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Common Sense II
The Overdue Voter Revolution
A Non-Partisan Indictment of the DNC & RNC
© 1997-2008 by Richard L. Stevenson
All Rights Reserved

A Biographical Preface—Why this pamphlet?

These are my own conclusions on the state of our political system as it appears to me at present. My overall conclusion after sixteen years of study is that we have a corrupt political system, which can be fixed by an informed electorate within a few years.

In the winter after the 1996 elections, in which political reforms made no apparent gains, I wrote a two-page synopsis on what I thought was wrong. In the years since I have constantly revised my written evaluation, pausing to publish, by copier, fifteen 100-copy sets of this pamphlet. Copies have gone to members of congress, minor party leaders, friends, and family. I imagine my words have seeped through and added to minor party political discourse, especially in the Reform Party where I had long been active.

My concern is our ineffective democratic republic. Why does it not work? Problems persist through generations of career politicians. Explanations from numerous and varied sources have all seemed insufficient. Reasonable demands of our citizens for change have not been met.

I imagine the reluctance to use available solutions is due directly to excessive human greed. Our monopoly "two-party system" is bought with huge political contributions. In exchange, the two parties keep power in the hands of a tiny wealthy elite. Elections are staged to divert attention from the underlying bipartisan struggle for power. Voters are left out. "Liberal" and "conservative" name-calling is used to divide the electorate. Also, selected controversial issues are used to divide voters into hostile voting blocks to win elections without a need to solve problems.

Many problems remain unresolved after decades of neglect. The same problems remain that have been the basis of all the false promises made by generations of career politicians. If you feel isolated and devalued by government, you have been correct for many years. Something is wrong.

On the positive side, enough voters going to the polls would have the power to make all the changes needed to solve persistent problems. Already 60% to 80% of our people know there are many problems not being addressed by the "two-party" monopoly. Now, we need to have 60% to 80% go to the polls and vote for non-partisan political candidates who will represent people, not corporations, unions, political parties, or any other special interest.

We need to elect people who will open politics to the competition of ideas on issues and open debate on workable solutions. With only 10% of elected offices occupied by moderate middle-of-the-road non-partisan independent and minor party candidates, needed reforms will become possible.

Specific political reforms can create a sustainable society based upon "democratic" small "r" republican ideals. For instance, a constitutional amendment is needed to establish the public policy that "money is not speech." The same is true to establish the public policy that corporations are not "people" entitled to the benefits of the bill of rights and to equal protection under the US Constitution. We need to correct the late-1800s errors of the Supreme Court, which eroded and decreased the sovereignty of American citizens. Corporations are not citizens, either good or bad.

With our constitution we forever removed the divine right of Kings from our lives and left that autocratic tyranny in the Old World. We accurately located divine rights in the hearts and minds of our people, with protections in our Bill of Rights for freedom of religion and of speech.

In our time we need to dispose of the autocratic tyranny of corporations linked with bipartisan two-party politics. Our unarmed revolution will occur by winning ballot access for our non-partisan independent voter majority. Our votes can then win actual representation for our people. The principle  of citizens as sovereign can then become public policy in our everyday lives. In our time political sovereignty can be located in the hearts and minds of our people.

I am forever indebted to Jane Williams, for her formatting genius, Joanna Chappell, for her expert advice on income taxes, Jean "Budd", my grammarian, and others too numerous to mention for proof-reading and advice on content. I am constantly amazed to have so many loving friends in this world. I dedicate my work to my son Brad, and to my own dad. — Revised February 2006 — Rich


If you would like to read the whole pamphlet:



Needed to read and download pdf files. Free, quick download.

Adobe Acrobat File: VotRevPam.pdf



2010 Candidate for

OH1 US Congress

Elect Rich,

Civic responsibility made possible by an educated citizenry is the basis for a democratic republic that works for the good of the governed.

I was concerned in the late '80s to see the changes taking place in our society. The pawn shops and "check cashing" stores (loan sharks) publicly pushing loans at 150% interest, allowed by some state legislatures, and spreading.

Lobbyists defeated the move to lower credit card rates from 22% to around 12% in the Carter presidency. Voter interests were ignored.

The endless scandals continue with no help in sight from Career Incumbent office holders.

I have been involved in reform politics for years. "No legislation without representation" is my principle and my lifelong belief.

I hope you too will participate in building our free democratic republic. Practice Active Citizenship. A Little effort, a Lot of Liberty.

"Non-affiliated" Independents are over 85% of registered voters in OH District 1. We can win with just 37% of the vote. Your voice can be heard in Washington DC.

Election Day: November 9, 2010


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