Through hypnosis, I have found that the mind is capable of at least seven dimensional thought. Let me explain what I mean by dimensions.

When you go from one dimension to the next, you place an abstract limit on the focus of the dimension, while placing an infinite release of limits for the previous dimensions that occupy the current dimensions' constraints. So, in a zero (0)-dimensional universe, we have a single point. In a 1-dimensional universe, we have an infintite number of co- linear points. In a 2-dimensional universe, we have an infinite number of co-planar points and an infinite number of co-planar lines. In a 3- D universe, we have an infinite number of co-spacial points, lines, and planes. In 4-D, co-tineary space, planes, lines, and points. In 5-D, co-matterious, time, space, planes, lines, and points. In 6-D, we have infinite matter, time, space, planes, lines, and points existing in a universe that has belief structures, which are very complex co- ordinate systems of controlled existance. And, in the 7-D, all these exist in an environment of unlimited feelings and emotions.

As I said, this is how the brain catagorizes, stores, and maintains its memory systems. It utilizes an existential memory pattern that can apparently be focused upon any level.

Now, the point at which any of this stuff may become useful is if there is any way to conquer and control this system so that we may communicate at this level. How I speculate that this occur is by an interchange of data that is intercepted and cross-checked.

The internet has provided us humans with a way to cross vast planetary restrictions at the minimal expense of time. What I want to see is if we can catagorize a dialog and, whether you want to call it meditation or concentrated focus, go into our own minds to meet at designated "places" and talk at that level.

Mr. Leonard Nimoy once stated that prior to the inception of his "In Search Of..." documentary series, he had an idea cross his mind to call a friend from college to whom he hadn't spoken in a decade. When he called, the line was busy, and so he hung the phone up. His phone rang, and he picked up the receiver. It was his friend from college.

So, is it real or is it fake? Well, these types of things happen all the time. But we now have an opportunity to achieve communications on a global basis (using computers) and so, perhaps we can attempt to use and control our own brains even more than we have in the past, and we can double-check the transmissions with E-Mail.

I realize that this is all speculation and may be nothing, but if we are to cross vast gulps of time and space, it would be easier if we didn't have to do it in 3-D. So, if it doesn't sound all that stupid and feeble minded to you, please let me know where (extremely subjective quest) you believe you can be reached in your mind, and perhaps we can touch bases. On the other hand, if you think this is a waste of time, at least I challenged you to think.

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