For the Sony PlayStation. Released in North America in September of 1998

Parasite Eve

On Christmas Eve an opera production goes bad, turning a peaceful night at Carnegie Hall into a six-day nightmare. NYPD detective Aya Brea takes up arms in a battle against the worst foe...that which lies within the self.

[ Disc 1 | Disc 2 ]

Disc 1


Primal Eyes | 2 | 3 | -- This is the music heard before the title screen comes up, when you first turn the game on.
Waiting for Something Awakens -- Opening theme, heard when you begin a new game.


Melissa turns in shock as her co-actors burst into flames.

Overture -- Heard during the opera scene.
Se Il Mio Amore Sta Vincino -- Music heard when the actress sings in the opera scene (lyrics and translation coming soon).
Memory I -- Music heard when Aya has her first couple of flashbacks to the hospital.
Gloom and Doom -- Heard in the basement of Carnegie Hall.
Theme of Mitochondoria -- Heard whenever you learn something about mitochondria (e.g. talking to Dr. Klamp for the first time), also when you witness a rat mutating and while Aya talks to a reporter during the press conference.
Sotto Voce -- Music heard when you're reading Melissa's diary.
Arise within You | 2 | 3 | -- Parasite Eve's battle theme.
Main Theme (Piano) -- Unmutated Eve plays this song in the rehearsal room of Carnegie Hall just before you confront her for the second time.
The Surface of the Water -- Heard in the sewers beneath Carnegie Hall.
Memorize of "Aya and Eve" -- Heard during the narrative at the end of Day 1.


Out of Phase -- Background music of the NYPD's 17th Precinct, also heard in Soho.
Urban Noise -- Music heard on the map screen.
Mystery Notes -- Music heard first in Central Park after Eve's performance.
Influence of Deep -- Music heard whenever fighting Melissa/Eve
Aya looks around, dazed, as a flaming carriage pulls her out of Central Park. Phrase of Aya -- Sounds remarkably similar to "Theme of Aya", except it's faster.


Phase of Mitochondoria -- Heard in a few scenes, mainly the one in which Aya looks at Eve's cells under the microscope.
Theme of Aya -- Heard when Aya looks at her own cells under the microscope.
Under the Progress -- Heard in NYPD #17 during "red alert" situations, mainly when Eve causes mutations in the precinct and Sheeva goes berserk.
Plosive Attack -- Heard during most ordinary boss battles, also during the final part of chasing after Sheeva in the police station and during the FMV of Aya parachuting down to the final battle with Eve.
Missing Perspective -- Music heard during the first section of Central Park, before Eve sings. Also heard in St. Francis' Hospital after turning the power on.
Memory II -- Music heard during the memory that Eve gives to Aya after the flaming carriage ride.
Force Trail -- Music heard while Daniel and Aya are high-tailing it to Central Park to stop Eve before something bad happens. They don't make it, though! (she says cheerfully).
Phrase of Eve -- I don't think it's heard anywhere, it's just the solo voice of Melissa singing "Se Il Mio Amore Sta Vincino" without accompaniment. Or words.
Memory III -- Even more flashback music.

Disc 2


Matrix -- Heard in Chinatown (and perhaps in the Warehouse, but I'm not sure). Also when Daniel finds Ben and Lorraine's names on Dr. Klamp's computer.
The Omission of the World -- AWESOME music heard in the subways of the city.
Wheel of Fortune -- Heard in the American Museum of Natural History.
Kyrie -- Heard during Eve's singing in Central Park.
Across the View -- Perhaps the helicopter music?
Femmes Fatales -- Music heard during the final battle with Eve.

Eve motions for you to be silent.


A Piece of Remain -- Music heard on the Navy's aircraft carrier.
Musica Mundana -- Heard during the emergence ofthe Ultimate Being from the water.
U.B. -- Music heard when fighting the Ultimate Being.
Escape from U.B. -- When you're RUN! RUN! RUN!ning from the Ultimate Being ("he's not dead, he's resting!). I really hate this song. You know why? Because instead of being hyper and fast-paced to echo your own pace, it it steady and inexorable and and not at all encouraging! It's like the music itself is on the U.B.'s side!
Main Theme -- Heard during the normal game's credits.


Theme of Aya [Reprise] -- Heard in Carnegie Hall, after the death of the Ultimate Being.
I Hear a Voice Asking Me to Wake -- Music heard during the credits.
Somnia Memorias -- Song heard after "I Hear a Voice Asking Me to Wake". (Lyrics and translation coming soon).

And Other Days

Consensus -- ??
Someone calls me...Someone looks for me... -- ??

Bonus Tracks

Se il Mio Amore Sta Vincino (with a real vocalist)
Influence of Deep (also with a real vocalist)

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