The Watcher In The Woods (Disney Release)
Widescreen (1.85:1) Enhanced for 16:9 TVs, Color, Dolby Digital 5.1, Languages: English, French, Spanish, Subtitles: English, Chapters: 12, Running Time: 83 mins., Rated PG, Price: $19.99
I can’t quite tell if this is the same master which was given to Anchor Bay for their release. I can say that this one is a bit brighter than the previous one. Also there does seem to be more dirt and scratches on this release which are more noticeable. Certain tweaks can be done to masters before the glass master is made so it is possible this could be the same one. ANCHOR BAY tends to color, and control the brightness of their films in such a way minor flaws in the film elements are less noticeable. The overall look of their release of this film was darker (closer to the original theatrical release) and very “HAMMER-like”. This doesn’t make this bad just different. Except for their major animated releases DISNEY has shown a true lack of concern for many of their lesser titles. They have also proven themselves to be cheap – using older masters originally done for laser releases (SISTER ACT, THE JOY LUCK CLUB, NIGHMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS).
The film’s original Dolby Stereo (2.0) mix has been upped to 5.1. This was originally done by ANCHOR BAY for their release. Their past release was also upgraded with a DTS ES 6.1 mix. This one is fine and also has been tweaked, like the visual counter-part. I’ve found DISNEY has tweaked away at audio to make it their own – in this case they’ve lessened down the bass and brought out some higher ranged frequencies. This does add a bit more to the separation, but takes away that ominous bottom end so liked by home theatre fans who like to show off their sub-woofer. So in the end, the sound has a different tone than what was previously released by ANCHOR BAY.
THEATRICAL TRAILERS - (2), both are letterboxed, MONO.
ALTERNATE ENDINGS – ENDING 1 (6:29) ENDING 2 (1:53) Both endings are letterboxed, Stereo (2.0) Dolby Pro-logic compatible.
NOTE: On the previous ANCHOR BAY release these endings were Anamorphic for 16:9 TVs, as were the Trailers. Missing here from this release is one Trailer and one TV spot as well. There was an audio commentary by the film’s director which does not appear too. Finally a booklet with interviews and visuals was included. I have included the longer versions of those same interviews through links below.
Although the menus are non-animated they are accompanied with portions of the film’s score. The actual main menu is a nice montage (in truth I hated the animated one on the ANCHOR BAY release, but it was provided by DISNEY so at the time we had no choice.) The black plastic Amaray has a new cover artwork – do mostly to me suggesting to ANCHOR BAY, at the time, to use both theatrical ad arts. This new one is interesting, though it means nothing.
As the consultant for the ANCHOR BAY release (to read more on this read WATCHER IN THE WOODS: THE MYSTERY BEHIND THE MYSTERY below)
I fought to have this film either reedited or to include the endings, by viewer’s choice, through branching. DISNEY wouldn’t allow this so the endings were placed as bonus materials, as in this release. I could understand DISNEY not wanting to play out their cards to ANCHOR BAY so I contacted them about this release. I suggested to them they should perhaps wait a year and release a 2 Disc version with a new edit of the film over seen by the director, who was very interested in doing so previously but was not given the chance, by DISNEY. They quickly turned rude and silent and would not return my calls. I had contacted DISNEY out of my love for this film, and those who feel the same. This was even after being so maliciously hurt by extremely unprofessional persons on many levels throughout the company. There are those within the company who hold a strange and hateful opinion towards this film – so much so it has kept the company from truly yearning a profit from a release that has plagued them. Perhaps, when those who hold a grudge pass on to retirement a path will be cleared to more opened minds, and better hearts, to make better decisions not cloaked with hate. Until then, DISNEY will be their own worse enemy.
REVIEW by Scott Michael Bosco©
See the following for more on THE WATCHER IN THE WOODS
Review of the ANCHOR BAY release version of THE WATCHER IN THE WOODS