Petition to His Excellency Gov: Carlton. Peticodiack, December
28th, 1785. "We the Subscribers beg leave to lay before your
Excellency our present Sittuation, about twelve years ago we became
Settlers of Nova Scotia from Yorkshire in England we have nevour had
any favour from Government and have demon?? Values as Industrious and
Loyal Subjects ? of ? being Tenants upon Land which we apprehend will
be Escheated upon the River Peticodiack, other of us have nevour
ocupied any Land but ?? as servants. And lately have Broke? In upon
some vacant land and made some little Improvements and as ? ? may be ?
we are discouraged from persisting in our Improvements; we ? humbly
beg your Excellency will consider our Sittuation and admitt us a Small
tract ? ? as we have made our Improvements or ? ? ? your Excellency ?
think fitt. We are with due Esteem Your Excellency Most dutifull
Subjects and Servants. Signed Robt Leaman Senior, John Geldart,
William Sinten Esq, Lewis Smith, Robt Leaman Junior, Wm Willson, Jo
E??es, Jas Smith Senr, Jas Smith, William Hoddins.
Petition to His Excellency the Governor and Councill and House of
Assembly in the Province of New Brunswick now Assembled…..
Peticodiack Jan 28th 1786. We the Subscribers Inhabitants upon the
River Peticodiack in behalf of Our Selves and the seat of the Settlers
upon that River beg leave to lay before you the Reciprocity of a Land
Communication to the City St. John’s. Our reason for it are first of
the great Utility it will be to both the Metropolis and the County of
Westmoreland, and Secondly of a Land Communication is not opened the
Halifax Market will course Command all the Fatt Cattle in this County
which we look upon to be Prejudicial to this Province and we further
beg that all the Vacant Lands may be Escheated upon this Valuable
Settlement that all who want may be Supply’d therewith and your
Petitioners Prays that no Large tract to ? be granted to Individuals.
This is and ? a Publick Nuisance to the Settlements and we further beg
that no Land may be Granted but to such as Occupy the same and that if
any Land be Escheated upon which any Person or Persons may have made
any Improvement and resides thereon that they might not be removed or
a compensation made them for what they have done. We shall not trouble
your Excellency further but refer all other Matters to the Gentlemen
who Represent Us in the House of Assembly. Signed: William Sinton,
Robt Colpitts, William Noddins, John Geldart, Robert Lemin, David
Bleakny, James (his mark) Smith Junior, James (his mark) Smith Senr,
John (his mark) Mitton, Robert (his mark) Leeman, William (his mark)
Willson, Andrew Whilson.
Petition to His Excellency Thomas Carleton, Esquire Captain General
and Governor in Chief of the Province of New Brunswick &
Territories theron depending Chancellor & Vice Admiral of the
?????. The Memorial of William SYNTON, Esq, Robert COLPITTS &
others Humbly Sheweth That they have never had a Grant of any Land
either under the Province of Nova Scotia or New Brunswick but have
settled themselves in Hillsborough now escheated where most of them
have made very considerable Improvements, and ae desirous of becoming
fixed and permanent Settlers and to have a Location of Laws and Grant
of such Quantity as on a Report of their Improvements to be made by
the Surveyor they may be found to ?. They therefore humbly pray that
your Excellency would be pleased to grant them a warrant of Survey for
that Purpose and that on return thereof and Report made a grant may ?
accordingly ? they as in Duty bound will ever pray for ….. Signed
AA. BOTSFORD for and in behalf of: Names listed with # of acres
requested: William Synton, Esq. 400, Robert Colpitts, 200, Robert
Leamon 200. James Smith, James Smith Jun’r, Lewis Smith, William
Wilson, James Lounsby, Partick Garland, William Noddin, John Beaty,
Joseph Woodworth, Samuel Wilber, Benj Wilber, Jacob Ricker, Peter
Lutz, Michael Ricker, and a group of Steeves together on a tract of
land 1200 acres including John,Matthias, Henry, Jacob and Loduwik.
Others George Joney, John Joney, David Rid?, Christian ?, Martin Peck,
Joseph Ayles, John Cameron, Eliphet Reid? Junr, John Bay?.