Our first reaction was to grab the armrests. When the first jolt hits, immediately your attention is detracted away fro the screen and to whomever you were with just to acknowledge that you’re both feeling the same thing. It was a shared experience of amazement that was enhanced with a terrific visual display of destruction. |
More than an audio experience, SENSURROUND fills the theater with y low bass, sub-audible (sonic) effects (Harmonics). Huge air movements are released that hit the torso and diaphragm, sending vibrations throughout you body. This creates a sound pressure wave form comparable to an actual earthquake. In fact, the waveform is very similar to the 1971 Sylmar quake. In terms of Hz SENSUROUND is in the low teens! |
The effect was extremely jarring and definitely added a dimension to the film making it “an event”, as the ads proclaimed. |
When the Oscars rumbled around, EARTHQUAKE was given two Special Academy Awards, Technical Achievement Awards Class II, Class III for SENSURROUND, the Reciprocation Camera Platform which was used to create the realistic movement of an actual trembler, and awards for Special Visual Effects and Sound. |
The success of SENSURROUND prompted UNIVERSAL to apply it new wonder to MIDWAY a WWII spectacle. In it SENSURROUND was called upon to enhance and create “the sights, sounds, and actual sensation of combat. So real you can feel it!” |
For EARTHQUAKE one had to wait 52 minutes for the SENSURROUND to kick in. In MIDWAY as soon as the first cord of music is heard, all else is obliterated. As planes take to the air you are there! The air pressure level were so extreme our bell bottoms flapped wildly from SENSURROUND as the planes took off. |
In fact, when UNIVERSAL released its third SENSURROUND film, ROLLERCOASTER in June of 78’ the SUNSURROUND had to be turned down at my local theater because it was setting off alarms systems in attached stores. Fortunately, multiplex theaters weren’t in vogue. There were, however, rumors that SENSURROUND caused structural damage to building. This may be started when EARTHQUAKE premiered at the Chinese Theatre in Hollywood and there was fear the vibrations would affect a notable chandelier… it didn’t. |
Continue to SENNSURROUND PT 3 |