Welcome to Dodie and Miro's Guestbook!

tracy taylor - 11/26/00 15:14:14
My Email:tray_tay@yahoo.com
My dal's name is patch,for the obvious reason that she has a patch over her right eye,at night it looks like she has only one eye.she is one of the more hyper of the dalmations,but i wouldent want her to be any other way.of coarse my shoes have suffered horribly.If u can just be patient with them,they are the best of dogs.she also was our soccer teams mascott.verry smart dog.personality is like the one without any spots in 102 dalmations.some day i will breed her with another,but im enjoying her youth as of now,she is 1 now.thanks for letting me share here with u.

mary riedy - 11/21/00 00:05:36
My Email:mriedy@gte.net
Thank you for being so very generous!

Helen Grieve - 10/29/00 12:14:24
My Email:mildal@btinternet.com
Cool site have cheered up my Emails My friends love to get an Email from me they always make them smile. You have done a super job Thanks from Milverton Dalmatians Scotland

Smantha - 10/18/00 21:28:02
My Email:madden@stfinbar.melb.catholic.edu.au
I love you and I love your pups

My URL:http://www.oocities.org/lacrima_hr/lacrima.html
My Email:zeljkoradic@sk.hinet.hr
We enjoyed visiting your page very much. If you have some free time, come and visite ours... Kindest regards from Croatia-the homeland of dalmatians! Anita & Zeljko & 7 dalls...

Wanda - 09/19/00 04:46:14
My Email:wandajan@aol.com
just wanted to let you know that this site is the best!!! it really made my webpage for my dals beautiful. thanks again and can't wait to see more new things coming!!!

Gabry & Axel - 09/14/00 19:54:32
My URL:http://digilander.iol.it/dogaxel
This is a very great site, really! A big "ciao" from Italy.

- 09/06/00 08:57:43

ilsesytler - 09/04/00 18:57:43

test - 08/23/00 00:38:43
My Email:test
test test

S Whitman - 02/03/00 20:55:25
My Email:spot88@talkcity.com
Your dogs are beautiful. I am doing my own home page and was looking for dalmation clip art. Your page is great!! Thanks

Amanda - 02/03/00 00:30:30
My Email:Amanda3968@aol.com
I really love this site! I wish there was more like it!Thanx a bunch, Amanda

- 01/27/00 20:00:20

Laurie - 01/25/00 01:25:05
My Email:sfoltz@webtv.net
I have wo dals, Lexie and Dally, who are very intelligent and wonderful companions. I think that dals are only meant for certain people. My dals like to go everywhere with my husband, especially to my parents where they are spoled rotten. Love your web ite.

Tobey Clark - 01/24/00 18:18:32
My Email:tclark1@pionet.net
I Like This Page. Tell Me when the new litter comes.

Rebecca - 01/20/00 20:14:30
My Email:rturner@hcr.iasd.gcisa.net
This is so awesome i love dalmations!

sara - 01/20/00 15:21:20
My Email:dalface101
i love dogs

- 01/18/00 01:13:45

laurie-itchie dog - 01/18/00 00:41:10
My Email:perdy_101@hotmail.com
awsome site. was just in my computor room with Itchie checking all the dal sites.

Nancy Treiber - 01/09/00 20:15:57
My Email:nansea7702@aol.com
I have a wonderful dalmatian named Domino. Love your website. It is the best. thanks

Stephanie Willson - 11/11/99 09:24:49
My Email:stephwil@arcom.com.au
Hi Dodie & Miro Mum is typing this for me as I'm all claws!! I really like your site. My name is Nelson and I live in SA. My Mum got me from the RSPCA in Darwin when I was 18 months old as I was abandoned by my previous owner. I moved back with my new Mum to SA almos 6 years ago. She loves me a lot; I go to work with her as well. Seeya - Nelson

Katie,Mike,Logan,Luke & Duchess - 10/23/99 22:14:07
My Email:ksbasiks@netscape.net
Wonderful site! We came upon it when my 9-year-old son was researching photos & drawings for a school project. He and my 7-year-old son, and my husband and I love Dalmatians. My husband was born in the State of Victoria, Melbourne, back in 1966, and we now have a 3-year-old female Dalmatian (Duchess Matilda) - so we're almost related, right?!!!

Jan - 10/08/99 04:12:57
My Email:pozi@alphalink.com.au
Do you have a male puppy for sale? We recently had to put our beloved Zac to sleep and feel we need a new puppy to love. Also what is the cost of one of your puppies etc. thank you

- 09/06/99 23:18:15
My Email:juliawalsh@ozemail.com.au
Hi Maryanne, I am surfing the net picking up articles for the newsletter and yours came up! Julia

Frits Williams - 08/12/99 08:51:12
My URL:http://www.home.gil.com.au/~dizzidot
My Email:dizzidot@gil.com.au
Hi Maryann, There are some wonderful Dally sites on the net, but yours is the best, I have visited a few times before and always enjoy it. good luck, Frits Williams.

L.Bjork - 07/29/99 01:38:45
My Email:originalpin@juno.com
This is the cutest and the most fun site that I've found on Dalmations!!! I have a pupster myself his name is Echo. He has two doberman brothers (Dino) & (Samson). They all love your pictures-thanks for the graphics!

Roger & Anne - 06/29/99 06:45:02
My Email:roanoak@iaa.com.au
Hi Maryanne. Love the site.

Kevin Murray - 06/27/99 18:06:00
My Email:freeway@cnwl.igs.net
Great site, enjoyed it very much. We are the proud owners of a four year old deaf male Dalmation. Someone abandoned him on the four lane highway just outside of Cornwall Ontario Canada when he was only four months old. We adoped him from the Humaine So iety. Great dog. There will never be one to replace him.

Heidi - 06/22/99 11:47:00
My Email:WillowLace@ij.net
Cool site! :)

Michael - 06/13/99 01:39:35
My Email:mickegg@ozemail.com.au
Cute Pics

- 05/10/99 02:40:16

Tam & Christine - 04/30/99 01:12:37
My Email:spottydogs@yahoo.com
Hi Every one, I came accross this sight when I was looking for info on Dalmatian Breeding. We have 2 Dalmatians Poppy & Shauny both bitches Shauny is a liver & white who played DIPSTICK in the 101 dalmatians movie, she is about to give birth to some pupp s on 23 May 99 & I was wondering if anyone had any tips in dealing with this.

Linda Williams - 04/24/99 15:51:51
My URL:http://www.kritterkeepsakes.com
My Email:kritterkeepsakes@hotmail.com
I LOVED IT ALL!!!! I have two Dals. This is the COOLEST site. Could you please provide me with a email to the artist MaryAnn. I have designed a Baby Book for dogs and I am designing one JUST FOR DALS and I need an artist. She is very good. Thanks, Linda

Krissy - 04/12/99 22:16:06
My Email:Krissytina30@yahoo.com
I did finally get to see the pictures of your dogs! Oh! Are they CUTE! Just had to tell you that!

Krissy - 04/12/99 22:10:17
My Email:Krissytina30@yahoo.com
I don't have a dalmation but I love dogs! I have a boarder collie mix. Those are the cutest clip art and etc! Thanks! For some reason I couldn't get to the pictures of your dogs and etc. :o( I think it's my computer though. Well, THANKS!

Karen - 04/09/99 20:36:18
My Email:KritrKaren
Thanks for all the art work, I do alot of rescue work and have a pet sitting business, this will come in handy.

Mark Marino - 04/01/99 18:18:50
My URL:In Progress
My Email:mamarino@us.ibm.com
What an awesome web-site. I really appreciate you having these graphics for everyone to use. I just got my first Dal and I love her to death. I am currently working on my web-site and will definitely put you link on here!! Thanks again

Cheryl Daughtrey - 04/01/99 03:23:45
My URL:www.oocities.org/FashionAvenue/Salon/5002
I absolutly love your animations! Next time I update my page I intend to use at least one..or more! I have 4 Dals of my own 2 just recently adopted through a local Dal rescue.

Sarah - 03/30/99 20:45:42
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ky/SilverLab
My Email:sarahryder@hotmail.com
I love your page. It's very nicely done...Your dogs are adorable, as well as the Dalmation graphics! Keep up the great work!

Candace Tillerson - 03/17/99 21:28:34
It's great

Michael Mootz - 03/11/99 20:10:28
My URL:http://home.t-online.de/home/MMootz
My Email:MMootz@t-online.de
congratulations, pretty good sides and animations. thanks´s for allowness of grabbing. greetings MiMo

Theresa - 03/10/99 19:56:34
My Email:Akasha211@aol.com
I've been a dalamatian fan since I First saw 101 Dalmatians. I Love Lucky he's my favorite Dal. I really liked your graphics too

leanne borg - 03/02/99 03:23:07
Hi Maryann, I'm just learning the web and found your site. I have an email if you want it (at Graemes work) on gtsuspension@big pond.com. See you on Thursday at committee meeting. Will bring Publicity report then.

keri. - 02/24/99 07:40:54
My Email:mytym2bon
i think you are so cute. i really love dalmations. i enjoyed looking at your pictures. i am 7 years old and my room is done in dalmation too. bye keri

Erin - 02/23/99 18:31:40
My Email:www.corby52@hotmail.com
I have a dalmatian that is 6 weeks old and i was wondering how much exercise your dogs need and if you have any advice?

Tarita - 02/23/99 03:09:13
My Email:tarita67@bigpond.com
Hi! I absolutely love your homepage! I had a Dalmatian named Powder. But we left him in The States with my grandmother because my father was transferred to Sydney. Dodie looks so much like my Dal, I cried to myself every night I remembered him.

- 02/16/99 01:01:21

Jan Bakker - 02/14/99 12:56:34
My Email:baksecur@hetnet.nl
nice site, Jan Bakker, Holland

- 02/13/99 17:49:23

Melanie Jessee - 02/05/99 21:50:33
My URL:www.oocities.org/southbeach/channel/4220
My Email:bamagordon@hotmail.com
I found your website on www.oocities.org/heartland/meadows/2362/ I told them that I had a Dal and he died on December 5, 1998. If you want to see his picture they are on my homepage. www.oocities.org/southbeach/channel/4220

braveheart - 02/01/99 03:06:59
My Email:braveheart@ejourney.com
I love your site,I can't wait for new updates. Keep up the good work. Also I think your dogs are wonderful.!!!

Kim Fair - 01/26/99 00:12:34
My Email:ksfair@hereintown.net
I loved looking at your website. I have a 3 year old male dalmation. He doesen't have many spots but I love him just the same. My husband is in the military and is gone alot, so Dudley is a treasure. You have beautiful dogs. I guess the one thing I h ve learned about dalmations is that is takes a special person to own one. Although it seems to turn out that he actually owns me. Thanks again, Kim Fair

Barb Amsden - 01/16/99 00:13:22
My Email:BBA11/30@aol
This is great. Being a Dalmation owner maybe one of the reason.

SHILO POOR - 01/15/99 01:16:20
My Email:BAY0240

Nina Burkhardt - 01/09/99 05:16:00
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Petsburgh/1731/index.html
My Email:Ninablue@gmx.de
Hallo, thank for your wunderful pictures. Since I put a link to your homepage, more and more German homepages use your beautyful graphics. I hope this is okay for you. Thanks again, Nina

Diana & David Hoekstra - 01/09/99 03:11:10
My Email:dlhoek@triton.net
GREAT picture of Miro with paw over nose, We have a 5 year old black, female named Hydrant! (Lady Di-man-d Hydrant) and I've seen that pose before!! We are new to the net and are glad to see so many Dal sites.

Jenn Lee - 01/08/99 05:30:41
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SouthBeach/Tidepool/7880/
My Email:joyfuljen@hotmail.com

jackie goodman - 12/25/98 05:19:53
i really liked your web page.great work.i love dalmatians

Maryann Bruce - 12/21/98 05:23:27
My Email:bahal@picknowl.com.au
Hi there, Enjoyed your site - it's fun and interesting - keep up the good work and I'll visit again later. Cheers, Maryann Bruce

Frits Williams - 12/15/98 07:20:55
My URL:http://www.gil.com.au/~dizzidot
My Email:dizzidot@gil.com.au
You really are a wonderful artist, it takes special people to portray Dallies the right way and you're the best. Kind regards, Frits Williams , Dizzidot.

Flavio Tonello Tavares - 12/06/98 14:46:30
My Email:ftonello@starnet.com.br
Hello Dodie and Miro's... I really liked your home page And i really want to have my own dalmatian dog I think is one of the most beautiful dog's. Yesterday i saw a male puppy and i plan to buy today ,i hope in the future change information about dalmatians in your home page Bye Bye!!! ftonello@starnet.com.br today is sunday 6 december 1998 Bauru,são paulo,Brazil

- 11/28/98 11:29:54

Maria - 11/27/98 07:43:46
My URL:http://geocities/Village/Heartlands/3410
My Email:spotofclass@yahoo.com
Congratulations on the up comming pups...as if you weren't busy enough with your own baby. ttfn Maria.

Princess Olika - 11/14/98 10:20:18
My URL:http://fly.to/mycastle
My Email:princessolika@iname.com

Vineeta Prasad - 11/10/98 15:18:23
Great web page! Love the photos of Dodie and Miro. Regards from Vineeta and Bailey the Wonder Dog.

- 11/09/98 05:14:54

" Coco Puff " - 11/04/98 21:15:00
My Email:LeissM@t-online.de
What a great Dalmatian page ! Dalmatiner Coco Puff from Germany !!!!!

Berke Cretier - 10/13/98 21:51:51
My Email:CBaars@VTen L.nl
Sorry I forgot to tell I´m from Holland and I own (or do they own me) 2 dals mother and daughter, a liver(almost 7 yrs) and a black(2+ yrs.)I must say that this guestbook is at my Favorites!! Someone who wants to correspond??

Berke Cretier - 10/13/98 21:44:36
My Email:CBaars@VTenL.nl
I like this guestbook very much. Keep going on with everything about dalmatians!

Susan Morgan - 10/10/98 05:20:55
My Email:sefoster@gateway.net
Hi! This web page is so excellent! I'm obssesed w/ Dalmatians!! I'm owned by a handsome one year old male Dally. His name is Foster Kiko Morgan (kiko in hawaiian means "spotted") Foster is one of three Dallys' that I've owned. I've grown up w/ Dalmat ans since I was little. Dalmatians Rule! Hope to see more new clipart soon. Keep up the great work!! Foster says HI!! ARF!! ARF!!

Rebecca Naglost - 10/09/98 12:18:56
My Email:mnaglost@wilnet.ocean.com.au
Great web page! My husband and I are looking for a spotted friend of our own so I'm surfing the net to find out everything we should know first. We live in the Melbourne area and will look for a concientious breeder here. If you could I would appreciate a email if you know of any puppies due early in 1999. Thanks in advance, Rebecca!

Mary-Lynn Jensen - 10/06/98 19:23:57
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/heartland/hills/4941
My Email:WoodwyndDals@worldnet.att.net
Both your dogs and your artwork are lovely. Miro is especially handsome. Has he sired any pups? I'll be interested to see what he produces with Dodie. Come visit our page. We're planning pups with Lager and Nova in January.

Club fuer Dalmatiner - 10/01/98 17:57:05
My URL:http://home.t-online.de/home/CDF.Dalmatiner/
My Email:CDF.Dalmatiner@t-online.de
It´s a very good site. We are also member in the dalmatian-webring.

- 09/29/98 04:04:45

Colleen - 09/29/98 01:59:05
My URL:http://www.4tuneinc.com
My Email:4tune@4tuneinc.com
Wonderful page. I love my Dals!

"Sam" - 09/22/98 00:11:54
My Email:pupraizer@aol.com
love the Dals, raised them for years but now raise guidedog puppies for the blind. Do you have any clip art for Labradors? (black) we would love to use them on stationary. thanks

Erica Falconnier - 09/20/98 16:52:44
My Email:e.falconnier@swissonline.ch
I am an owner of 2 liver spotted Dalmatians, MagicFlute and Merry Sweet Lady and I am a real "Dalmatian Fan". Your site is very amusing and well done and I had a lot of fun downloading your special "dals" . Kind regards from Switzerland Erica

samantha - 09/16/98 09:29:38
My Email:haggetpe@powerup.com.au
A must for all Dalmatian owners, most enjoyable to read about other like minded Dal Lovers.

Robin - 09/09/98 15:41:25
My Email:rhartl@isd.net
Very Cute stuff! I am leading a group of dog owners in Minneapolis, MN to create off-leash dog exercise areas in Minneapolis. We are ROMP, Responsible Owners of Mannerly Pets and we will eventually have a web site of our own. You have given us some great ideas. Thanks and best of luck to you!

anne bahr - 09/09/98 14:04:29
My Email:jakbahrs@bigpond.com
justvisiting again, good luck around the rings. I have not shown this year due to an ankle injury and I tell you I am having severe withdrawal symptoms, but never mind maybe next year. Please say goodaye to Fran and Carryn and everyone else I knew down t ere. It's a great site and I will visit again. Someday when I learn I may even make a web page of my own and send you pickies of Rocky and the rest of the clan. bye for now Anne Bahr Dalmatiner Kennels Townsville

Leena - 09/03/98 09:54:10
My Email:lkeskinen@hotmail.com
Hello from Finland!!Lovely Page!! Love Leena

Terri - 09/02/98 07:06:08
My Email:wilson@arcom.com.au
Amber is an 11 year old liver spotted English dal. She came over to Adelaide with us 2 years ago and hasn't stopped sunbathing since! She recently adopted a stray kitten, and has trained him to be her companion!

- 08/22/98 11:30:47

Pam - 08/13/98 19:51:43
My URL:http://home.san.rr.com/lennan
My Email:ptl@san.rr.com
Hi I am thankful to find some dalmation clip art for my son's birthday web site. Thanks!

César - 08/10/98 00:30:11
My Email:sicesar@cdgraf.com.br

Irene - 08/08/98 22:16:12
My Email:dalgal@silcom.com

UpsaDaisy McClain - 07/26/98 00:00:25
My URL:http://www.hal-pc.org/~waltmc
My Email:daisy_mcclain@hotmail.com
Oh you two are so pretty and handsome!! Guess what? My best friend's name is Rascal too. He lives next door, and despite our mom's wishes, our Dads didn't put a gate in the fence. So we just run back and forth and talk to each other :(. I have two Boston Terror brothers and we get to play at least. Thanks for a fun time!! Woofies and tail wags, Daisy

Marilia Bavaresco - 07/23/98 18:24:02
My Email:mbava@ez-poa.com.br
I love this page, because I´ve the dalmatian dog. The name of my dog is Jimy (Jimy Hendrix). I don´t speak English very well. My country is Brazil, and we (me and my dog) live in Porto Alegre city. Kisses, bye

Jennifer - 07/23/98 17:32:08
My Email:reba3@oocities.com
Hey! I love your page. Your Dalmatian,Miro is so cute! I love Dalmatians.I wish I had one. Well,keep up the good work.

Oscar the Wiener Dog - 07/23/98 00:21:03
My URL:http://nimby.net
My Email:oscar@nimby.net
You have a nice clean site design. You've done a good job with the graphics and sticking to one color scheme. You've avoided the clutter of so many other sites. Thanks for no background music. I have a comic strip called "Not In My Backyard" its about a w ener dog and others. comic visit if you'd like http://nimby.net

Regena boney - 07/21/98 23:51:18
My URL:none yet
My Email:rboney@bellsouth.net
Fantastic site. Love every page.

Wesley Harriss - 07/16/98 15:25:05
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Nashville/Opry/6556
My Email:wes1123
I love your cute graphics (especially the buttons)! Thank you for the clip art. -Wes

Halle Garcia - 07/10/98 18:12:52
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Ridge/3536/
My Email:geehalle@aol.com
Great graphics! I am very dal crazy I got my dal when I was 7 and I had to give her away 2 months before my 12th b-day:( Many laughed at her name...Stripes the Wonderdog. Once again cool graphics

Halle Garcia - 07/10/98 18:09:29
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Ridge/3536/
My Email:geehalle@aol.com
Great page, graphics, etc! This page and the graphics which I use on my page cannot get any better!

Brian O'connor - 07/07/98 19:26:02
My Email:BOC1970@aol.com
As a dalmatian owner, I find your site wonderful. You seem to have the best dalmatian images. I've looked through many horrible sites looking for something worth-while.

Paula - 07/04/98 11:24:42
My Email:zigzag4648@aol.com
I love Dalmatians. I have two. One named Zig and the other named Zag. Thus the screen name zigzag4648.

Eileen - 06/20/98 13:10:25
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pa/dennen/animals.html
Love your animations

Debbie - 06/05/98 17:35:23
My Email:debbie@visionsystems.com
Excellent! Thank you very much for the cool Dal stuff! My liver dal, Val, and I will enjoy!

Magnus - 06/04/98 21:13:32
My Email:nyberg@canit.se
Hello Maryann! Long time no se as you say over there.... I just want to say hello and wish you a nice summer from a warm (soon) Sweden..... Chivas says hi to dodie and miro... :) Magnus

Angela - 06/03/98 17:16:20
My Email:thomas.angela@swipnet.se
Hi, my name is Angela, I am, like you, obsessed with dalmatians. I have 3 dalmatians, all bitches, I lost my absolute favourite last summer, he was only 6 years old, from my first litter, I still miss him. I have had dalmatians for 11 years, you could say that i have got spots on my brain. Thank you for your home page, I am planning one myself and are looking for ideas, maybe I will use some of your pictures. The best to your dogs, Dodi & Miro. Angela Kennel Spotless, SWEDEN.

Amy Christensen - 05/27/98 23:35:45
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Flats/3859/AmyMN.html
My Email:AmyChristensen@mailexcite.com
This is a great site!! I used a few of your cute graphics and animations. Actually, I don't think I would have any graphics on my page if it wasn't for your site. Thanks! It's great!

Hotally (Lois Higginbotham) - 05/19/98 22:52:20
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/h/o/t/hotally.html
My Email:hotally@gte.net
Thank you so much for collecting and offering these graphics!!!They are excellent. I have two Dalmatians, Molly- 1 yrs. old (deaf) Spike- 6 yrs. old (hearing) I love my Dalmatians!

Emily Pykare - 05/18/98 15:49:17
My Email:Poochie101@aol.com
Great page guys!excellent work.. I'm sure you've heard it all before so I'll stop now :)gotta say how beautiful the dog is!! Toodle Lou! Emily

- 05/17/98 08:13:48
My Email:NorDisplay@aol.com
Beautiful homepage, we're getting our first dalmation pup soon and can't wait!

- 05/15/98 22:54:06

Kathi - 05/13/98 11:06:29
My Email:Cancer.Centre@flinders.edu.au
Hello from Kathi and Reggie in Adelaide. Great web site. Thanks for the advice on the message board of Polka and Orion. Will keep in touch RE: Puppy Power. So called energetic breed currently asleep on my feet while I surf the net-love is a beautiful hing!!!!!!

COMBE Gilles - 05/08/98 15:22:22
My Email:gilles.combe@infonie.fr
Well, hello ! I am also a dalmatian lover. Maïa is the name of our pretty little dog, which is a little over 2 years. And she looks really like yours, even she is French (we are from France - Brest). So go on like this, I got a lot of information through your site. Bye !

Marilyn Dromgoole - 05/05/98 03:28:47
My URL:http://members.aol.com/homedalberk/pubpage.htm???
My Email:dalberk@aol.com
Your clip art is SO DARLING. I'm designing a web page and I used a couple of them. But when trying to publish I get a message "no write access." If I put a link to your page, do I then get 'write access?' Please excuse my stupidity. I'm REALLY new at this. I was going to put a link, but the page said 'don't link to this page.' How do I go about this. thanks for your help. Sorry to be a bother. Marilyn Dromgools

India - 05/04/98 22:55:31
My Email:indiagin@mcn.org
Hello our names are Kate= Katy Scarlett O'Hara of the Gold Coast 8 yr female and Zoe= Picies Shadow My Zodiac Star 8 mn female..thought I thinks Zoe's name should be changed to "knock it off Zoe". We are black and white. We live on the North California oast in USA. with our people India and Scotty We live right on the pacific ocean and go swimming daily...(Zoe is still learning and slpashes alot) ...as well as chase the gulls and sniff tourist. We were so happy to hear you like to swim, some dogs don' . We love to go to the schools and see the kids, they are learning to be gental and all about how to treat dogs. We love big bones and our kitty. I like to go surfing, but Zoe still is silly and likes to run the the puddles in the horse corral. We l ke setting on the couch and eatting strawberrys. We really loved you pictures, maybe someday we will have a picture page. Well we better get going, we hear Scotty coming home and know it's time to go to the beach. Bye for now...Kate and Zoe

Karina - 04/28/98 11:25:45
My Email:gbarto@scu.com.au
Thank you, thank you, thankyou for sharing some lovely dally pictures etc with a fellow dally LOVER. My family includes a most beautiful 18mth old female dally named panda. I doubt I could have any other type of dog. she is more than perfect! your pages h ve been most appreciated.

Gary Eckels - 04/25/98 01:15:35
My Email:garye@baldwinfd.com
If you send me your address I will send you some stuff. Gary Eckels 619 harvard Avenue Baldwin, New York 11510

Sabrina - 04/22/98 00:01:55
My Email:Sabrina@duthiemm.com
Dodie and Miro, as Pongo Von Long Leggins and P.J. SirLotsaSpots human, I had to write and tell you how much I have enjoyed your website and cartoons. Your humans must love you very much.

Barb Wagner - 04/19/98 00:58:39
My Email:wagnba@ameritech.net
The very best WEB site I have ever seen! How generous you are with your art! If I ever figure out how to use any of it, you will be credited. It is just great. And, I have seen it in other pages, and credited to you. We have 1 beautiful dal. And, some day ..she is the full time job. But she is a really loving dog, and we all love her so dearly. Thanks again for the site and the art.

Bob Hamilton - 04/09/98 01:45:45
My Email:PjRatt@ibm.net
Hi there, I thought your web page was great. I am a volunteer fireman and dalmatian owner. My dals name is Purdy, she is a handfull. Take care. Bob Hamilton

- 04/05/98 06:42:25
My Email:pcompton@ozemail.com.au
I have five daly's and they enjoy eating the graphics I print from this page. There ages range from seven down to two years with the two males being these ages. The females are three, four and six years. If there is anybody who would like to email me ple se do,we can send photos of our pogs

Fiona - 04/01/98 12:42:32
My URL:http://fly.to/dalmation.land
My Email:naris@axis.jeack.com.au
This page is heaven! I absolutely loved the pics! You've done a fantastic job with them all! Thank you for sharing them with the world!

Jan - 03/15/98 15:26:40
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Estates/1210
My Email:garden1@home.com
You have a terrific site! Thanks for sharing your super Dal graphics. Some of them will look great on my site for kids: How To Love Your Dog. I will put a link to your page on my Acknowledgements page. Keep up the good work!

Alessandro - 03/08/98 08:36:13
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Valley/8170
My Email:alessandro.katiusha@usa.net
Oh... yes !Dalmatian graphics... Nice graphics... Bauuuuu from my dalmatian Katiusha and me !

Mary Ann Low - 03/08/98 03:04:38
My Email:maklow@ucinet.com
I hope I did not mess up your guest book. I was jabbed in the elbow twice with a cold, black nose belonging to a very spoiled Dalmatian who has not been petted for an hour and was just checking in to see if my hand still worked. I am a housewife living n a 10,000 acre cattle ranch where my husband and sister-in-law work hoping to eventually buy out my mother- and father-in-law. It has been a bad year for the cattle market in the US, but we have enough to eat and if worst comes to worst, the dogs are ha py. I have a black lab and a black spotted Dalmatian, Libbie and the Dalmatian, respectively. The Dal was found as a stray on our ranch five years ago and was found to be deaf a few days later, but she is well trained and well mannered, and her deafness is not evident to most. We have a lot of animals here, and the dogs enjoy barking at them through the windows. If you open the door and let the dogs think they may have to have contact with them, they immediately quiet down. Dogs are so brave behind th safety of glass! I enjoyed your web site! Sincerely, Mary Ann Low from Eastern Oregon

Olivier - 02/26/98 23:19:43
My Email:olipe@wanadoo.fr
congratulations for your website continue for a long time bye :-) ;-=

KIM MCKONE - 02/26/98 21:15:35

Charlie - 02/22/98 21:22:53
From where is wag my tail (Hampstead, London, UK) your site is just the coolest. May your bones stay buried for that long day in the yard. CHARLIE (aka Dashing Col. Lovett

Mark - 02/18/98 04:16:47
My Email:k9kisses@sover.net
Welcome to geocities! I clicked on your link from my site @ SoHo/Gallery/1057 and ...you moved. I am in the process of rebuilding my dal page...so please excuse the mess. i received a scanner for Christmas and have been scanning and tweaking lots of da pics and I am on vacation from school this week so it's time to add them on. I am trying to make my page more user friendly (like yours) with all the info and links based on one screen without scrolling. Anyways... I found out your an art teacher tonight and thought that was pretty neat because I am too! I teach at an elementary school in West Newbury Mass. I see over 600 kids a week for 40 minutes at a time and I am glad we have a break. Tiime to reenergize! Just thought I would drop a line. Check out my web page at the end of the weekend and hopefully it will be all new! (Fingers crossed) take care Mark, Erica, Bogie & Georgia

Magnus Nyberg - 02/12/98 21:52:51
My Email:nyberg@canit.se
Hello! Iam saying it again this is the best web page i have ever seen.......... Hope to here from you soon... Magnus from Sweden

suzy orr - 02/11/98 19:39:32
My Email:orr9354@sssnet.com
Love all your artwork!!We also love dals-have 2 at present, have had 4 all together. We live on a farm in Ohio and they can run over our 400+ acres so we have never had to tie them. They are healthy, happy animals because dals need that excercise! Agai --thanks for you neat webpage!

dianne daley - 02/09/98 17:41:00
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Acres/3128
My Email:ddaley@bbn.com
Thanks for the clipart, buttons, gif, etc. You may be seeing some of it on my sight soon.

Maryann - 02/06/98 03:14:04
My Email:magypsnie@enter.net
Super neat stuff!! I love all of it but my favorite is the animated Dals. Thanks for all you time spent in making this page.

CAC - 02/03/98 08:24:32
My Email:ccarey@idirect.com
Me love dalmatians too much.

Dalpup - 01/29/98 17:44:43
My Email:matilda@vci.net
Great page. I own and raise Dalmatians and they are the best dogs. Like everyone says "Dalmatians aren't for everyone". Being a firefighter of course I had to have one and got my first many years ago, Fell in love with them and had'em ever since. Would ta e a million for the one's I have. Makes me mad to see so many abandoned ones. People just don't understand and Disney didn't help either. Enjoyed your site. Catch you later. The Dalpup

kiki - 01/25/98 15:01:52
hello everyone have fun from kiki

Spottydogs - 01/16/98 03:45:51
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Estates/5523
My Email:spottydogs@ultra.net.au
I've said it before and I'll say it again! Grrrrrreeeeat site! Everything for those seeing spots. And Australian too! Keep up the good work Dodie and Miro - we'll stop by often.

Laura Combs - 01/14/98 03:25:47
My Email:jlcombs@ccrtc.com
Still a very awesome web-site. Thought I'd come by and check it out again. We've adopted a new Dal. We'd love for you to come by and see her...and don't forget to sign our guestbook!

irene - 01/10/98 18:20:45
My Email:ilynn@uab/edu
Your page is SO cool!!!!!!!

Dori Dimmick - 01/09/98 09:21:41
My Email:DallyLuv@aol.com
I really enjoy your website! Much fun!! Your Dalmatians are beautiful!!

Patti Meyer - 01/09/98 02:05:01
My Email:pmeyer@erols.com
Just found your web page. Pretty neat! I also have a dalmation, a 13 yr old female. She has been a part of our family since she was 10 wks old. I enjoyed your web site!

Neeter Skeeter (Anita) - 01/04/98 20:04:30
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SoHo/Studios/5513/index.html
My Email:amk@innernet.net

I love your page! The graphics are so cool. Dalmatians rock! Great job!..... Anita

Steff - 01/03/98 21:26:11
My Email:sirvine@direct.ca
Great Graphics... I wish I knew about them sooner! I do the "Spot Watch" newsletter put out by the Dal. Club of B.C. I also have 2 dals, Rookie & Casey.

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