The Valentine’s Day Twins


While walking through Dream Valley, you see a large house with a pink roof.  As you come closer, the sound of giggles and the smell of ginger snaps tell you this is the Lullabye Nursery.

“Hi there!  My name is Sweet Heart!”  You turn around, and there, under a tree, is a small white pony with bright pink hair.  She is kicking a ball of yarn to Twinkles the kitten.

“Oh!  I know you!”  You exclaim.  “You’re one of the Valentine’s Day Twins.”  The baby pony gives you a slightly exasperated look.

“I don’t know where everybody got that idea.  Valentine and I look nothing alike!”  You think about it a moment, and realize she is right.  Suddenly, you hear a loud squeal, and a pink baby pegasus crashes into a bush next to you.

“You have to hold your head up!” calls a beautiful pegasus flying overhead.  You recognize her as Firefly.

“Okay, Mama,” says the small voice in the bush.  You turn your attention back to Sweet Heart.

“So you and Valentine aren’t twins?” you ask.

“Oh, Valentine’s a twin,” says Sweet Heart, kicking the ball of yarn.  “She’s just not my twin.”  You ponder a moment.

“Who’s Valentine’s twin?”

“Baby Love Melody,” she says, nodding over your shoulder.  You turn around to see where she pointed, and see the two purple baby ponies running circlesBaby Valentine and Baby Love Melody around Baby Gusty.  You smile, seeing they got their first tooth at the same time.  “My mom says everyone was surprised they weren’t born with the same markings,” says Sweet Heart.

“Who’s your mom?” you ask, noticing that her markings don’t look like any adults you’ve seen.

“Stockings!” she says.

“Oh!  So Baby Stockings is your sister!”  You reply.

“Yep!  My sister got Mama’s markings, and I got Mama’s coloring!” she quipped.

“Does everyone in your family have holiday markings?” you ask, eyeing her Valentine’s Day emblem.

“Oh yes!” she answers delightedly.  “Merry Treat and Candy Cane are my aunts!”  You hear a voice behind you.

“Sweet Heart!  We’re gonna play hide-and-seek!  Wanna play?”  You turn around and see Baby Blossom.  She smiles, wrinkling the freckles on her nose.  “You can play, too!”  You look back at Sweet Heart.

“I’ll race ya!”


Baby Stockings and Sweet Heart

