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Area 51

Area 51

-Photographs Of The Area-

-The "Cammo-Dudes"-

-My Trip To The Groom Lake Area-


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Area 51

The Mysterious Groom Lake Area

"Area 51" has been marked a keystone for any UFO enthusiast. It is an alleged "top secret" military base located approximately 90 miles north of Las Vegas, in Nevada. This series of government buildings, towers, and runways have been built up, and surrounded by (and closed in with) warning signs, and is swarming with armed guards.

This (now satellite, photograph, and eyewitness account confirmed facility) has been built up on the dried lake bed known as "Groom Lake;" located four miles outside of the small town of Rachel, Nevada. The Area 51 compound is also referred to as "The Groom Dry Lake Test Facility" for this reason. As the government continues to state that the Groom Lake area is used only as a military bombing range - and nothing more - we soon see that this heavily armed, guarded, and secluded "bombing range" looks more like a top-secret airstrip. Containing a ten-mile long airstrip, control towers, hangers, and numerous experimental, unidentified, and transportation aircraft, Area 51 has said to have been built in the mid 1950's (just after the now famous Roswell "UFO" crash, and alien "autopsies.") Since then, people have reported seeing UFO's flying by, hovering over, and even landing near, and inside of, the Area 51 complex.
A select few people have come close enough to Area 51, to snap PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE AREA. Photographs of this kind are extremely rare, and can no longer be taken. As I found out on my personal trip to Rachel, Nevada, the nearby mountains from which those photographs could be snapped (mountains "Freedom Ridge," and "Bald Mountain") had been annexed by the government. More specifically, the mysterious "non-existent" base had extended their border-lines by more than twenty miles - just far enough to reach beyond these two popular observation points. CLICK HERE TO SEE A GUIDE MAP OF THE AREA, AND THE RESTRICTED ZONE BOUNDARY OF THE GROOM DRY LAKE TEST TEST FACILITY. Once you follow this link to this map of the restricted area, you can simply click "BACK" on your web browser to return to this page
Guards of the borderlands of the base have come to be known as the CAMMO-DUDES; due to the cammoflague clothing (without any personal identification) that they wear. This summer, I have made a personal trip to Rachel, Nevada to personally investigate the hype over this UFO sighting center. Having now returned, as promised, I have devoted a page on this site to my trip, and another to the photographs taken by myself while in the area of this top secret base. Certain photographs that I have taken are rare, because they are of areas and signs that have warnings posted. Many warning signs placed up to twenty miles from the complex state that "photography of this area is not permitted." These signs also read that "the use of deadly force is authorized." You can read more about my trip, and all that I learned about the Groom Lake area by going to this page: MY PERSONAL TRIP TO RACHEL, NEVADA AND THE GROOM LAKE AREA. Or, if you want to go straight to see the nearly 100 photographs that I managed to take while there, then go here: MY PERSONAL AREA 51 PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY.

Every day, the workers at Groom Lake and the nearby (but also suspicious) Tonopah Test Range commute to work on one of several 737-200 "Janet" aircraft. Employees are flown to Area 51 from the Las Vegas Airport. "JANET" is thought to be an acronym for "Joint Air Network for Employee Transportation." The Janet Terminal at McCarran International Airport, in Las Vegas, is located only two blocks from the Las Vegas Strip - full of hotels and onlookers. The aircraft itself is 100 feet in length, and seats 138 persons. Most Janet aircraft look very similar to each other, with a signature red stripe along the side of the fuselage of the plane. While I was staying at a hotel on the Las Vegas Strip, I managed to snap a telephoto image of the Janet Aircraft in the terminal at the airport. CLICK HERE TO SEE THIS TERMINAL, IT'S PARKING LOT, AS WELL AS THE JANET AIRCRAFT. Once you follow this link to view the terminal, you can simply click "BACK" on your web browser to return to this page. This terminal, unlike the Janet Aircraft, is not owned by the air force. The Janet terminal at McCarran Airport is owned by an international contracting service; EG&G. This service does work for NASA, and various other corporations around the world. The Janet terminal, and flights to and from the Groom Dry Lake facility are alleged "black budget" special project services provided to the air force.

The U.S. government denies any knowledge that there is, or was ever an "Area 51" facility in the Groom Lake area, or that UFO'S even exist. They persist that the buildings, runways, and towers seen in Groom Lake are all part of a bombing and gunnery range. They insist that every strange occurrence can be scientifically explained and written off. Can they? Is the government telling the world the truth? Will we ever know?

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