This list is, of course, far from exhaustive. Linked books may be purchased from through this page.

* denotes non-fiction

By Tolkien

The Hobbit
The Lord of the Rings including The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and The Return of the King
The Hobbit & The Lord of the Rings 4 volume box set
The Lord of the Rings unabridged on CD
The Silmarillion
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight translation by Tolkien
Smith of Wooten Major and Farmer Giles of Ham
A Tolkien Reader including Farmer Giles of Ham, The Adventures of Tom Bombadil, and On Fairy-Stories
J.R.R. Tolkien Audio Collection [abridged] by J.R.R. Tolkien & Christopher Tolkien
The Hobbit & Fellowship of the Ring excerpts read by Tolkien on audiotape
The Two Towers & Return of the King excerpts read by Tolkien on audiotape
The Jerusalem Bible including translation by J.R.R. Tolkien*
The Monsters and the Critics by J.R.R. Tolkien*
Fellowship of the Ring extended edition DVD
Two Towers extended edition DVD

About Tolkien

Tolkien Man and Myth: a literary life by Joseph Pearce*
Tolkien: a Celebration by Joseph Pearce*
J.R.R. Tolkien: Myth, Morality, and Religion by Richard L. Purtill*
Celebrating Middle-Earth: The Lord of the Rings As a Defense of Western Civilization edited by John G. West*
The Gospel According to Tolkien: Visions of the Kingdom in Middle-Earth by Ralph C. Wood*
J.R.R. Tolkien's Sanctifying Myth: Understanding Middle-Earth by Bradley J. Birzer
Complete Guide to Middle-Earth*
Languages of Middle Earth by Ruth Noel*
Literary Converts: Spiritual Inspiration in an Age of Unbelief by Joseph Pearce*

By C.S. Lewis

The Chronicles of Narnia set of all seven books
The Space Trilogy: Out of the Silent Planet, Perelandra, and That Hideous Strength
Till We Have Faces
The Screwtape Letters read by John Cleese on audiotape
Surpised By Joy*
The Abolition of Man*
The Case for Christianity*

About C.S. Lewis

C.S. Lewis: A Critical Essay by Peter Kreeft*
C.S. Lewis : Man of Letters : A Reading of His Fiction by Thomas Howard*
C.S. Lewis for the Third Millenium : Six Essays on the Abolition of Man by Peter Kreeft*
The Shadow-Lands of C.S. Lewis : The Man Behind the Movie by Peter Kreeft*
C. S. Lewis and the Catholic Church by Joseph Pearce*

By G.K. Chesterton

The Everlasting Man*
The Everlasting Man on audiotape*
The Man Who Was Thursday (Annotated)
The Man Who Was Thursday on audiotape
The Club of Queer Trades
Father Brown of the Church of Rome
Saint Thomas Aquinas: The Dumb Ox*
Saint Francis of Assisi*

About G.K. Chesterton

Wisdom and Innocence by Joseph Pearce*

By Flannery O'Connor

Wise Blood
The Violent Bear It Away
Everything That Rises Must Converge
Mystery and Manners: Occasional Prose*
A Good Man is Hard to Find
The Habit of Being: Letters of Flannery O'Connor*
Complete Stories
Collected Works

About Flannery O'Connor

By Walker Percy

The Moviegoer
Lost in the Cosmos*
Love in the Ruins
The Thanatos Syndrome

By Sigrid Undset

Kristin Lavransdatter: The Bridal Wreath by Sigrid Undset
Kristin Lavransdatter: The Mistress of Husaby by Sigrid Undset
Kristin Lavransdatter: The Cross by Sigrid Undset

By Dante Aligheri


By Fyodor Dostoevsky

Crime and Punishment
Brothers Karamazov


The Power and the Glory by Graham Greene
Leisure: the Basis of Culture by Josef Pieper*
Only the Lover Sings by Josef Pieper*
Love & Responsibility by Karol Wojtyla*
The Jeweler's Shop by Karol Wojtyla
Sigrid Undset On Saints and Sinners edited by Deal Hudson*
The Novels of Charles Williams by Thomas Howard*
Complete Fairy Tales by George MacDonald
Myths of the Norsemen by Helene A. Guerber
Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes by Edith Hamilton
Shelter by Lloyd Kahn*
The Children of Men by P.D. James
D'aulaire's Book of Greek Myths
The Whimsical Christian by Dorothy L. Sayers*
The Poetic Edda
Solzhenitsyn: a Soul in Exile by Joseph Pearce*
The Spitfire Grill video
Babette's Feast video
Abba Pater CD by Pope John Paul II*
Missa Luba CD by Muungano National Choir of Kenya*
Chant Corse: Manuscrits Franciscans CD by Marcel Peres*
Divine Rites CD by Vox*
John Michael Talbot Collection 2 CDs by John Michael Talbot*
Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom CD arranged by Tchaikovsky*
Feather on the Breath of God CD composed by St. Hildegard of Bingen*

Christianity and Catholicism

The Best Things in Life by Peter Kreeft*
The Mystery of the Incarnation by Christoph Schönborn*
On the Incarnation by Saint Athanasius of Alexandria*
From Death to Life by Christoph Schönborn*
Back to Virtue by Peter Kreeft*
Chance or the Dance? by Thomas Howard*
Christ the Tiger by Thomas Howard*
Why Do Catholics Do That? by Kevin Orlin Johnson*
The Mystery of Christ in You: the Mystical Vision of Saint Paul by George Maloney*
God's Community of Love: Living With the Indwelling Trinity by George Maloney*
Called to Intimacy: Living in the Indwelling Presence by George Maloney*

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