On Tolkien and his works

Lord of the Rings: A Catholic View by Charles Coulombe - essay on specifically Catholic elements in LOTR, both cultural and doctrinal
How Hobbits and Company Might Really Exist by Michael Healy - from the University Concourse of Franciscan University of Steubenville; a related article on the possibility of alien races may be found at the Saints Clement & Maximus Christian Platonism page.
God, Man, Hobbits & Tolkien by Terry Mattingly
Romantic & Imaginative Theology - Dave Armstrong's page includes Tolkien links


Letter to Artists by Pope John Paul II - "Through his 'artistic creativity' man appears more than ever 'in the image of God'....In a certain sense, beauty is the visible form of the good, just as the good is the metaphysical condition of beauty."
St. Austin Review
Second Spring: A Journal of Faith & Culture
University of Oxford
The Bewitching Charms of Neo-Paganism by Loren Wilkinson - a Christian look at the pros and cons of the neo-pagan movement
Opinion: The Politics of Architecture by Peter Kreeft - traditionalist/radical agreement
Is There Such a Thing as "Mere Christianity"? by Peter Kreeft - a trialogue with C.S. Lewis, Martin Luther, and Thomas Aquinas
Legends - etexts of fairy stories collected by the bros. Grimm, Andersen, Lang, etc.
Shakespeare Scholars Say the Bard was...Catholic? by Paul Burnell - an article exploring the intriguing possibility
Interview with Joseph Pearce about Chesterton by Ronald McCloskey
Articles on Catholic Literature

Friends of Gazing Upon Everlasting Day

Christ the Eternal Tao
Sts. Clement & Maximus Christian Platonism
