their imagination become the worst of our reality.
Each cyborg has only eight rules to follow, labeled on each finger,
using an eight-bit decision system. Label each finger from left index
to right across the palms. Lie, Scapegoat, Dishonor, Torture, Steal,
Overwork, Adulterate, Kill. Left thumb is “One system for all” and
thumb is “Treat everyone as you want to be treated.” To reset this
eight-bit decision computer, make two fists.
Someone, over 3000 years ago edited off pin zero do not lie and pin
three do not Torture, as well as system commandment Treat Everyone as
you want to be treated. This hand tool is of fourth-dimensional
logistics. It is infinitely more intelligent than a Torah.
Peter, who’d been a good guy all the way through the book would never
have denied Jesus three times had there been a rule DO NOT LIE.
There would never have been three crosses on the hill had there been a
I bring to you completed history for world peace in just 48 hours. I
want to take the economy and commerce in one direction, at the same
time, the US Marine Corps is going to become the 0311, as defined in
the puzzle in Matthew, and explained in the letter I sent to the Sultan
of Brunei for his birthday. Here is that letter:`
I am poor, but in Matthew, the quest was very clear. “Those who are
exalted will be humbled and those who are humble...” so I stayed
humble. I want to make history make sense, and when you follow a quest
from an elder, please understand, I have 2000 years of elders breathing
down my neck from three different religions, not just 233 years of
Marines, and as both my parents are alive and know I am doing this, I
wanted to do it right the first time.
I think the government knew I was coming. My parents moved to Richland,
Washington in 1967. Their phone number was assigned by GTE, as was mine
when I moved out in 1984. Recently, in doing an anagram of the phone
numbers, theirs turned out to be J0Y WHO MANY, and mine turned out to
be J0Y WHO HIS 1.
The puzzle in Matthew has 42 points, the Superbowl last year was the
42nd, and when all Skull and Bones members lose citizenship, then with
the removal of Buchanan, Bush, and Bush, then renumbered, President
Obama becomes 41st and thus I get to run for the 42nd Presidency.
Please draw a square. Bisect each side with one dot. Now, on the left
and right sides, bisect the two segments so that you have three dots on
the left and right sides. At the top, write “Two commandments,” and at
the bottom right “Two titles.” On the left, write “Three Denials” and
on the right, “Three Crosses.”
Of the three dots on the left and right, please connect the top dot on
each side to form a parallel line to the top line, and then do the same
with bottom dots to form a parallel line on the bottom middle of the
In the puzzle in Matthew, there are only two of one thing and one of
another in two different ways. Fishes, Loaves, Raising the Dead.
The first step is to make sure it passes two tests. There must be a
relation between two of one type and one of another, in two different
Fishes and Loaves are food for Raised Dead.
Fishes and Raised Dead can be grown from a single cell. Loaves are
whole mass of chaos.
Once the two tests are made, there is a final test of all three values
at one time, thus revealing truth from long ago that needed to be
understood by people smarter than the people at the time the puzzle was
written. In this case, the only way all three could possibly have been
witnessed by over 5000 people, with the assumption that honest people
do not lie, is through the use of a matter re-arranger or teleporter
available through hypnosis.
However, when you have three of one type, that becomes three different
points in three different puzzles.
Three things that were changed were two rules and one commandment.
Please connect the bottom middle line to the top dot.
Had these two rules not changed, or had the title arrived early, any of
these would have saved a good man’s life, for had Peter not denied, a
good man would have lived, had there been a rule DO NOT TORTURE, it
would not have been crucifixion (or stoning), and had either of the two
titles arrived from Greece, had they access to a fax machine or email
back then, either title would have saved a good man’s life based on the
Sanctuary relationship that Greece beheld with Rome.
For me to earn two title AGAIN, some 2000 years later, this has taken a
hell of a lot of work, and I believe that if I do this right, I am
hoping to earn the title, from the Smithsonian, of National Treasure. I
am here to put my book into the public domain, as it is the first for
parents and programmers alike on how to write software for the human
Using the hand tool, judge King David. He adulterated with Bathsheba
and scapegoated her husband, who died. These are two triangles. Please
connect the bottom middle line to the top dot from both the left and
right side. Then connect the top middle line to the bottom dot from
both the left and right side. '
They had to get a message out of Jerusalem. They did so through TIME!!!
I’ve hacked the matrix out to eight dimensions, and you’ve been
watching me through movies, stories, and books, If you use the hand
tool for every decision, everyone in the grid can see you through their
imagination. The tools can be found at this link as well as linked at
my page:
To make this next decision, will I or anyone ever have to...and then
test the eight tests. Eight NO responses is thus two thumbs up, and so
wise, you never have to remember it. What do the elderly suffer from,
they cannot remember what just happened? This explains what happened to
civilization. What do FREE MASONS build? Strong foundations.
I want to get back to work as a comic writer and humorist, but I need
to put this role to bed. With the dissemination of Moses’s hand tool,
Judaism assimilates. Islam follows suit, as does Christianity, and all
the world will follow, so that, in judgment, when you see people who
lie AND scapegoat AND dishonor AND torture AND steal AND kill, as a
composite set, you see one intellect using all these people as
tentacles in our dimension who are moving chaos, traveling both as a
wave of tsunami forces in economics and communications into the future
and with remnants leaving flawed foundations in the past so that
foundations of trust crumble because there was never any truth to their
These logistics must remain ONLY in the imagination. In this way, when
reality is safe, fantasy can be anything you want it to be. The hand
tool is a barrier between fantasy and reality, and it works so well, if
you ever have a bad dream, rather than awakening, you test the eight
tests. If any are violated, you’ll realize, you’re in the game because
those things never happen on earth. That was what Judaism was supposed
to have delivered, but someone turned this hand tool’s shape into
letters in a new alphabet, and set this specific letter to being the
first letter of the word Shalom so that today, you’ll discover what you
missed by trusting the author of the Torah.
By anyone replicating such logistics as weaponry to attack the US
Constitution just as a Torah attacks a hand tool, to deliver defective
policy that hurts those who trust it most, such required a Jewish
Prophet to rise to leave them with the only trap ever set using
non-human logistics. Being of the family, I did all of this, and it’s
HISTORY. I just need to deliver every bit of this so that I can prove
how I learned about a double-cross in the future from such notables as
Leonardo da Vinci, Knights Templar, the Freemasons, Douglas Adams, and
a whole slew of others who apparently found this puzzle and played its
Please help me catch a bunch of bullies and make the world LOVE the USA
again. It can all happen.
Please send someone to my house. I have somehow been censored to death,
but when I realized this was duty, I stuck to it. The Marines were
formed so that when this judgment is passed, the founding fathers built
us an anti-virus to the swarm of inhuman people on this planet.
Judgment day has nothing to do with religion. We were attacked as a
species by a logical virus by something that just likes to play. By
people replicating the logic of such weaponry, these people cannot be
playful. They are just mean.
Please help me stop our first case of domestic terrorism, bring the
world back to our side, and let the US Marine Corps kill those villains
who ran the Manchurian Candidate Project on them because they were so
sure they could see Armageddon, they’d never get caught. They had only
a few problems they overlooked. Blessed are the Peacemakers and Build
your treasure in Heaven are related.
Build your treasures in heaven because ideas travel faster when not
attached to matter (this is the first major lesson of the internet).
Thus, Blessed are the Peacemakers because war is a lot of work. I made
peace with the world faster than Bush could be a bully and get us NUKED
so that he did not have to be held accountable for mismanagement as
That which killed Lincoln wasn’t the Bullet. It was the Buchanan
Presidency, which did exactly what this last administration did. They
were the worst so they could hurt the nation and kill whoever was the
next President with a nation in intentional turmoil. And for what? All
because President Andrew Jackson closed their first US Bank. Boo f*king
For a video that explains all, please go to this link:
This is history in action, and honor is the greatest asset you can ever
earn for it is priceless and weightless, easy to carry, but must be
protected. This nation must be protected from its first case of
Domestic Terrorism, and but it’s biggest adversary is history because
you kept the records, and with the delivery of these tools, you can see
how Skull and Bones virally attacked their own nation.
You wrote that your wife took everything of matter. She did not take
your honor. That is a much bigger asset, and she can’t touch it. Here’s
a chance to do more than just care for history. Please join with me as
we let the USA again become a powerhouse of effective history.
David Brager
517 Newcomer Street
Richland, WA 99354-2243173
I pre-seeded the minds of
a new market. Here is my business plan,
which was my capstone project, but written on an HONOR value rather
than an investment value.
This new field will bring work to actors, writers, sound editors, and
communications experts. I need humankind to evolve so they can
that we the abilities to reboot. Health care costs may go to zero
we get everything discovered and utilized, for I gave the reboot
sequence to the mind to the United Nations in 2004, which fixes post
traumatic stress disorder in one session of about two hours or less run
only one time, and it's free because miracles must never come with
price tags.
I have
been experiencing a strange internet censorship for four years.
Someone added my
home's IP address to many spam-bot servers, and so, my emails often get
bounced without ever reaching their targets. The censorship in
world is automatic.
If there is any way to call me, please do. This is all about
at the level that the world would demand..I need to put this role to
bed properly, for I
have stayed humble.
David Brager