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Grassroot Waves of Grain: Americans Speak

Web sites created by yearning for political and social change. Here are a few of the increasing multitude of Individuals who are speaking out to provide grassroots leadership and insight outside of the two-party political and economic monopoly/dictatorship. You are not alone in your concern for your country. Where are your web pages? You can create Independent Voters Alliance (IVA) local coalition web pages for non-partisan independent and minor party ballot access in your state, county, or electoral district. Create the political world around you in your own image. Participate.

Ballot Access national expert, Richard Winger, subscribe to the Ballot Access News, 

 Granny D Walked across the continent for Campaign Finance Reform Visit a genuine American heroine for historical perspective, love of country.

 Throw the Hypocritical Rascals Out (2008 T.H.R.O. Ad), 2008 Congressional Elections. Elect non-partisan new faces to take office in Congress in January 2009. Jack Gargan, Genuine American Hero, Founded T.H.R.O. and the  Good Government Movement in 1990. He raised the issues of Term Limits, out of control Deficit Spending, and bipartisan two-party corruption. You can participate.

 Fulani Online no longer a link, Dr. Lenora Fulani, Independent Movement Leader, speaker and writer. 1988 and 1992 independent Presidential Candidate. First black and first woman on the ballot in all 50 states in 1988. On the ballot in 40 states in 1992. Associated with the New Alliance Party. Later the Reform Party. (IP of NY and CUIP leader) Google her name.

 Jackie in Wash DC, link coming soon.

 We the People (Jerry Brown), Mayor, Oakland, California
A presidential candidate in 1992, an open-ended political free thinker.

 Jesse Jackson, Rainbow Push Coalition —




 To be expanded soon. Gathering sites to add.


Further links for Study

 A Study Hall: Today's Politics

 Toward a More Democratic Republic: Non-Partisan Reforms

 Send me a Voter Who Reads: A Spectrum of Links

 CS II *.pdf Files to Print and share (Free)



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Copyright 1999 by Richard L. Stevenson
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We seek links to non-partisan political web pages.
Concept and web pages also by RLS Designs
Independent Voters Alliance (USAIVA)
Copyright 1999 by Richard L. Stevenson