Responsible Cleaning
I cannot stress how important it is to be responsible when cleaning ponies, especially if you intend to sell them to others. Some cleaning methods are simply not safe, and the damage may not show up until well after the pony has been purchased. For this reason, it is best to use the most non-invasive methods possible when cleaning MLPs.
The following methods are listed
from least invasive to most invasive, and are best suited to mint condition
ponies. If these methods don’t meet a
particular pony’s needs, then the Advanced Cleaning page may help you.
Gently dust off the pony with a dry rag or an air
duster. If the hair must be combed,
carefully comb curls around your finger to preserve their shape.
Carefully wipe off the pony with a damp rag, being careful
not to rub off any glittery symbols. Do
not wet the hair, and use the same combing style in method #1.
Lightly scrub the pony with an old, wet toothbrush and
immediately dry her. If the hair is not
curly, it can be dampened slightly and combed out.
If your mint condition pony has her original curls, but they are a little unruly, gently comb them using the style in method #1 and carefully put in a hair clip. The weight of the clip should make the curls fall the way they’re supposed to. Once you clip the curls in place, dampen the roots of the pony’s hair and leave the clip in for a week or so. Remember, once a pony loses her original curl, she’ll never get it back.