<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/dixie_rose_2000/random.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
A Simple Act of Kindness
We've seen what hate can do
Right before our very eyes
It can destroy people's lives
And leave a world in tears...

But there's one thing about evil
That still stands clear
It never wins out in the end
Not when there's love in the heart
The kind that made us friends...

You and I can change things
It has to begin with us
The love we feel for one another
Could be spread to those in need
If we're only willing to help...

A simple act of kindness
Can change someone's life forever
And all it takes is a helping hand
That we need to be willing to give...

If someone needs to talk...listen
If someone needs a shoulder...lend it
If someone needs a friend...be one
If someone needs a hug...give one
If someone needs a prayer...pray

It doesn't take much to reach someone
All it takes is the goodness in your heart
To spread kindness to another
Making this a better a world to live in...

An act of kindness goes a long way
And it's so simple to give
All we have to do is open our hearts
Giving a piece of ourselves
For those who need it today!

author unknown