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Counter                             Revised Feb 2009 rls

Support for CSII (Common Sense II Political Reforms)

The web page tools and concepts, under continuous development and currently functional, are free to non-partisan independents. Please support the transition to non-partisan politics. Participate:

Free Tools for a More Democratic Republic

Bottom Up Politics: Our computer desktops are the only IVA headquarters, with local Independent Voters Alliance (IVA) web pages managed and chaired by local  participants in every voting precinct in every state. Our goal will be 500,000 Local IVAs controlled from the bottom-up in a more democratic republic! Each IVA Local Web Page Manager is the Leader of the Non-Partisan Independent Political Movement for Open Ballot Access. We are at home, from the bottom-up, in the only headquarters for our political movement. We are home based. Your home. My home. We lead from the bottom up. (Top of Page) (Unique) (Flank) (PayPal)

Free Political Tools: The overall CS II goal is replacement of the "bipartisan two-party political system" with  a "non-partisan independent political system" that governs in the interests of human constituents, people. I am the creator of the non-partisan Free Tools CSII software. I am the lone writer and designer. I am one of many concerned citizens working to increase awareness of the electoral and political reforms needed to preserve our constitutional democratic republic. I work in cooperation with other proactive citizens building the non-partisan political movement. Our common goal is to increase bottom up participation in our democratic republic for the 21st century.

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Why Support CSII? So why in the world would you send a dollar in support? CSII is creating a unique concept for change. Most political activists are trying to establish political power on the national level by building state political parties to establish a top-down national political party. Minor parties have tried for decades over the centuries to build a "third" party to compete with the national two-party monopoly system. (Unique)

In fact, the primary focus of most minor parties seems to be replacement of one of the two "major" parties with their own national power structure. Most political activists appear to not think beyond the "two-party system," the failed corruptible two-century old power structure we have. Not outside the pointless "left-right" bipartisan struggle! Not outside the box!

Most minor parties have some minority political or social agenda they intend to impose on our society when their party becomes part of the top-down political power structure. The only CSII agenda is liberty and justice for all in a more democratic republic. Government can be directed by common sense grassroots participation. All "politics is local," and can be controlled by the vote of each individual citizen. Each of us! Outside the box!
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Simple Method: Take legislative and executive majorities away from the corrupt bipartisan two-party monopoly by electing non-partisan independents to public office.

You and I can have the government we want. Our children can have the democratic republic they need to pursue happiness. I am just one of many concerned citizens who are trying to increase awareness of needed electoral and political reforms. We can have a more democratic republic.

I have great faith in the goodness and fairness of the American people. The CSII approach is to empower the individual non-partisan independent voter. You.

I can use your dollar in my efforts to free time to meet eyeball to eyeball with civic and minor party political leaders locally and nationally. I will encourage all national and local leaders in the non-partisan independent political movement to consider coalition political strategies other than party building or support of corrupt bipartisan two-party candidates.
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The Vulnerable Flank: The two-party monopoly wins elections by fundraising and manipulation of state law. Political party building is subject to monopoly rules. Change will come not by creating political parties, but by the activation of politically inactive multitudes of non-voters, who elect non-partisan independent leaders, one public office at a time. We will seek victory in our strength, our numbers.

Ballot access for non-partisan independent voters is the solution. Non-partisan independent candidates can partially define themselves with minor party issues and platforms. My concept of statesmanship is based upon the pragmatic example of Benjamin Franklin. Fix it if it is broken. Do no harm.

Seek solutions to benefit the common good. We need to make things happen from the local level by electing non-career officeholders to every possible public office. Non-partisan independents have the numbers, 80%, to elect whomever they choose to every public office. Non-partisan independent office holders will work for liberty and justice for all in a more democratic republic. 

We can exclude non-living entities from equal protection under our constitutional law. We can make government of, by, and for the people a reality in our republic in this new century. We will end the tyranny of special interest corporate governance.

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Send your dollar and I will throw your pebble in the pond of political reform:

Online donations cost 30 cents plus 2.4% of the amount donated paid to PayPal. Thirty-three cents for one dollar, fifty-four cents for ten dollars, etc.


Dollars for a Democratic Republic: A small amount in donations, around $20,000 per year, will allow me to work full time for political education and reform. I am pursuing possible "non-profit" grants to support my work. However, any type of political campaign activity eliminates the possibility of any tax-free status. Most non-profits favor the "two-party system." Therefore, grants may not be likely for my anti-bipartisan work. I took a social security retirement in January 2004, when I was sixty-two years of age. I now have less need for full-time work to meet my personal expenses. Social Security frees more of my time for my political work. But Social security and my part-time work do not cover all of the expenses for my personal needs and the expenses associated with my current political writing and promotional activities. My income does not allow for any expansion of my planned non-partisan political activities. Therefore...

My hope is to raise enough money to pay for postage, computer supplies, printing costs, Internet expenses, and gasoline for useful political travel. My dream is to raise enough money to devote full time to political education and to growth of the non-partisan political movement. I turned 65 years of age in January 2007. My social security benefits ($1,000, with over $500 in Rent) could not be reduced by any amount of personal income less than $34,440 in 2007. Under current tax  law I have no tax liability on my social security benefit for income up to $18,518 (for the 2007 tax year). For 2007, $10,050 in income would have been tax free, and I would have owed $880 (4.8%) in US taxes on $18,518 in income. (My actual 2007 income was $7,238.51. No US taxes! I am poor, but my needs are few.) For now, all donations will be reported as personal income. You can use PayPal to make a donation. (Top of Page) (Unique) (Flank) (PayPal)

I will work with other non-partisan grass roots independent activists and minor parties to reform our political system. Your small donation, if you make one, will work toward a more democratic republic for us all. If donations make my income taxable, I will seek means to lower taxes on CSII donations to the lowest level possible. (An LLC incorporation?)

100% of all donations will be used to pay for CSII political activities and expenses. Personal expenses will not come out of the CSII bank account.


Dollar Donors: If you see value in my work to establish a more democratic republic through common sense political education, and non-partisan independent ballot access, you can make a cash donation, limited to whatever is easily affordable to you up to two thousand dollars. Your support is welcome. Checks or money orders should be made payable to Common Sense II Political Reforms and sent to the address below. Do not send cash by mail. Donations are not tax deductible. Please include your name, complete address, and contact information (telephone, fax, and Email). Thank you for sharing our dreams for a better America. We will make our dreams real together. (Unique) (Flank) (Email) (Top of Page)
Rich Stevenson

Common Sense II Political Reforms
P.O. Box 9954
Cincinnati, OH 45209-0954


Pamphlets: One other way for CSII to raise funds is to accept donations for booklet style digital copier hard copies of Common Sense II, The Overdue Voter Revolution. (5.5" x 8.5" folded and stapled, 31 pgs.) (ivory color cover) (a coffee table conversation piece) (Same contents as in the on-line, free PDF download version) Cost per copy including shipping:

One copy $5.00; 2 thru 25 @ $3.00 each (e.g. 2 for $6.00) 26 thru 50 @ $2.75 each (e.g. 26 for $71.50); 51 thru 75 @ $2.50 each (e.g. 51 for $127.50; 76 thru 100 @ $2.25 each (e.g. 76 for $171.00); 100+ copies @ $2.00 per copy (e.g. 101 for $202.00)

Income Opportunity: (Sale at up to $5.00 per copy is authorized by the author for any pamphlet obtained by snail mail for a donation of $3.00 or less per copy. Yes, you have the author's permission to make one dollar per copy on pamphlets you obtain for $2.00 per copy. Any hard copies not obtained by a donation to CSII are not authorized for sale at any price. No permission is granted against the copyright other than the specific conditions stated within this parenthesis.)

Requests for Pamphlets: State the number of pamphlets you want and the amount donated. Make your check or money order (preferred) payable to Common Sense II Political Reforms. Allow 8 weeks for delivery by the US Post Office. Personal checks must clear before shipment (10 days — the reason a money order is preferred) (Or use Pay Pal). Include your name, complete address and contact information for telephone, fax, and Email. Make it legible. Send your request to the Address Shown Above. Thanks.

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"The Overdue Voter Revolution," the "Declaration of Re-Independence," and un-copyrighted materials on CSII web pages may be given for free to friends and relatives, but copyrighted materials can not be offered either for sale or for free without express written permission from the author(s).

Read/copy "The Overdue Voter Revolution" on line (Free)
A Biographical Preface, Why the Pamphlet?
Call to Action
(Declaration of Re-Independence)
CS II *.pdf Files to Print and share (Free)
Includes the "Pamphlet," "Pledge," "Declaration," "THRO," and "IVA,"
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Home Page | Free Political Tools
Goals and Strategy for
Common Sense II Political Reforms
Liberty and Justice for all in a more Democratic Republic

Free Political Tools for Non-Partisan Independents
Web pages created and developed by
RLS Designs 
Copyright 1999 by Richard L. Stevenson
Permission to link on other web pages is given provided notice
 is given to
Common Sense II Political Reforms by Email.
 Please use "CSII Link Notice" as the Email subject.
We seek links to non-partisan political web pages.
Concept and web pages also by RLS Designs
Independent Voters Alliance (USAIVA)
Copyright 1999 by Richard L. Stevenson