<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/dixie_rose_2000/FirstGarden.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
In the Garden of Life there are hidden treasures if you now how to find them. In the winter months the Garden sleeps and will it all its mysteries.

In the Garden of Life there are hidden treasures like fine wine from the grapes that grow on the vine, like good friends that grow with time.

In the Garden of Life there are hidden treasures so small and fine, and fragile that one has to look deep to find them.

In the Garden of Life there are hidden treasures like fine wine from the the grapes that grow on the vine...like good friends who's laughter echoes out across the Garden.

In the Garden of Life there are hidden treasures if one can only take the time to look and see. There are friendships waiting like the blooming flowers wich start from the seeds.

In the Garden of Life there are hidden treasures like fine wine from the grapes that grow on the vine. There are hidden mysteries of laughter as tiny buds begin to bloom and reach there tiny heads towards the master in the sky.

In the Garden of Life there are hidden treasures if one can only take the time to look and see...there are friendships waiting like the blooming flowers which start from the seeds...if one will take the time to look!

author unknown