Below is some legal information reguarding this website:

The pictures found on my web site are not copyrighted, they were given and found from different sources of information.

Everyone is able to view this website but the sole owner decides to put whatever content he likes on it.

The sole owner is not held responsible for anyone who is offended by any material found on this website.

The content found on this website is suitable for all ages and genders.

As it is impossible to stop people from stealing my pictures it would be fair to include a link to my website.

The sole owner accepts the right to review and delete any guestbook entries without the person's permission.

All prices on this website is correct at the time of publishing and can change without notice.

All prices on this website are the recommended retail prices and are based in Perth, Western Australia.

Product prices can not be used as a fixed price in shops.

Pictures contained on this website are for display purposes only and colours contained in these pictures may vary.

All products and prices are intended as a guide.

This website is a non-profit organisation and is designed to help people who are interested in products and in their recomended retail prices.

In order to keep this site running donations can be made to ensure that this website is updated more often.

No products are sold or auctioned at this website.

This website is solely owned by DJ Dave. All questions will be answered by him.

These terms and condictions are to be followed at all times and cannot be adjusted or manipulated in any way or form.

If there is any questions or comments reguarding these rules or this website be sure to send me an email at: