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Counter                      Revised Feb 2009 rls

About Common Sense II Political Reforms (CSII)

The web page tools and concepts, under continuous development and currently functional, are outlined below. Free licensed tools for your use:

Free Tools for a More Democratic Republic

Bottom Up Politics: Our computer desktops are the only IVA headquarters, with local Independent Voters Alliance (IVA) web pages managed and chaired by local  participants in every voting precinct in every state. Our goal will be 500,000 Local IVAs controlled from the bottom-up in a more democratic republic! Each IVA Local Web Page Manager is the Leader of the Non-Partisan Independent Political Movement for Open Ballot Access. We are at home, from the bottom-up, in the only headquarters for our political movement. We are home based. Your home. My home. We lead from the bottom up. (Top of Page) (IVA) ( Files)

Free Political Tools: The overall CS II goal is replacement of the "bipartisan two-party political system" with  a "non-partisan independent political system" that governs in the interests of human constituents, people. I am the creator of the non-partisan Free Tools CSII software. I am the lone writer and designer. I am one of many concerned citizens working to increase awareness of the electoral and political reforms needed to preserve our constitutional democratic republic. I work in cooperation with other proactive citizens building the non-partisan political movement. Our common goal is to increase bottom up participation in our democratic republic for the 21st century

(Top of Page)  

Non-Partisan Independent Strategy: Development of web page tools for use by non-partisan independents is an integral part of the overall strategy for making the non-partisan political transition possible. Each software tool is packaged in a template ZIP file that can be easily modified and duplicated for local, non-partisan use. The IVA and other political tools are designed to enable control from the bottom up by a majority of our people. All of the CSII software tools are gifts to the large numbers of politically inactive non-partisan citizens in our republic. All worthwhile activities in life take substantial effort. Each participant in the non-partisan political movement supplies the effort needed. We still have a democratic republic, if we can keep it. Freedom is participation in power.

Rich Stevenson, Non-Partisan Political Activist ( Files)

(Unique) (Top of Page)

 Independent Voters Alliance (USAIVA): The National IVA web pages, published only as a subset with Local IVA Web Pages, explain how the IVA is designed to facilitate the transformation of the American political system from a monopoly "bipartisan two-party political system" into a competitive "non-partisan independent political system." Ballot access will become easier in all fifty states. A State IVA coalition political party will be established on the ballot in every state where an IVA coalition of non-partisan independents and minor parties would be more competitive against the bipartisan two-party monopoly. The goal is liberty and justice for all in a more democratic republic for all US citizens.

(Unique) (Top of Page) ( Files)

 Certify IVA Petition Circulators: The primary means to open ballot access to non-partisan independents. Write lesson plans to certify ballot access petition circulators in IVA classes, High School Civics classes, and College Civics classes in every state. For example, the goal in Ohio alone is 100,000 IVA certified ballot access petition circulators, about nine in each voting precinct. Ballot access petition circulation is the civics lesson overlooked in our schools at every level. IVA certified petition circulators will be a civil army to gain open ballot access in each of the fifty states. Every ballot in every election throughout our republic will contain more non-partisan candidates, more minor political parties, and more initiative-referendum issues to have more ballot choices. "Freedom is participation in power," said Cicero, a Roman Senator, 2000 years ago. Become an IVA certified ballot access petition circulator. Participate.

Ballot access petition circulator training and making petition circulator field kits takes about one hour to complete. All inquiries are welcome. "If not you, who? If not now, when?" Join the IVA civil army. Join the non-partisan movement for political and electoral reform. Promote and practice Active Citizenship.

Educational materials are developed for Ohio. Forty-nine states need further development of educational materials!

(Unique) (Top of Page) ( Files)

 Local IVA Web Page Managers: IVA web pages are templates that can be edited, launched and managed from the local level by each Local IVA web page manager in his/her area at no cost to the Local IVA manager. For example, the Local IVA model web pages, Independent Voters Alliance, Hamilton County, Ohio, are devoted to providing local ballot access for non-partisan independent candidates, minor parties, and voter initiatives, totally cost-free. The IVA goal is free Local IVA web pages in every voting precinct in every state in our republic. For example, Ohio has 11,366 precincts (based upon the 2000 US Census population results). The IVA expects the bulk of IVA web page managers to be high school and college students who can apply their Internet skills to taking control of their political futures. The IVA provides a functional framework to establish Local IVA web pages where voters can effectively influence and participate in the future of politics. Cost-free Local IVA web pages are a primary means to gain non-partisan independent ballot access. Files: Coalition participants can publish no-cost Local IVA web pages in their precinct, community, town, county, or other electoral district. Get a web pages file on a Free Tools CSII Mini-CD or CD-R (see insert above) from any Local IVA Web Page Manager for material costs, less than one dollar. The ZIP file includes all the easy instructions you will need to set up and manage your Local IVA web pages. IVA ZIP files are also available immediately sent by Email attachment at no cost. Request your free web page file by Email attachment. Create and manage State IVA web pages for your state. (The file is used by OH residents to create and manage Local IVA web pages for their OH County or electoral area.

(Unique) (Top of Page) Political Campaign Files: Template political campaign web pages and campaign materials are derived from work on the "Rich" campaign for US Congress. The template contains many creative campaign features. The template is available immediately and sent no-cost in a file by Email attachment. Or, the file is included on the Free Tools CSII Mini-CD or CD-R (see insert above) that can be obtained from any IVA Web Page Manager for material costs, less than one dollar. Any reasonably "moderate" non-partisan independent or minor party candidate with common sense views can use the materials for free. Request your free template file by Email. Town Hall Election Day Politics.

Adapt the "model" template for use in your election campaign. Feel free. There are no hidden costs. Free means $0.00.

INDEPENDENT LIKE YOU is a political campaign slogan I would like to see used by all candidates who use the "model campaign" web pages. Not required. There is an 85% majority nearly everywhere in our republic who  self-identify as "non-partisan independents." They want "non-partisan" representation. They choose to not support any political party whatsoever. When they vote, they vote for the person. They are non-partisan. (Unique) (Top of Page) ( Files) Ad Campaign Files: "Throw the Hypocritical Rascals Out" of Congress. The "2010 T.H.R.O. Ad" is available for free distribution and endorsement by every non-partisan independent and minor party 2010 Congressional candidate. Cost-Free. The "2010 T.H.R.O. Ad" campaign kicks off in January 2009, and every even election year will have a T.H.R.O. campaign until all the Hypocritical Rascals are Thrown Out of Congress, until we have ALL NEW FACES IN CONGRESS. Read the above linked THRO page for help with your 2010 Congressional campaign. Your free campaign file can be sent by Email attachment. (Included on the Free Tools CSII Mini-CD or CD-R. See insert above).

(Unique) (Top of Page) ( Files)

 Common Sense Pamphlet: VotRevPam.pdf

(in a Free, <220kb Adobe Acrobat file) 

The Overdue Voter Revolution

A Non-Partisan Indictment of the DNC & RNC

An intentional mass movement, it seems to me, needs an intellectual basis, some jumping off place. A declaration, perhaps in a pamphlet, may be needed to get the ball rolling. If the "common sense" of this CSII pamphlet rings true to you, if it reflects your political reality, tell others, promote the message and reading of the pamphlet. The pamphlet was converted to an Adobe Acrobat file in Feb 2006, to be a free download on the Internet. The electronic pamphlet file (with internal navigation links) is free to every CSII visitor. It can be read on-line or downloaded to print a free full-page copy. (Included on the Free Tools CSII Mini-CD or CD-R. See insert above).

Agreement on the details of the pamphlet are not expected. Participate in the coalition for your reasons for the political reforms you need. Please do your part. (Unique) (Top of Page) ( Files)

 Common Sense II — Part IIThe Brainwashed Citizen Awakes.

An unfinished pamphlet. Finish writing. Topics will include: 

 The ways in which the Judiciary and the legal system protects the DNC & RNC monopoly.

 The use of the Media to brainwash our culture to maintain the bottom-line for big business and special interests.

 The lack of protection for individual small business interests.

 Voter awareness: Educate people to reveal the lack of popular support for the monopoly bipartisan "two-party system." The substantial numerical advantage, 80%, of non-partisan independent voters will gradually end bipartisan control of our political system. Our republic will become, more than in times past, the best hope for a more democratic world and for human rights. (Unique) (Top of Page) ( Files)

 Introduce and find acceptance for reform political concepts promoting a democratic republic and the pursuit of happiness for all of our people.

 Promote web sites that increase awareness of the many solutions to our bipartisan political problems. Promote clean elections. Promote civil harmony and cooperation to have a more democratic republic. Use creative entrepreneurial free enterprise to stimulate growth and to solve problems ignored by bipartisan politicians.

Your Support: Help make it happen. Send your dollar. 

A small price to pay for success of the non-partisan political movement. See the support page to further understand the unique character of the CSII approach to fundamental political change. Thanks.

(Unique) (Top of Page) ( Files)


"The Overdue Voter Revolution," the "Declaration of Re-Independence," and any un-copyrighted materials on CSII web pages may be given for free to friends and relatives, but other copyrighted materials cannot be offered either for sale or for free without express written permission from the author(s).

Read/copy "The Overdue Voter Revolution" on line (Free)
A Biographical
Preface, Why this Pamphlet?
Call to Action (Declaration of Re-Independence
CS II *.pdf Files to Download and share (Free)
Includes the "Pamphlet," "Pledge," "Declaration," "THRO," and "IVA,"
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Home Page | Support
Web pages created and developed by
RLS Designs 
Copyright 1999-2009 by Richard L. Stevenson
Permission to link on other web pages is given provided notice
 is given to
Common Sense II Political Reforms by Email.
 Please use "CSII Link Notice" as the Email subject.
We seek links to non-partisan political web pages.
Concept and web pages also by RLS Designs
Independent Voters Alliance (USAIVA)
Copyright 1999-2009 by Richard L. Stevenson
Common Sense II — Part II
Sub-titles tentative; beyond the first draft:
The Brainwashed Citizen Awakes
Downsizing to Democracy and Civility
© 2001-2009 by Richard L. Stevenson, a pamphlet
On the back burner, will be finished eventually.