<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/dixie_rose_2000/ihopeyoudance.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
Kaitlyn Rose's Pages
This is where I get to boast and brag about my beautiful granddaughter Kaitlyn Rose..she is 22 months old..Isn't she adorable!
This is Kaitlyn Rose..Halloween 2001
Kaitlyn with her Mommy(my daughter) and her Daddy
             My granddaughter is Kaitlyn
                And I call her "angel wings"
                 She's the apple of my eye
                 And the reason that I sing.
              Her enthusiasm is a treasure
            That surronds me night and day
                   Her laughter is the sun
                  That daily lights the way.
                Her love when she sees me
                    Turns my world around
                 Her voice like an orchestra
         Serenades me with beautiful sound.
               She touches me like an angel
                   Her love a gift to my soul
            And as long as God gives me life
             Her presence within me is gold!
author unknown.
There are some beautifully done pages of my granddaughter if you "click" on the above fairy. A wonderful friend of mine made these for me, she did an awesome job. In CyberLand she is known as Miss Monkey..I call her friend! Thank you so much for these beautiful pages Monkey...I love you!!!