Last modified on January 11, 2005

Peace to everyone!
This web site does have a lot of original poetry. However, it also contains a great, ascii art, animated ascii art, chat, links, poem reading, dragon links, family pics, Kool-Aid info, Harry Potter TCG, and just stuff about me.

**I want you to know that my poems may be read and shared
as long as my name is credited to them. You may not use my
poems for profit without my written consent.
(Sorry to get serious on you, but this has to be here.)

Oh, and by the way, Led Zeppelin said it best:

Mmmm, I'm telling you now,
the greatest thing you ever can do now,
is trade a smile with someone who's blue now,
it's very easy, just.

Click the pic for the best Led Zeppelin links on the net! Thanks Buckeye!

    Updated 08/21/00                       Updated 12/31/97                 Updated 09/16/04

Click dancing Hobbs to see my daughter!

Click Calvin, the barefoot, sunglasses sporting, pajama wearing,
dancing maniac, to see my pics and info.
I used Calvin because he's acting, like I feel!

If you would like to hear my voice, I'll read you one of my poems.
Just click the sound button and wait for it to load.
Updated January 5, 1998, "I Saw the Color"

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Have you ever seen ASCII art animated?
This is what it looks like. So click the gold button already! *S*
Or CLICK HERE FIRST to go see what ASCII ART looks like to begin with!
Click here to see where I learned to make them animated...
llizard aka ejm

Click me to see DRAGON links!

The last quiz was of the 'best of' type. I took the best questions from the previous three quizzes to come up with the fourth. DA QUIZ! is no longer an activity for participating, but I left the answer pages due to their interesting nature.

Look at the responses to the last DA QUIZ!


Are you as addicted the HARRY POTTER books as I am? Do you always wish there was just a little more out there to feed your Harry Potter need?
If you answered yes, you need to take a look at this...

This is the BEST place for Harry Potter TCG!!!
Pojo's Harry Potter
Go there and check out the most extensive information on one of the most fun card games ever invented!
See the great Harry Potter Card Art! Plus, you can learn how to play ONLINE! They have a free league that anyone, of any age can join. It will give you a portal to meet and chat with other players. If you want to find players to play against online, this is the place--day or night. This site has many "step by step" type of instructions for beginners.

If you play any TCG (Trading Card Game), I'm sure PoJo has the info that will make you a better player even in your first visit to his site!

If you use MIRC Chat Client,
(which you can download at
and would like a detailed
quick reference guide for your browser,
MIRC Sevices & Codes Index
try the one I made here! Hey, it's FREE!

It makes me thirsty!Fill it up already!
Well, those pics tell it all! I've got all the Kool-Aid stuff that you can think of! It's hard to believe but people actually collect Kool-Aid. If you have old packages of Kool-Aid please email me and I may offer you something for it. This site has the Kool-Aid FAQ's, a graphic achive, links to the best Kool-Aid sites, The Kool-Aid Traders site, and my own personal list of goodies.

Send me E-mail.

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