who are you :   dave
email address :   
where are you from :   
comments :   wow. jeez. getting me on a typo. ouch. guys...that was pretty harsh.

who are you :   The BC Band
email address :   thebcband@hotmail.com
where are you from :   Hate me
comments :   Thank you dave for wasting posts on our guestbook, if you want to advertise for your site just ask, well put it on the news post. By the way, regularily is not a word, good try though

who are you :   dave
email address :   dave@hstudios.every1.net
where are you from :   lucidia
comments :   Sarah! Blake! A new server? Veeery tempting. I may take you up on that offer. Well see.

who are you :   blake!!!
email address :   dimenticato@dimenticato-anime.net
where are you from :   i come from withiin david
comments :   dave dave dave dave dave dave dave dave dave dave dave dave dave dave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HIII!!!! BYE!!!!!!

who are you :   sarah caterisano
email address :   sarah@desideratum.net
where are you from :   you know where im from.
comments :   how much space are you using..? i could give you desideratum.net/dave....

who are you :   Deidri Lockhart
email address :   spazfish@hotmail.com
where are you from :   Texas
comments :   Hey dave!! I know you dont really know me but yeah i still thought I would sign your guestbook.. that letter you wrote to Katy was so sweet!! I thought I was going to cry... yeah yeah yeah I know sappy... but anyhoo... hopefully we'll get to meet someday

who are you :   Jess
email address :   pinky@carolina.rr.com
where are you from :   North Carolina
comments :   Hey Dave, u smartass!! its Jess-pUnKr0cKs137, love the site!! ill make u a sign!!! Later Dave Jess

who are you :   Jessica
email address :   grooves_of_orbit@hotmail.com
where are you from :   your backyard?
comments :   it's good to see a friend making some positive use of his time. very inspiring i might say. *cough* dave is cool. if you send me a cd, i just might play it on my radio show.

who are you :   Kristen/Blondie/The Annoying Blonde Chick Sophomore Who's In Fourth Period Theatre Tech Class That Everyone is Annoyed With
email address :   BlondieGirl2287@aol.com
where are you from :   Allen
comments :   Love your site, it's awesome. Go you.

who are you :   Perry
email address :   
where are you from :   
comments :   re: 972 556 0280 ...call me we need to talk dave./

who are you :   Perry Randle
email address :   Like i would give it to you
where are you from :   The broken sound
comments :   Hey i know you want a copy of my bands Demo " The army of Lights ep" Were called "The Waterferds" send me your address and ill send you one... great.. sorry about all that old shit let by gones be by gones..

who are you :   charles
email address :   x_sanitarium_x@hotmail.com
where are you from :   texas
comments :   i downloaded that song by phish...funny shit. my light switch cover looks frickin awesome and you still havent met my dog. i have strep throat

who are you :   Charley
email address :   x_sanitarium_x@hotmail.com
where are you from :   the water (heh heh get it...i come from the water...toadies)
comments :   yo its charles your archie archbanger story is great and i think you should enter it into a contest or some shit cause thats a really funny story...or something like that.

who are you :   KodeMunki
email address :   you still know it
where are you from :   STILL across the hall
comments :   that "number one fan" thing was not an original creation, ive read it before. Its some manifesto that someone added your name to

who are you :   charles
email address :   
where are you from :   
comments :   what the fuck it didnt even post the whole message on my previous post or something like that. ah im angry.

who are you :   charles
email address :   x_sanitarium_x@hotmail.com
where are you from :   allen tx
comments :   heh i like the number one fan letter, thats great. but somehow i dont get it, i mean how does he get all that from what you do on a daily basis. i dont see you as a facist or comformist. i always thought you were the opposite of that. being you best frien

who are you :   Rami
email address :   AhItsDave!@pansies.com
where are you from :   
comments :   Wow David, look at all the people who think you are "mad sexy." Rehehe, anywho, since I didn't say it in my last post, your website is indeed an entertaining one.

who are you :   Alyssa and Kevin Last
email address :   
where are you from :   Wisconsin
comments :   hey we felt like saying hi

who are you :   A No Doubt fan
email address :   
where are you from :   Wisconsin
comments :   Hey, waz new hope u r having a awesome summer wherever u r from.

who are you :   Glynn
email address :   giynn@yahoo.com
where are you from :   Little Rock, Arkansas
comments :   Excellent site, don't lose your mind, you have a great one.

who are you :   salena again
email address :   *u know*
where are you from :   in ur bed
comments :   by tha way, U R MADD SEXI! :-D hah ~SaLeNa~

who are you :   SaLeNa
email address :   NakedSantaSmokesWeed34@hotmail.com
where are you from :   in ur bed, under ur coverz :)
comments :   ayye! sup?... i saw u on picrave.. what up? hmm i'm jus chillin az usual.. my numba on thea iz 15512.. yea.. my syte iz oocities.com/ghettoangel034 check it out if ya want n sign mah book too. k PEACE! ~SaLeNa~

who are you :   dave
email address :   
where are you from :   
comments :   twice, as a matter of fact. i see.

who are you :   A person in the world
email address :   
where are you from :   Wisconsin
comments :   I love the page and was bored so i signed it

who are you :   A person in the world
email address :   
where are you from :   
comments :   

who are you :   i'm dave.
email address :   dave@hstudios.every1.net
where are you from :   i hate tuna.
comments :   porn. you're making porn, you sick fuck. nick porn. *shudder* eeuugh.

who are you :   Nick
email address :   
where are you from :   
comments :   Oh yeah and I'm gonna take your site design and change it around and make one of my own but... for something else....

who are you :   Nick
email address :   
where are you from :   orion
comments :   Dave you need to write more poems thats the coolest part about this site

who are you :   BrItTaNy
email address :   
where are you from :   umm my house?
comments :   Hey Sexy! cute page!

who are you :   Katy
email address :   
where are you from :   Over There.. Yeah.. riiiight.. um.. there.
comments :   In relation to your anonymous email, I want to say that You're a dork. Although a lovable one. ..How much do you pay these random people?

who are you :   it's just me.
email address :   dave@hstudios.every1.net
where are you from :   here. maybe.
comments :   ahh! i actually liked that post, too! bah. i'd like to see how it turned out. oh, well. i'll finish it. "i hope katy realizes how wonderful she is and that she is so amazing in every aspect."

who are you :   Christine
email address :   xxprincesa1xx@aol.com
where are you from :   New Jersey
comments :   Dave... You certainly caught my eye on the way that you are about life. You seem to be down to earth,loving,caring,compassionate,sensive,intelligent,and not to mention romantic. I don't even know you and to me, you are a great person. I hope Katy reali

who are you :   .:*|AshLee|*:.
email address :   my_eyez_are_closed@hotmail.com
where are you from :   Aberdeen, WA
comments :   Hey dave...yer webpage is kick ass!! You should go check out mine sometime. Its http://www.ashleyroose.isfabulous.com Keep up the good work :-P

who are you :   Leah
email address :   XiXperfectionXiX@yahoo.com
where are you from :   Texas
comments :   Hey Dave, I really liked your page. You seem like a great guy and your girlfriend is very lucky! I saw your web page off of PicRave.com. dork.at/xixperfectionxix

who are you :   i am me.
email address :   dave@hstudios.every1.net
where are you from :   here, there, everywhere
comments :   serafina....i would love to bring my band to you party. love to. just like i love you. i love you.

who are you :   Kimberly / AEagleGurl4u
email address :   AeagleGrl@mailcity.com
where are you from :   Virginia
comments :   I juss wanted to say that you are mad hott!! N' you have a SeXy body fo-real!!! IM me sum time! x0x0x MuCh LoVe -Kim-

who are you :   just call me freak
email address :   ????
where are you from :   cali

who are you :   Serafina
email address :   Zithers!!!
where are you from :   TX
comments :   Wow, omg, you are soo hottt. I totally don't know you, but like.. if I did, OMG, you are soo cool. Dude, you are soo totally invited to my Birthday party, will you bring your band? Plezz? love, katy

who are you :   Amanda
email address :   Iceprincess33088@mchsi.com
where are you from :   Illinois
comments :   Hey I dont know you. But u look really hott..hehe ttyl bubye ~*~AMANDA~*~

who are you :   Jessica
email address :   WonderWoman079@yahoo.com
where are you from :   Arlington
comments :   HEY! It's been great gettin to know u! UR so awesome! good luck w/ gettin a job! Well I'm gunna stop writing now but Take Care! Jessica

who are you :   Rami
email address :   
where are you from :   
comments :   That quote that Kurt Cobain said "it's better to burn out than to fade away" you know he didn't say that first right? Just making sure.

who are you :   s0madreem
email address :   
where are you from :   hell with little pubes
comments :   dude u have pictures working now holy shit you are the webpage master a couple hours a day? damnnnnnnnn dude

who are you :   i am one half.
email address :   dave@hstudios.every1.net
where are you from :   i am but a figment of your imagination
comments :   my little white dove. i love you, katy. be it known, your running bear loves you.

who are you :   Little White Dove
email address :   
where are you from :   Your Imagination, silly boy
comments :   Wow, David. What a great site. funny funny poem. Let me talk about the hilarious that is Sue's Cow. Ha. Ha ha ha. Here. Now that I've signed this, I certainly hope you're happy. muah!

who are you :   Music of Silence
email address :   
where are you from :   New York!
comments :   very nice site...and commendable taste in music! good luck!

who are you :   KodeMunky
email address :   you know it
where are you from :   across the hall
comments :   You stole that nun thing from my lame ass joke while i was watching "Saving Silverman" !

who are you :   Heather
email address :   ask
where are you from :   My house?
comments :   Nice page dave. *coughshowoffcough* Just kiddin. I love the page :)

who are you :   Krystal 0_o
email address :   
where are you from :   Dave's closet on ftj.
comments :   Love the website Dave your just TOO cool.

who are you :   mike s0madreem
email address :   
where are you from :   butt fuzz capital
comments :   :x

who are you :   Katy
email address :   
where are you from :   The Sky
comments :   Hey, awesome new look. Very Refreshing, and its nice to see that it fits all of us with normal monitors ;-). And Thank You.