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The Non-Partisan Political Movement

Our 2nd Revolution for Individual Sovereignty

Meet the IVA

Independent Voters Alliance

Hamilton County Ohio (IVA)

Local Purpose

Political Goals:  Make Sovereignty the duty of every living natural citizen as intended in 1776 in our Declaration of Independence. Derive all rights from the basic legal right of all living natural citizens to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Restrict the legal rights of non-living legal entities in order to protect individual liberty.

The ultimate IVA purpose is to give all citizens equal ballot access under federal election law, Ohio election law, and local election law. IVA participants will accomplish ballot access for and Election Day support of non-partisan candidates and issues. The IVA will publish ballot access petitions. Published petitions, available for download, will be petitions for independent candidates, minor political parties, and pro-reform referendum issues. Each IVA certified petition circulator will choose which ballot access petitions to circulate. Successful petition efforts will give voters more ballot choices to initiate governance from the bottom up. Active citizenship, our participation, will lead to government of, by, and for the people at the local, state, and national levels.

Hamilton County IVA participants will provide free petition services to give ballot access to all qualified non-partisan independent and minor party candidates standing for local, state, and national offices in Hamilton County elections. Circulate petitions to give continuous statewide Ohio ballot access to all moderate minor parties, including the coalition IVA non-partisan independent political party. Circulate petitions to put important referendum issues on Hamilton County (and Cincinnati) ballots to preserve liberty and justice for all in a more democratic republic. Make information available to recruit non-partisan independent and minor party candidates for public office. If not you, who? If not now, when?

State IVA (Ohio IVA Purpose — Home Page)
National IVA (National IVA Purpose — Home Page)

4th or 5th Saturday Monthly Meeting

Orientation for new participants: Ten minutes
Educate for Active Citizenship: 2:00 PM (About 60 minutes)
Guest/Issues Talk: 3:30 PM

Date, location, directions, program/activities are updated on the 1st day of each month before the next meeting. (Date, Place) Attendance is not required for IVA participation. (Host your own IVA meet up? Manage your own IVA Web pages?) Dress is business casual.

Meet Non-Partisan Candidates: At least one non-partisan bottom-up candidate will be at each IVA meeting. Candidate web page links, petitions, and contacts are shown for all known Non-Partisan Independent and Minor Party candidates on Hamilton County Ballots for local, state, and national public offices. Go to the web page to meet other candidates on the ballot who will represent you. (Top of Page)

Ham Co IVA Contacts, Phone, Email:
Joanna, 513-471-1919,
jochappell at cs2pr.us
Rich, 513-251-3155,
hamco at cs2pr.us
Motto: Freedom is participation in power — Cicero, Roman Senator

1st IVA Priority: Certify Petition Circulators We certify Ohio petition circulators to correctly obtain valid signatures needed to get ballot access for non-partisan independent candidates, minor party candidates, all minor parties to include the coalition IVA non-partisan political party, and initiative/referendum issues. The rules to obtain valid petition signatures are simple and the same for all Ohio petitions.

With 100,000 IVA certified petition circulators initiative and referendum issues needing "100,000" valid signatures would require only four valid signatures if just 25% of IVA petition circulators chose to circulate a petition for the issue. Many issues would get to the ballot and voters would have the opportunity to "speak" on each issue. Also, valid signatures for independent candidates with "no party" would require only one or two valid signatures with as few as 5,000 IVA certified petition circulators across the state. For example, only 5,000 valid signatures are needed to put independent candidates for Governor, Statewide Ohio offices, US President or US Senator on the Ohio ballot. Signature requirements for ballot access to other legislative offices are much less. (Top of Page) (Your Voice)

Ohio Coalition Party Ballot Access Numbers: Ten valid signatures from 5,000 petition circulators (50,000 valid signatures) are more than the number of valid signatures needed on minor party ballot access petitions in Ohio. Twenty times that number of petition circulators, 100,000, would lower the number of valid signatures needed per petition circulator to only one or two signatures. Signatures from a spouse and a neighbor can transform our world. Once we have 100,000 IVA certified motivated petition circulators, we can easily reform our Ohio political system. With as few as five thousand well-motivated petition circulators across the state of Ohio we can accomplish ballot access miracles.

Continuous Coalition Ballot Access: Twenty signatures every two years from 5,000+ OHIVA petition circulators (100,000+ signatures) from friends, neighbors, and family will certify OHIVA ballot access for all future elections. Every legislative candidate using OHIVA ballot access will need just 25 valid signatures, not 1000s, for ballot access. Statewide candidates will need just 1000, not 5000 valid signatures. With ballot access assured, non-partisan candidates can successfully compete with the bipartisan monopoly.

Each state requires different numbers. (Top of Page) (Your Voice)

To participate in civic power you can be IVA certified to circulate petitions in one hour, more or less. Be an active ballot access petition circulator and Election Day participant to have a voice in our governments.

Individual petition circulators choose the candidate, party, and issue petitions he/she wants to circulate. Petitions will be available to download as Adobe Acrobat (*.pdf) files from IVA web pages or other web pages whenever possible. PDF petition files can be opened and printed on any printer using the free Adobe Acrobat Reader. (Numbers) (Top of Page)

A Little Effort — A Lot of Liberty

Each ballot access petition will have an active petition coordinator who will track valid signature collection efforts. Each local IVA can have a local goal for the number of valid local signatures needed to insure ballot access. If public soliciting of signatures is needed, which usually yields 80% or less valid signatures, a higher goal will be set for the total number of signatures needed to meet the valid petition signature goal. Ballot access depends entirely upon valid petition signature numbers. Success depends upon participation. (Top of Page) (Your Voice)

Active Petitions Page: Initiative issue petitions, such as Instant Runoff Voting (IRV), will be found on this page. Current local issue petitions will be accessed only from each Local IVA index52.html web page where the issue is on the ballot. Statewide issue petitions will be on each OHIVA index52.html and all Local IVA index52.html web pages published all over the state. Minor Party: Petitions to form new Ohio political parties can be accessed from Local IVA pages all over Ohio. The Green Party, the Independent Voters Alliance (OHIVA), the Libertarian Party, and others may circulate petitions to form minor Ohio political parties for elections beyond 2008. Initiative/Referendum issues on your Local ballot:


Petition Coordinator Contacts: Check progress on petitions you chose to circulate. Contacts are here for candidate, party, and issue petitions.

Ohio Ballot Initiative Ideas: Any IVA participant can work with Local IVA web page managers to present initiative/referendum ideas. This IVA page contains recommended initiatives. Indicate your interest in specific ideas and support initiative activities.

IVA Priority: IVA Web Pages for Every Voting Precinct You can put in as much time as you like to manage IVA web pages for your community, precinct, town, county, or congressional district. Get a free OHIVA.zip web pages file on a Mini-CD or CD-R from any IVA Web Page Manager for material costs, under one dollar. The ZIP file includes all the easy instructions you will need to set up and manage your IVA web pages. Or... request your free no cost OHIVA.zip web pages file by Email attachment. Create and Manage IVA web pages for your Local Community or Electoral Area where you live. (Top of Page) (Your Voice)

Ballot access petitions will be available on IVA web pages and other web pages for use by non-partisan independent citizens. Freedom is participation in power.

Be an active petition circulator and Election Day participant.

Be an Active Citizen in your voting precinct.

A Little Effort — A Lot of Liberty

Welcome to the non-partisan political movement.

RICH STEVENSON, Acting Hamilton County IVA Chair, Email

(A Civics Lesson) PDF File: Political ID Card
(Your Voice) IVA e-ONLINE FORM | (End of Page)

Contact a Nearby IVA and Host a Meet up in Your Home or Dorm

Local IVA Pages Guide: 

(Home Page) THIS PAGE Hamilton County Ohio IVA 

(Certify Petition Circulators) IVA Priority

(Your Voice) Manage IVA Web Pages

(Your Voice) Meet ups, Coffees, and Speakers

(MEETING) (Saturday) (Monthly) (Not Required)

(Petitions/Web Pages) Non-partisan Candidates on Your Ballot

(Initiative/Party) Active Petitions

(Non-Partisan Candidate) Can You Stand for Public Office? (Qualify at 18 yrs.) (Gen X, Y Issues)

(Your Privilege) Active Citizenship

(Directory) Countywide Local IVA Home Page Links 

(Directory) Precinct Local IVA Home Page Links

(Download, Print) Local IVA Documents

(A Civics Lesson) Political ID Card

(Links to Learning) Study Hall, Today's Politics

(Positive, Creative Blogs) Sounding Board (Improve the Politics We Live With)

(Referenda) Ohio Ballot Initiative Ideas Page

(Ohio Income Tax Credit) $50 for your Political Use

(hamco at cs2pr.us) Local IVA Email 


(Directory) Ohio IVA Central Committee (Members Needed — Your Voice?)


1st Numbers OHIVA.zip Meeting Our Choice

IVA Page Guide | Top of Page

 Local IVA Meeting | Ohio IVA Home Page | National IVA Home Page
Web Page Manager, RICH STEVENSON, Email, Hamilton County OH IVA
A political home for our 80% Non-Partisan Majority!
All Independent and Minor Party Voters Welcome!
New Voters Too!

IVA Web pages created and developed by
RLS Design
Copyright 1999-2009 by Richard L. Stevenson
Permission to link on other web pages is given provided notice
is given to the
Independent Voters Alliance (USAIVA) by Email.
Please use "IVA Link Notice" as the Email subject.
We seek links to non-partisan political web pages.
Also created and developed by RLS Design
Common Sense II Political Reforms
Copyright 1997-2009 by Richard L. Stevenson