Lose Inches Get Healthy.Com
"Body Wraps help you safely lose
4-18 inches, shrink fat, smooth cellulite, soften your skin, and even help detoxify your body in just ONE-hour!"
Body wrapping is easy and   fun with our "Do-It-Yourself" Body Wraps.  You will love the outcome!
"I just wanted to inform you all of some great news. A customer that comes for body wraps, had her 6th wrap and has now lost a total of 72 1/4"! Isn't that great? She said she had just about given up on herself until experiencing the joy of renewing her self esteem, as well as creating a new self image. We are very excited here!"
-- To your Success, Fran
Herbal Body Wrap works to make you suddenly slim by actually shrinking your fat cells.

(Ask the competition if their formula is scientifically proven to shrink fat cells like our formula. See how Herbal Body Wrap is below:)
You get permanent inch loss (provided you don't binge), reduced cellulite, and even tightening, smoothing and softening of your skin. Herbal Body Wrap even sweeps toxins from your body safely and NATURALLY. Take a look at more of our Herbal Body Wrap testimonials.
"I was skeptical -- lose INCHES of fat in one hour?! …

My first body wrap, I lost 5 inches, and my second body wrap I lost 5-3/4 inches. But most exciting was my 3rd body wrap when I lost 12-3/4 inches in just ONE hour! Forget skepticism -- this is the EASIEST time I've EVER had losing weight!"

–HollyCotter, MD                More Testimonials ...
Body wraps are no hoax (body wraps have been used for centuries, even the ancient Egyptians used them), though some people are getting mislead regarding body wraps. NOT all body wrap formulas are same, nor do they all offer PERMANENT inch loss.


Answer the 12 Questions below before choosing!

Caution: Don't be mislead by imitations, and claims by competitors of their "bulk buy" deals of "herbal body wraps" averaging only "$2.25 per wrap" to try to save money. Their body wrap formula is nowhere near the same as ours.
Our body wrap formula is the original name brand "Herbal Body Wrap" (capitalized). So never confuse ours with theirs using the same lower case name.

Before I get into more detail about our exclusive body wrap products, I want to first help you discover what to look for when you're evaluating body wrap products.

Remember, you're buying the
EFFICACY of the product, not a price. Just the ingredients of our products themselves cost way more than the competitors' "$2.25 wrap".

So please ask yourself these 12 questions before you buy from a company:
    Twelve Questions to Ask BEFORE you buy ...

1) What are the ingredients of the body wrap? (Does the company hide them?)

Click here to read our Herbal Body Wrap ingredients.

2) Does the company offer a 45-day Satisfaction Guarantee like we do?

(The competitor for the alleged "$2.25 per wrap" does not accept returns on their products. I quote them, "Due to the nature of the product there are no returns on body wrap supplies."  Ask yourself why? Isn't that a bit suspicious? Where's their satisfaction guarantee? I couldn't find it. I also couldn't find any testimonials from satisfied customers either.)

Click here to read our 45-Day Written Product Guarantee.

3) Is it PERMANENT inch loss? ... actual FAT cell shrinkage? For our one and only "Herbal Body Wrap", absolutely YES. Does it state this on the LABEL of the product? Ours does.

Right on the label, our manufacturer states specifically that our exclusive Herbal Body Wrap formula shrinks fat cells
PERMANENTLY. This is NOT temporary water loss. Ask if our competitors' product label says this? (surprise, surprise. ;-) )

Our label states:

"Herbal Body Wrap is a scientifically balanced blend of 23 herbs and minerals enhanced with sea vegetation to cleanse the body of toxins, and reduce inches by firming and toning the skin.

Developed in Germany and clinically tested in Japan, the Herbal Body Wrap works by actually shrinking fat cells.

Select herbs and sea vegetation provide nutrients that penetrate cell walls and cause the lipids (fatty materials) inside the cells to be released into the lymphatic system.

The fat is then circulated naturally and carried out through the normal elimination process of the body, resulting in natural and permanent inch loss (not temporary compression or water loss).

Results are guaranteed following four full applications."

Strong claim, huh. Of course this could not be said unless it was true. Does the competitor dare claim the above? No. Ask yourself why.

Herbal Body Wrap has even been scrutinized and has passed Canadian regulation, and is shipped from WITHIN CANADA from our BC warehouse. (Canada is one of the strictest countries regarding health products.) Ask if the competitors product is approved in Canada, and shipped from WITHIN Canadian borders.

4) Where's the research? 

Read the Special Report by Dr. Kagemoto Yuasa of Chukyo University here.

5) Is the wrap a "compression wrap" where you dehydrate and lose water?

For us, an emphatic
NO. Our Herbal Body Wrap Program does not use water loss as a method to lose weight/inch loss to look slimmer.

Our competitors will offer to sell you "booties" for your feet to "catch the water."

We consider this suspicious and wonder ... "what water?" What's the deal with all the water loss with their system?

Also, we don't use "ace bandages", which are uncomfortable elastic stretching wrap material to tightly wrap and squeeze the body (compress it). Instead, our system uses comfortable terry wrap cloths made of 100% cotton, designed to simply hold the warm liquid solution against your body.

In addition, you do NOT exercise during our Herbal Body Wraps. You just lay down, relax, and read if you wish.

So you see, their alleged "herbal body wraps" are not the same as our Herbal Body Wrap program, yet they're apparently confusing the consumer by calling their product an "herbal body wrap." (Notice they do not use capitals like ours?)

Our Herbal Body Wraps don't work by making you sweat out water (dehydration or water compression). Again, our system actually shrinks fat cells, not lose water. (Water loss can be dangerous!) We encourage you to DRINK lots of water to ASSIST flushing your body of excess fatty material.

All of us have the same number of fat cells. It's the state of these fat cells is what counts. They can expand and they can shrink. When you diet or work out, you don't lose fat cells, you lose the "subcutaneous fat" inside the cell.

Our herbs and minerals saturate to the wall of the cell and work to release accumulated subcutaneous fat inside the cell (osmosis action).

The excess substance liquified by the herbs goes through blood circulation to the lymph system to excrete from the body. This is a normal excretion action that cleanses the excessive fatty substance from the body, and the excess material is flushed out through the lymphatic system, your normal elimination processes. 

The Herbal Body Wrap has been
Clinically tested (click here) with Hydrostatic Weight Testing and Ultrasonic Photography, and this European formula has and is helping thousands of satisfied customers.

6) Does the company offer you real LIVE Product Conference Calls 5 days a week, with LIVE testimonials from satisfied customers? We do.

7) Does the company have a Medical Advisory Board with a full-time staff doctor? We do.

Click here for our list of doctors and their backgrounds.

8) Does the company manufacture their own products? We do.

9) How long has the company been around so you can RELY on them to be a steady supplier?

Life Force International (formerly named Dr's Signature) has been around since 1981 under the same ownership, Wayne and Gerri Hillman.

(Incidentally, Life Force experienced a 20% growth in just the last two months.)

10) Does the company have a staff of 32 people in Customer Service alone ready to answer your questions 6 days a week from 7AM - 5PM? We do.

Their # is 1-800-531-4877 (Give referral PIN#20333929 if you order)

11) Does the company have instant LIVE ONLINE CUSTOMER SERVICE? We do.

12) Is the company a member of the Better Business Bureau? We are.
Getting these 12 questions answered is just smart consumer due diligence.

Just like the
B.B.B. states, "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is."

You see,
you usually get what you pay for.

Wouldn't you rather buy from an
established 20 year multi-million dollar manufacturing company (with a plant the size of a football field) whom has the wherewithal to back up their products?

Who is this manufacturer? Click here.

One gallon of our exclusive Herbal Body Wrap formula is only
$19, even less ($15.90 in quantities of 10) on Autoship, and does 1-2 COMPLETE body wraps depending on your body size. "Spot wrapping" of problem areas will give you even more partial wraps, i.e., mud facials and cellulite wraps.
Remember, your skin is the largest organ of your body. Every day, it's exposed to damaging pollution, lotions, soaps, perfumes, wind, dust, harmful UV rays, and other chemicals.

Toxins build up in our cells, compounding fatty material, making it difficult to lose weight and maintain a healthy lymphatic system.

To allow the body to breathe, and for proper circulation and reduction of fat and toxins to occur, we must cleanse the body, inside and out.

Herbal Body Wrap is SPECIFICALLY designed to accomplish this for you.
(To speed up the results of your wraps, we highly recommend you do the "Colon Cleanse Program" one week prior to your first body wrap. Click here for more information.)

Did you know that this quick weight loss program is one of the best kept secrets of celebrities?

So get yourself ready when others ask you your secret to your rapid inch loss, cellulite reduction, and beautiful skin.

In just one hour, as miraculous as it may seem, you'll become suddenly slim. The home body wrap products you get is equivalent to giving yourself a professional European body wrap, but without the huge expense of a salon.

Keep in mind you're not paying retail prices.

So you literally
save $100’s and $100’s of your dollars by ordering the exclusive Herbal Body Wrap Program DIRECT from the manufacturer at wholesale prices.

When you order online ...

... You save
$50-$95 on each wrap by doing these home body wrap kits yourself from the comfort and privacy of your own home. You even get a video with easy body wrap training instructions.
So WHO needs body wraps?

That's easy. Just ask yourself these questions:

Are you over-weight and self-conscious about it so you're interested in loosing weight fast?

Do you have an occasion where you need to fit in some of your smaller clothes right away?

3) Are you going out to a beach party, and you want to look your best in your bathing suit?

4) Have you been eating the Standard American Diet (SAD)? (You definitely need to detoxify your body!)

5) Are you in a bind, and have to do a sports or military "weigh-in"?

6) Are you a weight trainer, and want to show the most muscle definition, perhaps to help you win competitions?

7) Would you like to reduce cellulite, and make your entire body have smoother and softer skin?

Does your career depend on how well you look? Models, Actors, and Dancers use these products all the time.

Do you want to look your sexiest for the one you love, or hope for?

Do you want to get healthier, and younger looking?

If you answered "yes" to any of the above questions, you need to
order one of the
"Do-It-RIGHT" Body Wrap Programs now.

You'll ...

* Lose inches FAST
* Reduce specific target areas
* Reduce ugly cellulite
* Cleanse your body of toxins
* Feel better
* Soften, tone, and smooth your skin
So exactly what is Herbal Body Wrap?

Again, Herbal Body Wrap is an exclusive scientific formulated product developed in Germany ...

FAQ how it works)

... which is
based on a combination of aloe Vera juice, 23 herbs, minerals, AND special sea vegetation.

This complete body wrap formula combines the most efficacious ingredients of ALL the Body Wraps on the market today including European, American, mud, sea clay, seaweed, and mineral body wraps.

For example:

Greeks and Romans use seaweeds to heal and benefit the body. They soak in sea baths, drink sea vegetable teas, massage and wrap in sea vegetation

These therapies were and are still extremely popular because of the benefits sea greens provide.

Seaweeds ...

1) Purify and balance the ocean and do the same for the body
2) Help release toxins in the body
Add vital nutrients and minerals such as potassium and iodine
4) Improve circulation
5) Speed weight loss and cellulite control
6) Even eases aches and pains

These sea vegetables are in the Herbal Body Wrap formula.

Herbs ...

Herbology has been practiced for centuries and use of herbs has been mentioned in the Bible. Even the use of medicinal herbs is the foundation of the use of some of the medicines we use today.

Here's just a few of the 23 herbs Herbal Body Wrap uses:


1) promotes healthy circulation
2) used to clear skin eruptions 
3) a detoxifier
4) a rich source of potassium and vitamin A


promotes healthy circulation
2) immune system stimulator
3) improves the lymph glands
4) detoxifies skin when used externally

Red Clover:

1) helps purify the blood
2) cleanses the system of purities

Here's a couple more ingredients for you without revealing the complete formula:

Sea Salt or Mineral Salt:

1) rich source of minerals and iodine.
2) used in bath salt as a base and helps draw out toxins and impurities
3) has some of the same benefits seaweeds have

Aloe Vera:

1) used for centuries and mentioned in the Bible for it's healing properties
2) cleansing, soothing, and healing to the skin
3) increases absorption of other ingredients in the formula

Dear Weight Watcher, Fitness Trainer, and/or Health Seeker,

Are you one of the 164 million people (in America alone) who needs to
lose weight, or just tone, firm, and slim up?

So many people are pleading for an answer to permanent fast weight loss. Do you just want to look better, and make your body look firmer, and more slender now?

Because as you see, not looking good ruins lives ..

"I have tried several diets including the phen-fen pills and nothing has worked. The pills worked but the weight came back. I walk a lot at work and don't really eat much. But the weight stays on. I am 130lbs overweight. I am getting married in March, what can I possibly do so I can look and feel like a new person by March? Please help me someone! My weight is starting now to effect my life as well as mentally. I’m no longer sociable and am smiling very little."

"I’m only 22 years-old and a good 50 pounds overweight and I’m starting a serious weight loss attempt. I want to lose the weight so I can gain some self-confidence back.

I tell myself I want to find a woman who loves me for me no matter how much I weigh but I’m personally not happy with myself. I use to be a fit trim guy in high school but I got lazy and stuff. Now I have to make up for 4 years of bad eating and no exercise. Please give me some advice on how I can shed these extra pounds and live a healthy life again!"

These are
real people, and real quotes out of one of the many internet discussion boards about weight loss programs. So if you're experiencing some of the same feelings, you're not alone.

We have plenty of company:

According to a 1995 report from the
Institute of Medicine (IOM), tens of millions of Americans are dieting at any given time, spending more than $33 billion yearly on weight loss products, such as diet foods, and diet drinks.

People are desperate for fast answers.

So is your hard-earned money getting wasted by trying UN-proven weight loss systems, and products that do NOT give you permanent results?

Note: No question people should exercise and restrict their diet to lose weight. But most people need extra assistance. Herbal Body Wraps help speed up that process for you.
"Everybody at work totally noticed the body wrap results. I guess that I didn't notice as much until wearing clothes that didn't fit me before. I went from a size 22 last month to a twenty early in the week. Now I am a eighteen!

Kim                                             More Testimonials ...
Weight loss surgery is becoming the "easy" weight loss choice of the century. It's making surgeons very wealthy. :-)

So you COULD try liposuction obesity surgery. But can you afford to spend
thousands of dollars for these frightening surgery solutions for weight loss?

Have you ever watched one of these unnatural surgeries?

Are you willing to take the risk of surgical complications?

Why would anybody? ... IF ... they could finally find a
safe, natural, and economical weight loss alternative which one can do in the very privacy of their own home?
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Herbal Body Wraps are that safe alternative.

Tens of thousands and thousands of applications of the "Life Force" Body Wrap have been used for years in health spas and salons.

Again, you’re charged at least
$75-$125 for EACH Body Wrap for these spa or salon services.
Having salons do several body wraps for you can get quite expensive ... running you into hundreds and hundreds of dollars, even thousands over a year.

But now you can
get Life Force’s proven Inch-Loss Body Wraps shipped directly to you, and choose to do it YOURSELF, and "Do it RIGHT."

You totally bypass the expensive spas and salons, and save yourself a bundle of money by ordering the Herbal Body Wrap formula … WHOLESALE direct from the factory who produces this exclusive formula.

Not only does Herbal Body Wrap help you lose inches, it also helps detoxify your body to help reduce blemishes and cellulite, softens your skin, and makes you look slimmer, younger, and healthier.

original purpose of Herbal Body Wrap was to detoxify the body.

Read about it here.

So even if you think you don't need to
lose inches or contour your body, there are still vital cleansing health benefits to this product.

A recommended complimentary product to Herbal Body Wrap is Body Balance, Life Forces' #1 selling NUTRITIONAL product which is a good tasting LIQUID Vitamin for those who hate swallowing fistfuls of vitamin pills and paying for only 10% absorption. 

In fact, Life Force International has a complete line of
products, in a premium LIQUID format so you get COMPLETE and IMMEDIATE absorption. When used in conjunction with our body wrap, you'll experience amazing results!
Get FREE Personal Phone Support

How would you like to get phone support to guide you throughout your Do It RIGHT Body Wrap Program?

When you purchase from us, we don't leave you high and dry wondering what to do next. You can take advantage of our personalized phone support. We want to see you

You see, we're no dummies, we want you to help spread the word for us so we can expand our business. That won't happen unless we make YOU happy. :-)

FYI: Life Force has their own Medical Advisory Board consisting of William J. Saccoman, M.D. (Chairman), Paul McGlynn, M.D., Lynn Warner Jr., M.D., Douglas M. Ashby, D.C., Ron G. Baker, D.C., Vernon R. Mannon, D.C., and Jim McHale, D.C.)

So what do you think our phone support would normally cost you somewhere else? Have you taken a look at tech support prices lately?

To be conservative, $25 a call perhaps?

Say you make eight calls to us every month. That's at least a $200 a month value right there.

Our support is only available IF you "Do it RIGHT" by purchasing our
Do-It-RIGHT Body Wrap Programs.

(Obviously, we can't guide you if you're not willing to follow the exact right way of doing the program. You can see how that's reasonable.)

Of course, you don't have to take advantage of our personal help. But isn't it nice to know you have us available with a simple telephone call?

As if that wasn't enough? ...
You get to participate in a ...

Product Conference Call on Thursday Nights

Life Force is so dedicated to helping you lose weight that they even hold "LIVE" Real-Time Telephone Conference Calls for questions and answers. These calls include guest speakers who are either medical doctors, or product technicians and specialists.
Every Thursday night, you can ask any of your product use questions right on the spot, without obligation, and learn how to "Do it RIGHT". You'll even be able to listen in to the answers to other customers' questions too.

I'll tell you what. I'm so sure you'll love the
Do-it-RIGHT Body Wrap Program, and other Life Force products, so much, I'll give you this special Product Conference Call number right now.

How's that?

All I ask from you is that you please
don't tell anybody about this call until they view this site first. And also consider placing an order right now. Fair enough?

Ok. As I promised you ...
What: Exclusive Product Conference Call
6:30PM (Pacific) 9:30PM (Eastern)

1-580-431-8004 PIN 8493 #
Our guests will provide you answers to your questions even BEFORE you order, for FREE. (By the way, body wraps are proven safe even for patients with most health conditions. 10's of thousands of Herbal Body Wraps have been done over the last 19 years with NO bad side effects.)

You may wonder;

" How much does the Body Wrap formula cost for such an exclusive and extensive service?"

(Check the prices for the Programs HERE.)

That's the good news. I already told you you’d
save lots of money and I truly MEAN it. Our policy is to under-promise and over-deliver in service and products.

If I wasn't certain about how good Life Force products are, I certainly wouldn't reveal above number to you.

are you ready to try the Herbal Body Wrap?

You can
order now online the Body Wraps for only $19 each in single quantities, just $15.90 in quantities of 10 (plus shipping and handling) ...

... and you'll  get enough formula for 1 - 2 Body Wraps (depending on your body size).

You get a full 1-gallon mixture.

Word of Caution:

Our doctors do not recommend just a single application for PERMANENT inch loss (just like message therapy isn't just one massage). Also, your body may be very toxic, or have a stubborn "set-point" which it needs to be "trained to get past.

So you need to order a minimum of 4 Herbal Body Wraps as program to assure yourself MAXIMUM inch loss, and health benefits.

Thus we strongly urge you to order the "
Do It RIGHT" Pack 4-Week Home Body Wrap Kits for absolutely the best results.

(Click HERE now for more information on all the "Do It RIGHT" programs.) 

Perhaps you may question,
"How do I know this really works?"

Excellent question. Just read about the
research and testimonials in these underlined links.

Life Force, their doctors, and I are so certain you’re going to be ECSTATIC at your inch loss results that you’re very well likely going to want to
order even more body wraps after you do your first program, and see for yourself this system really works.

Then you'll likely want to try their other good tasting, exclusive
Liquid Nutritional diet, weight loss, and health products too.

If you're ready to
order now, then click onto our Secure Shopping Page, and read about our specific systems HERE.

Click here now to look at our different programs, there's no obligation to order. Online shopping is safe with our SSL servers.)

We’re so confident about your rapid Inch-Loss, you get a ...

NO-Risk 45-DAY Satisfaction Guarantee

Read the exact full 100% Satisfaction Guarantee Here
Tell me, how many spas, salons, and weight loss products will give you FORTY-FIVE days to make up your mind on your satisfactory results?

As far as I know, only Life-Force dares to give you this extremely liberal guarantee.

That's 45-DAYS you get to determine if Herbal Body Wrap works for...


So what do you have to lose? ;-)

Order now.

Included with your Body-Wrap Program, you get :

Easy-to-follow Written Instructions

Full How-To-Wrap Easy Training Video

Vivid Body-Chart Graphs to measure
your BEFORE / AFTER results

Exclusive Recipes for "Mud" Facials and Cellulite Wraps

FREE Personal Guidance to monitor your progress

Conference Calls by Life Force 5 days a week

You'll only need your own clothes tape measure. The 12 terry wrap cloths (5' long, and 5" wide), to wrap a whole body, are included in all the "Do-It-RIGHT" Packs.

You can
order now by clicking on the shopping cart button below for your online convenience, or click on the woman or text to order using traditional offline methods.
Click here for business opportunity information
FYI: Life Force is a proud member of the Better Business Bureau, and the Better Business Bureau ONLINE. They are forced to maintain strict ethical standards and liberal return policies. So go ahead and call if you wish. Their local BBB is located in San Diego, California.
If you have any additional questions, please feel free to call or email me. (My contact info is on the top, left hand side of this page.)

You’re going to be VERY happy with the results you get with your Herbal Body Wrap Program.

Typical results are a minimum inch loss of 4 inches for each Body Wrap you do. The bigger one's areas are, the more inches one loses in just a single Body Wrap.

Wouldn't you like to fit in a different clothes size in just one or two Body Wraps, and be ready for that special event or occasion?

All it takes is ONE hour, and you'll improve your looks ...

... guaranteed.

So why not
order now, and give it a try.
Start looking suddenly slim today!

What do you have to "lose?" ;-)

Order now.

Get one of the "
Do It RIGHT" Packs!

Yours for successful inch loss and wonderful health!

            Darla Atkison
Webmaster/President, Lose Inches Get Healthy.com

PS: If you’re like me, you appreciate PROOF. So click
here to find out what satisfied customers' are saying.

Also, go here to listen to
detailed descriptions, and LIVE  Conference Calls about Body Wraps, and the rest of the Life Force product line.

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Information on our site should not be misconstrued as giving therapeutic recommendations
for any disease or symptom. It is not intended to provide medical advice which should be
  provided by a licensed  medical physician. The intent of our articles are to inform individuals.
Lose Inches Get Healthy.com is an Independent distributor of Life Force Products.
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